to be honest, i think unless you actually know the guy properly, you can't really judge him. I get annoyed when people talk shit about bands i know, guys that i know are complete sweethearts, yet people meet them for five minutes and talk shit about them... i really should know better and therefore i take back my remarks and change them to 'he gave me a dirty look which rather annoyed me but i never spoke to him so i don't know'
and he does indeed have a weird face.... and yet he's still pretty...
haha people just keep telling me i always look tired... then again most of the time i am so i can't blame them
as for off topic? come on, look at who's involved, of course it went off topic!
back on topic though (i know, shocking isn't it) well sort of, i had a very bizarre dream last night, that my brother and his fiance had a baby, an absolutely gorgeous little baby girl, it seemed so real... I want more babies in the family!