Drums or guitar?

o_O metal can't be soft..:S metal is metal, rock is rock, rap is rap does rock sounds like bethoveen?

yes, metal bands can do instrumental songs, but when it's always too soft, it's not supposed to be called metal

so therefore if Wintersun plays Death and the Healing it's not a metal song because it's softer?

Death's Voice of the Soul can't be called a metal song because it's a slower instrumental?
Those band, I bet you listen to all of them :p

Advent, Aeon, Animosity, Anorexia Nervosa, ArsisSuck, At The Gates, Braindrill, Cadaveryne, Carcass, De Lirium’s Order, Deadborn, Death, Decapitated, Decrepit Birth, Demilich, Devilyn, Dies Irae, Disavowed, Disincarnate, Electro Quarterstaff, Eternal Lord, Hate, Hypocrisy, Krisiun, Kronos, Lost Soul, Mabus, Martyr, Matriden, Necrophagist, Nile, Odious Mortem, On Solid Ground, Ophiolatry, Origin, Psycroptic, Putrid Pile, Quo Vadis, Scal The Summit, Skinless, Spawn Of Possession, Stigmatized, Suffocation, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Faceless, The Red Chord, The Red Death, Trepalium, Viatrophy, Vile, Visceral Bleeding, Vital Remains, Volturyon, Whitechapel... etc

No I don't listen to all of them, actually, most of these bands fucking suck. And erm... I was talking about death metal. Suffocation, Krisiun, Black Dahlia Murder, Putrid Pile and Death for example aren't death metal as far as I know.

In Flames? i mean the old In Flames
no I hate this band lol

I thought you said you listen to good death metal. Old In Flames is probably the best death metal ever made. You suck.

I know these bands..it's more black huh. In black metal keyboards are good :S but I don't like those bands..
Black metal = metal. Didn't you say keyboards in metal sound "homo"? Lol.
I don't understand how people are that affected when someone say that something is shit :lol:

ok go give me your list

I can pwns 95% of metalheads with what I listen. My knowledge is good now. So if someone say that I listen shit and that I don,t know good bands, they have their faces in their asses.

There is no such thing as "pwning" someone with bands. What you like, might be shit to others, and the other way around. You say you know many many bands, but you actually know more than 1 album from any of them? To be honest, I think you're fake as fuck, the kind of person who says he/she listens to metal because that appears to be cool and awesome and stuff, or to get friends.
To answer to some people, I seriously wouldn't care whether there are too many guitarists/too many drummers/too many-anything... I just say that one should play what he/she likes more.
There's really no point in choosing to play an instrument deciding only after considering how many people play a certain instrument... it'd be useless for playing an instrument and making music should be a joy/pleasure and if one chooses something without totally liking it then it's like fu**ing everything up from the start.

Anyway, to answer to the thread title, I'd personally choose guitar. :)
this thread
so therefore if Wintersun plays Death and the Healing it's not a metal song because it's softer?

Death's Voice of the Soul can't be called a metal song because it's a slower instrumental?

No, even if it's softer, we know that it's metal.. it's not all their songs who sounds like that! I think if this forum would be in french, all of you could understand what I mean argh.
If this forum would be french id kill myself for being french

EDIT: Also, wtf? Keyboards are anything but "homo", thats really the most retarded thing i heared this week. And the pwning too, its all about taste.. knowing much bands doesnt make you any better than someone else. If someone can enjoy music made by only a few bands, than thats alot better than someone who NEEDS to know more bands than other people so he/she's cooler
There is no such thing as "pwning" someone with bands. What you like, might be shit to others, and the other way around. You say you know many many bands, but you actually know more than 1 album from any of them? To be honest, I think you're fake as fuck, the kind of person who says he/she listens to metal because that appears to be cool and awesome and stuff, or to get friends.

1, you don't know me in real life. SO you can't say that I want to make friends with my music taste hahaha Anyway I have enough friends in my life, and I say to tall of them that they listen a lot of shitty metal bands, but they like me anyway.
2, I know that I listen to good stuff.
3, I don't stay all day long on this forum, I have a life
4, I know who I am, and I know that I listen a lot of good stuff
5, it's just funny people who think they are cool because they listen to shitty thrash metal or shit like that
6, You were the first to insult me on this forum
7, when I know something, I am proud of it, but I do my bitch only for my music knowledges, because music is very important in my life and I listen to it excessively everyday, I can't walk and take the bus without my iPod
8, I am good in arts but I will never say: ''I am the best, I draw very well'' ''ooh you're so bad in arts'' ''you draw like shit''.. A canvas can be ugly for someone, and beautiful for another person. But when a band sounds like shit, ang doesnt give emotions or thoughts, this bands is shit. So yea, even if I have A LOT of knowledges in arts, no I will never say that, but in metal music tastes, yes because it's TRUE that the majority of metalheads listen a lot of shitty bands.
9, and the bands that I listen are all good, you don't have good taste if you don't like Nile, Decapitated, Windir (known bands) etc
10, I have 155+ complete albums of the bands I listen, and I just forgot to listen like 6 albums, because I have too many. I didn't say that I listen more bands than anyone, but I listen A LOT of good music, in th good stuff I know for the moment. I discover bands everyday, and it's a passion.

so calm down your *** ass
If this forum would be french id kill myself for being french

EDIT: Also, wtf? Keyboards are anything but "homo", thats really the most retarded thing i heared this week. And the pwning too, its all about taste.. knowing much bands doesnt make you any better than someone else. If someone can enjoy music made by only a few bands, than thats alot better than someone who NEEDS to know more bands than other people so he/she's cooler

I don't say that I know 76463645374635453453 bands! I say that I listen a lot of good music. I listened to all albums of all bands that I listen.
1, you don't know me in real life. SO you can't say that I want to make friends with my music taste hahaha Anyway I have enough friends in my life, and I say to tall of them that they listen a lot of shitty metal bands, but they like me anyway.
2, I know that I listen to good stuff.
3, I don't stay all day long on this forum, I have a life
4, I know who I am, and I know that I listen a lot of good stuff
5, it's just funny people who think they are cool because they listen to shitty thrash metal or shit like that
6, You were the first to insult me on this forum
7, when I know something, I am proud of it, but I do my bitch only for my music knowledges, because music is very important in my life and I listen to it excessively everyday, I can't walk and take the bus without my iPod
8, I am good in arts but I will never say: ''I am the best, I draw very well'' ''ooh you're so bad in arts'' ''you draw like shit''.. A canvas can be ugly for someone, and beautiful for another person. But when a band sounds like shit, ang doesnt give emotions or thoughts, this bands is shit. So yea, even if I have A LOT of knowledges in arts, no I will never say that, but in metal music tastes, yes because it's TRUE that the majority of metalheads listen a lot of shitty bands.
9, and the bands that I listen are all good, you don't have good taste if you don't like Nile, Decapitated, Windir (known bands) etc
10, I have 155+ complete albums of the bands I listen, and I just forgot to listen like 6 albums, because I have too many. I didn't say that I listen more bands than anyone, but I listen A LOT of good music, in th good stuff I know for the moment. I discover bands everyday, and it's a passion.

so calm down your *** ass

What the hell?

"The bands i like ARE good"
"you don't have good taste if you don't like Nile, Decapitated, Windir (known bands) etc"
"it's just funny people who think they are cool because they listen to shitty thrash metal or shit like that"

not to be controversial but isn't it close minded to believe that there is such a thing as 'GOOD MUSIC' which is absolute, applies to everyone and is decided by you?
Look, my drum teacher (who is pretty good and play for 35 years) and I had a huuuge discussion about music, and he explained me what was good music. For example, he likes Aerosmith and rock like that, ok I don't like it, but the musicians know how to play and to give emotions in their songs. I will not explain it, I don't have time but anyway

what I like in metal, it's when it's structured with chorus, solos, when it's brutal and sometimes melodic and when it has blast beat and break down..etc

he will teach me a song of All Shall Perish, he said that they are pretty good but he just doesnt like the vocals, because it screams, but he likes their music.. and he knows for sure what is good music.