DVD - sorry, not so good now.

im sure they played better live when i saw them in brisbane, but maybe im sorta biased hehe. I was worried that the dvd would show how boring they really are and I was right haha, I still love the doco, dont get me wrong, fuck martin mendez has a big head!!!, doesnt fit the rest of his body. As a guitar player whose biggest influence at the moment is opeth, the live footage is unbelievably invaluble. Steve wilson is a faggot, when is mikael gonna stop sucking his cock. And yes, i cringe also everytime during the damnation set when that fat cunt with the glasses does the horns and headbangs. Yes, we really shouldnt complain, imagine a world without an opeth dvd.
morbidtism said:
im sure they played better live when i saw them in brisbane, but maybe im sorta biased hehe. I was worried that the dvd would show how boring they really are and I was right haha, I still love the doco, dont get me wrong, fuck martin mendez has a big head!!!, doesnt fit the rest of his body. As a guitar player whose biggest influence at the moment is opeth, the live footage is unbelievably invaluble. Steve wilson is a faggot, when is mikael gonna stop sucking his cock. And yes, i cringe also everytime during the damnation set when that fat cunt with the glasses does the horns and headbangs. Yes, we really shouldnt complain, imagine a world without an opeth dvd.

I more or less agree with everything here. I like Steven Wilson and his music but I agree Mike should stop sucking his dick and make the music how he wants it. On the documentary they were worried whether Steve would have slagged them off listening to their music! Why should they give a shit what he thinks! A great musician but bit of a control freak. But look at what music im listening to at the moment
I bought the DVD because I'm an Opeth fanboy and I expected to enjoy the heavy set more than I do.
And no one from Jethro Tull had a sex change, it was a guy called David Palmer that used to arrange the orchestras for some of the albums - he's not a member of the band.
Oh and Kevy what the hell? I would like to see Maiden's label telling them not to play The Trooper first. Opeth simply COULDN'T play the older songs. Either you're not seeing the facts here or you're just ignorant.

Listen, i'm not ignorant. when I heared about this show it was billed as a 2 set show. Yes, maybe they took a break in the middle but this does not constitute two sets. To my mind having seen Opeth before, thier sets last 1 and a half hours.
I immediatly bought a ticket, booked my flight and everything else that goes with it. Then a couple of days later i'ts posted on the site that there will be only songs from the last three albums performed, I was gutted. I decided to go to the gig anyway on the strength that it was probably the only oppurtunity that I would ever have to see Damnation perfomed.
The whole thing was a fucking nightmare, you have no idea how much effort I put into seeing that show, I went hungry in London for 3 days just to see the band. and I think if i'm not happy with the end result I have every fucking right to say so.

I'm also aware that i'ts not Opeth's fault that the setlist turned out the way it did but they could have made an effort to play more than one song that hadn't been performed before, something like Blackwater Park, Wreath or even By the Pain I see in others would have made that heavy set a million times better.

On top of all this, they played a pretty rough gig, i don't know if you have noticed before but what the fuck happened in the middle of Masters Apprentices? And as for Mikael's stupid fucking faces and comments the whole way through. Fuck Off. This was all for the camera. The Last time I saw opeth it was all very cool, Mikael was very laid back and the band hit every note. And as for Per's backing vocals...forget about it, not to mention the piano bit of A Fair Judgement, dire.
I could go on and on but I won't because I am still a huge fan of this band and i can't wait to see what they do in the future, i just hope they get off this path and back to doing what they do best...be a metal band.
Wreath,Blackwater Park and By The Pain I See In Others,plus not being rehearsed at all before,wouldn't be equally as good as any of those songs in the heavy set in my opinion...well maybe By The Pain I See In Others,but I dunno.

Yet again,wtf? The piano intro is a part of A Fair Judgement and I think it was great...same goes for Per's backing vocals.
Obviously it was easy to see that Mikael was nervous,as he stated too,but I liked his behavior on the DVD...I hardly ever say this,but give the band a fucking rest and be less of a fanboy. Most of these things you mentioned are purely opinions but if the faces the band members make and a piano intro ruin it for you,too fucking bad.

I'm sorry your trip to London was hard with the meals and all,but it's not Opeth's fault.
Your previous post about Maiden still doesn't make sense.
Everyone who bought the DVD knew EXACTLY what they were getting... a somewhat dissapointing yet thouroughly enjoyable DVD concert + doco. I dont see the point selling the DVD... its not like you got it to watch it every day and get blown away each and every time, its just another addition to the music DVD collection.
You ppl piss me off:p, I dont even have a dvd player, I've never seen Opeth live, I have some miserable quality bootlegs on my computer, and you complain about the OPETH DVD:/ I would see it 86598664 times If I had it.
I'm in pain whenever I see the topics related to "Lamentatnions" DVD.....:((((
I think it's good, although there are some really gay moments. Like when Mikael is naming the song they're going to play next by saying this: De...li...ver..ance...

Very gay. And the crowd is full of annoying trendfags, of course they all go crazy with the song Harvest. Idiots.
ShroudOfDusk said:
I dont see the point selling the DVD... its not like you got it to watch it every day and get blown away each and every time, its just another addition to the music DVD collection.
Well, that's where you're wrong - every time I watch the Jethro Tull "Living With Thte Past", or Judas Priest's "Live In London" or Lynrd Skyrd's "Freebird The Movie" DVD I AM blown away. A band with such a great back catalogue as Opeth should be blowing me away each time I watch the DVD and they don't - they send me to sleep for most of frankly. So, I'll sell the DVD and buy something I find more enjoyable, like a fucking crate of beer! :loco:
I love the DVD. I am a true Opeth fan, and the quality of the sound on my 5.1 system at home is awesome. I can sit back and watch Opeth when I want. The Drapery Falls, Deliverance, Closure, Windowpane.... personally, I think they did a wonderful job with the DVD. And not all bands put out a concert DVD, especially one with the quality of this one, so I'm just glad Opeth did it.
They aren't allowed to promote any material from pre BWP because the record label they are on now (KOCH Records) will not allow it, so we're stuck with BTP, Deliverence and Damnation, nothing we can do about it.
Wow i really don´t get why ppl are bashing other Opeth fans for being critic towards the dvd after all it is the first and maybe only dvd they will release. And if someone is discontent with the lack of heavy songs or the setlist or just in general the setlist as it is then what´s the fucking problem. I mean I don´t mind the Damnation part of the dvd I think it´s great but if this is all they release live then i´d sure as hell would have prefered a 2 hour heavy mixed set representing all their albums instead.
I like the dvd. I think that most dvds/videos are meant for the long time fan. Of the thousands of bands I have listened to in my many years of being a metal fan, I usually don't introduce myself to a band thru their live videos/ or in this case, a dvd.
Right Mr Niel, thanks for your words of wisdom dickhead. I wasn't bitching, I was stating my opinion if that's okay? The DVD's is up for sale, thanks for giving me your permission to sell it.
Saying Opeth discussion is pointless seems rather stupid, considering that's exactly what you're doing here, or are you too fucking stupid to realise that? Take off the headphones and stop trying to look hard in your pictures and maybe you'll start to be more open to the fact that people have OPINIONS.
Thank you, stupid.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Good point Kevy. Look, Opeth are a HEAVY band, Mikael even says so in the DVD. So why fill the DVD with their mellow stuff, stuff that isn't representative of the band? Sure, some diehard Opeth fans are going to like it, but many more aren't going to bother buying it due to the song selection.
I simply find it quite boring now - even the "heavy" songs aren't the heaviest they could have chosen, some of them are pretty fucking mellow too. The documentary DOES kick ass but I didn't buy it for that, I bought it to watch a great concert, and, while I'm sure it was if you were there, it simply drags on for me watching Mikael sing that dirge "Weakness", while fucking nob-ends in the crowd death grunt "OOOPPETH!! RROOOAARR!! *coff coff*" in the background.
Mikael only said that to not boost! They are not only a heavy band but also a fucking good rock band too!