Dream Theater

I agree. Awake is the best DT album overall, followed by Images and Words. I am now listening to 'The Mirror' :headbang: I haven't listened to this album forever, but whenever I do, I love it.
cant believe no ones mentioned..."THE SPIRIT CARIES ON"...!!!!.......its got teh best melody adn teh best Petrucci SOLO EVER...!!!!........u must listen to that song...also Through her eyes, Silent man, erotomania, hollow years, overture 1928 , PEAC EOUT
apc have some good songs. but they seem to be a little too pretentious at times, trying to be highbrow but not quite making it either. dt are way too pretentious nowadays, too, but in a different way. now it's all about showing off with solos at the speed of light and not on composing songs that make sense. songs on the earlier albums tend to be better.
Not sure what it was about DT but I just couldn't get into them. Maybe I'll try again. :Smug:
Nobiss said:
Not sure what it was about DT but I just couldn't get into them. Maybe I'll try again. :Smug:

Probably their shitty singer.
If they had a decent vocalist this band would kick major arse. Right now they just kick slightly above mediocre arse.
GlassSandwich said:
Their singer is good. He can stay in key.

the problem is he goes way too high sometimes, and can get really, really annoying.

It doesnt happen all the time, but it happens a pretty good deal.
Powers said:
I'm trying to get into them because people seem to worship them, so i though i'd make the effort and ask their self confessed, biggest fanboy. Tubbs, (or anyone), recommend me their 5 best songs, or 10 if you can't narrow it down.

And, you know...have a general DT discussion if you want, it's out of my hands now.

Metropolis Part 1
Caught In A Web (Definitely)
The Mirror
Pull Me Under
Only A Matter Of Time
A Change Of Seasons
In The Name Of God
Hell's Kitchen
Beyond This Life
One Last Time
The Spirit Carries On
Lines In The Sand

I had to pick 15, 10 is not enough.

But why did you have to make this thread? :cry: You know I'm probably going to complain about someone's remark and then start another stupid flame war. :(