Good Opeth DVD? Ever?

You're pathetic. It's not "mellow crap," it is Opeth but I guess you're too close-minded to be able to enjoy it because it's not br00tal enough. Besides, there is a tracklist on the box; you didn't have to buy it and then complain how they didn't play Demon of the Fall \m/
What a bunch of wankers now post in here. Go back to sucking Mikael's cock. Fuck, was it only a year ago that there were REAL people posting in here?
I assume if Opeth release a DVD of all their old heavier stuff you guys wont be interested because you all wank off over "Lamentations" every night?
The FACT is, Opeth are a heavy band, perhaps they should release a HEAVY DVD to cater for the vast majority of their fucking fans, and not just you fanboys that seem to have infested this forum recently (apart from Moonlapse obviously, he's been here a while I recall).
Stormwatch said:
What a bunch of wankers now post in here. Go back to sucking Mikael's cock. Fuck, was it only a year ago that there were REAL people posting in here?
I assume if Opeth release a DVD of all their old heavier stuff you guys wont be interested because you all wank off over "Lamentations" every night?
The FACT is, Opeth are a heavy band, perhaps they should release a HEAVY DVD to cater for the vast majority of their fucking fans, and not just you fanboys that seem to have infested this forum recently (apart from Moonlapse obviously, he's been here a while I recall).

Everyone who has posted in this thread has pretty much said they feel a need for a heavy dvd or would buy one if it came out. If you hate this forum so much, which you have clearly stated, then fuck off. The last thing this forum needs is more negative shit and you seem to be bathing in the stuff and trying to splash it on us.

You come on here out of the blue and make generalisations about something youve spent 5 minutes looking at. Your just saying the same shit all the elitest guys say, fanboyism, blah blah blah, i are teh tr00 one because i are hating of anything that isnt brutal blah blah blah. WE HAVE ALL HEARD IT BEFORE, your bullshit isnt new to us and im sure we've had enough.

Im sure the fact that he is our moderator was unknown to you :p but im pretty sure that Moonlapse doesnt like having grown men putting their lips on his ass so stop trying.

Over a fucking dvd seriously.....
Stormwatch said:
I assume if Opeth release a DVD of all their old heavier stuff you guys wont be interested because you all wank off over "Lamentations" every night?
no one ever said that...ya tit. the only reason people are gettin feisty is cos some people are raggin on damnation as an album. i personally would much rather have a dvd with the bands heavier content on it, but i perfectly understand the reasons why one has not been released to date. just cos i can't get my mitts on something of that calibre however does not make the damnation dvd crap.
Nuk3m said:
Your just saying the same shit all the elitest guys say, fanboyism, blah blah blah, i are teh tr00 one because i are hating of anything that isnt brutal blah blah blah....

Excuse me, where did I ever use language like that? You accuse me of saying the same shit as the all "elitist guys" then use the hilarious stereotype of a geek nerdboy who posts shit like "i are teh tr00 one". Shut up. And like I said before, look at my fucking avatar, stupid. Does that look like I only want to hear brutal stuff? Opeth aren't brutal anyway, so stop talking shit. I personally don't like "Damnation" overmuch, I don't think "Lamentations" is very good and my entire point was - I'd like to see an Opeth DVD which is JUST their heavy stuff, will it ever happen?
And no, I didn't know (an care even less) that Moonlapse was "your" mod, I simply remember he's posted in here for ages.
Stormwatch, your complaining about not having demon of the fall, and or other "heavy" songs of opeth is all understood...many here would have probably prefered an older tracklist to what was on the DVD, but i think many people here also love the material on the DVD as well.

You dont really have a leg to stand on here however, first of all...opeth is not just a "heavy" band as you claimed...theyre heavy half the time, and softer half the time. Not to mention, half the DVD has a heavy setlist anyway...granted its only from the last few albums.

I too would like to see Opeth have a heavy and older material dvd one day as well...but until it happens, your petulent outbursts of accusations and whining is pretty unecessary and childish. If you dont like who currently posts here, then dont come, but its getting very tiresome seeing people like you post primarily to bash people who have just as much (if not more, considering theyre contributing, not detracting) right to be here as you do.

Just take it easy, and compose yourself a bit before you start slinging shit in every direction without much point or purpose to your argument.

Stormwatch join date: May 2003.
Er, excuse me - I never started slinging shit, I reacted to people telling me to fuck off and not say bad things about Opeth. It's like the fucking Metallica forum in here - you're only entitled to an opinion if you're saying something good.
Opeth ARE primarily a heavy band, Mikael himself says so on the DVD. If you guys like the DVD fine - all I'm asking is whether there'll ever be a DVD full of their regular material. Is that such a hard question that people here have twisted it all over the place? I think I'm SO brutal apparently, while listening to "The Witches Promise" or "Songs From The Wood" by Jethro Tull (yeah, the avatar guys).
Oh BTW, I don't post here any more - last night was a one off because I'd been listening to BWP. I bet you if you check back here in a year you'll find that 95% of the current posters aren't here any more either. Opeth are like that for some reason (shit, I said something bad (if true) about Opeth!).
Stormwatch, continue to flash your Jethro Tull fanisms...but it doesnt impress me. Nor does it deter you from acting like a girl when whining about Opeth not playing enough heavy material on the DVD you could have checked the tracklisting of before buying it. The fact that you dont post here anymore will keep me from feeling the need to respond to your ludicrous posts and just leave it alone, go listen to Aqualung like youre the first person to ever hear it. wooooo :tickled:
Stormwatch, I won't say what you listen to sucks, in fact I really like Jethro Tull (even seen them live once), and they don't belong on this thread.

However, you're an ass. I won't waste my time thinking up a better comeback to your whining, since you're not worth my time.

The end.
Great, first you cunts tell me I'm a dick for wanting "brutal" stuff, then you tell me to shut up for liking Jethro Tull. Make your minds up.
Only one person seems to have the brain power to read the original question and reply to it in an intelligent manner, so cheers deliverance. The rest of you go back to your fantasy world where Opeth get no criticism. Call me when you grow up.
You're making it sound like we speak as a collective whole or something. What sort of responses do you expect when you come here, actively attacking, not even validly criticising the DVD.

Okay, "Lamentations" was fucking boring, I sold my copy on eBay two weeks after wasting money on it. Like Mikael says on it, Opeth are a heavy band (*cough*).

They aren't all heavy, and have always been about the dynamic between soft/aggresive. When Mike says they are a heavy band, that's true, but that only holds true for their general label as a 'metal' band, and 'heavy' is generally what characterizes one. They are hardly comparable to Nile in that respect. What if he reffered to them as a 'soft' band? That would be true also, but when you hear the majority of the catalogue, you'd feel a bit cheated by the claim.

Having said that, where's the issue? They play a whole 'heavy' set right after the entirety of Damnation. Was it boring for you simply because the material was all post-Still Life?

So why force this mellow crap on us?

They wrote it, and the main aim was to promote Damnation alongside Deliverance. They aren't forcing anything.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, apparently it's because of a label change or some shite like that, so does that mean we will NEVER, EVER (ever) get a DVD with live versions of "Demon Of The Fall" etc on it? For fuck sake, why play all of "Damnation"? It's just boring and totally unrepresentative of the band. At least play the fucking "Deliverance" album!!

Depends on how their new label will handle things. Whether we will even see a second DVD is yet to be announced, much less what'll be on it. Damnation boring? Subjective. Totally unrepresentative of the band? Hardly. Those parts could easily have been put into Deliverance. They're the same kind of mellow parts we've been seeing from Opeth for years, except wrapped up in more standard song-structures, with some backing mellotron added. Along with that, they played 3 Deliverance tracks. 3/5 isn't exactly bad, especially since the last two spots were freed so that they could play tracks from Blackwater Park. You're essentially getting a heavy set that rivals the mellow set in length. I really don't understand what you're complaining about.

Mikael, get it sorted mate - give us a good, HEAVY, live performance.

I personally thought they gave one in the second set.

Oh, BTW, if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about - buy the new DVD "Night of the Apocalypse" by the mighty VADER - it's utterly fantastic, just like I'd hoped "Lamentations" would be.

Yes, how dare Mike not drop those guitars to Bb, trigger Lopez up, and do reinditions of all their classics at 240BPM. That's so damned uncharacteristic of him.