J-Dubya 777
It NEVER ends
Am i the only who thinks that Sx dont need DT´s help in order to promote their music?
Does a high level band like Sx deserve to be support of DT?
Are you out of your mind?!! The DT tour will do for SY-X what the Gigantour did for them. Did Sy-X need to be on Gigantour with a bunch of shit (IMO!) bands (Megadeth, Nevermore, & DT excluded)? Great exposure for them to do the DT tour. DT will draw large numbers of music fans to their show, More people = the opportunity to sell more merch, sell more cds, etc etc. Never forget the business end of the big picture. If the record companies don't make $'s on a tour, they can't afford to send the bands on more, bigger, longer tours. After 4-5 years without a studio release, this is a PERFECT opportunity to build back SY-X momentum.
Do they deserve to be DT's openers? Best openers I can think of, unless you want a semi-DT clone band. Co-headlining would be great, but I'm sure EVERYBODY involved with the band at all levels would be kicking themselves in their collective nut-sack if they passed on this offer.
I'm still trying to figure out if you're just trying to stir up the shit here.