Good Opeth DVD? Ever?


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
Okay, "Lamentations" was fucking boring, I sold my copy on eBay two weeks after wasting money on it. Like Mikael says on it, Opeth are a heavy band (*cough*).
So why force this mellow crap on us?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, apparently it's because of a label change or some shite like that, so does that mean we will NEVER, EVER (ever) get a DVD with live versions of "Demon Of The Fall" etc on it? For fuck sake, why play all of "Damnation"? It's just boring and totally unrepresentative of the band. At least play the fucking "Deliverance" album!!
Would Nile fans buy a DVD of "Saurian Mediation" if it came out under the Nile name? Maybe. Would they be happy if classic tracks like "Unas" were missing? Don't be fucking daft!
Mikael, get it sorted mate - give us a good, HEAVY, live performance.

Oh, BTW, if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about - buy the new DVD "Night of the Apocalypse" by the mighty VADER - it's utterly fantastic, just like I'd hoped "Lamentations" would be.
See i know your trying to make a point, its just that i dont know what the fuck it is..... i dont think i care either...wait "Fortress of Arrogance" now i get it.
Ha ha, yeah sorry. I didn't think Opeth fans would be as stupid as you clearly are. Here it is for the idiots (like you) -
"Will Opeth ever release a DVD with ALL their back catalogue (and recent material) on it, instead of just the later stuff?"
How's that Cleitus, I M34N Nuk3M?
you'd be wanting to talk to the label opeth end up on, not the band it self then. they'll be the ones buying the rights to the older material so they can record it and redistribute it (they can play the tracks live of course, just not record them). why don't you think it happened last time? either the original labels wanted too much for those rights or the last label they were on were penny pinchers. am i right? let's just hope that whoever they end up with this time is more benevolent.
Well, yeah. That's what I'm asking. But look at a band like Vader (please do, they're fucking great!) - they've released TWO DVD's and both have all their material on them despite them having a variety of different labels over the years. So why is it Opeth have to release a DVD full of "Damnation"? Seems wrong to me I'm afraid - I don't think it can all be blamed on the label....
Any website selling the DVD will tell you that a large majority of the songs are off "Damnation". If you don't want a DVD with mostly "mellow" songs on it, don't buy it and complain about it after knowing what would be on it, unless you didn't research to see what songs were on it. What am I saying? Of course you know what the tracklist would be. :err:
Stormwatch said:
So why is it Opeth have to release a DVD full of "Damnation"? Seems wrong to me I'm afraid - I don't think it can all be blamed on the label....
has it ever occured you that perhaps a label that only has 2 albums by an artist under it's belt (i think it's two, right?) and most importantly, particularily when they are touring the material (the dvd was recorded in one the first d2 gigs of the tour yes?) would want some current merchandise that they can use and sell (they're all about making money you see) without the overheads associated with buying the rights to previous releases? we may see a release of opeth's previous releases under a new label (a petition once they get resigned might not be such a bad idea) but it won't happen when the band is touring in support of a current album.
They're promoting the new catalogue. The label are more under obligation to sate their own interests than indulge the fanbase. Maybe now that the fuckers don't exist, we'll see a label that can give Opeth more freedom.
Stormwatch said:
Ha ha, yeah sorry. I didn't think Opeth fans would be as stupid as you clearly are. Here it is for the idiots (like you) -
"Will Opeth ever release a DVD with ALL their back catalogue (and recent material) on it, instead of just the later stuff?"
How's that Cleitus, I M34N Nuk3M?

Ah in that case, the bands last album didn’t want to promote anything other then their product. They didn’t buy the rights to great songs like "Demon of the Fall" which is why it isn’t on the DVD but they did play it at the end of that gig in actual fact. Why would a business promote goods that is not theirs to profit from?

I thought it was pretty obvious what was going to be on the DVD and maybe you should research like someone above said next time so you don’t waste your money on "crap" and in doing so you wont burden this forum with your "crap"

Maybe these sort of questions are better shot at their future label, who ever they may be.

Moonlapse said:
They're promoting the new catalogue. The label are more under obligation to sate their own interests than indulge the fanbase. Maybe now that the fuckers don't exist, we'll see a label that can give Opeth more freedom.

We can only hope. And maybe supply a studio without 'Musicallasous' producers :p
I think to say that damnation is "just boring and totally unrepresentative of the band" is unfair.

Not that its any news, but Opeth have always had the acoustic/clean vocal passages, and it's well documented that Mikael is a prog fanatic. They made they wanted to, you have to respect that. You don't have to like it.

But I agree that a DVD of the songs off the older albums would be great. In fact, i'd like to see a DVD of My Arms, Your Hearse in it's entirety :D
Opeth have released 3 albums under MFN, and the show was towards the end of the d2 tour i think, but still - its their latest album, and thats what they are going to promote.

If you dont like it, dont buy it. But then dont come whining on here that you dont like it.

But i do agree a DVD of all their old stuff would rock.
Damnation kicks ass. I don't know why people complain about it. Just because its not bludgeoning you with a musical baseball bat doesn't mean its not good.

God dammit.
PoS said:
has it ever occured you that perhaps a label that only has 2 albums by an artist under it's belt (i think it's two, right?) and most importantly, particularily when they are touring the material (the dvd was recorded in one the first d2 gigs of the tour yes?) would want some current merchandise that they can use and sell (they're all about making money you see) without the overheads associated with buying the rights to previous releases? we may see a release of opeth's previous releases under a new label (a petition once they get resigned might not be such a bad idea) but it won't happen when the band is touring in support of a current album.
a breath of fresh air! It's nice to see someone who makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
I don't complain about Lamentations. I'm fully happy with it. However, I would love a totally heavy 3-hour-long double DVD!
why you would buy a dvd without at least glancing at the songs listed is beyond me...and the issue of the whole back-catalog rights and whatnot has been discussed several times, so if you don't have it figured out by now don't come bitching to us about it. cuz we totally know when they're gonna release a dvd with everything on it, i mean c'mon it's all we talk about, right Cleitus? er, Stormwatch?
Any website selling the DVD will tell you that a large majority of the songs are off "Damnation". If you don't want a DVD with mostly "mellow" songs on it, don't buy it and complain about it after knowing what would be on it, unless you didn't research to see what songs were on it. What am I saying? Of course you know what the tracklist would be.

if he was only smart enough...


i love Lamentations, Damnation in its entirety is awesome in my opinion, and i love the heavy set as well, and if they couldn't take any songs before Blackwater Park for this, then oh well, the songs they did play i love as well anyway, so it's all cool to me