EMG 85 9v. vs. 18v shootout (and at a decent height this time)

Also, I cloned the modern red mode to the Orange channel (meaning, I had the top channel enabled, but both toggles on the back were in the left position),

not sure what you mean here. which toggles?

I think they both sound great! a is a bit thicker sounding to me, like others said, b seems to be less present in the midrange but a little cleaner sounding.
Thanks Liam! The toggles on the back are only on 2-channel Rectifiers, they did away with it on the 3-channels by giving them, well, 3-channels :D (and the mini-toggles for the voicing modes as well) You think A has more mids than B, though? Cuz I was kinda thinking the opposite...
A is better...and damn it, this guitar sound is very, very, very, very fucking great!!!

Thanks a ton Felix! I'm proud of it, but I still don't think it's perfect, arrrggghhh :lol: (though at least I feel the problems now are coming more from the guitar and/or pickup, I'm confident finally in how I have the amp tweaked and mic positioned!)
And after listening for the 9 billionth time, I still feel I prefer the tightness and focus of B! (AKA 9-volt)
Haha, well for one I prefer "B" in this case, but I dunno, it has a bit too much upper-mid emphasis for me (coming from the guitar), I prefer something a bit more "barky" in the lower mids - I'm gonna experiment with an EMG 81, maybe that'll help!
nice tone there Marcus. :)

I'd have to say B. bit less wuzzy. kinda makes me want a mesa instead of an engl. but i like the more sterile/aggro sounds i guess, lol.
Thanks dude! And yeah, Engl pretty much defines sterile I'd say (not necessarily a bad thing, but I love how Jens Bogren said the Savage was "for Japanese hospitals" :lol: ), and Rectifiers a raw bark that makes me wet myself :notworthy
Personally the only way I can stand emg's is with the 18 volt mod. The mod also gets rid of the clicky sound when you pick too hard. If you dont know what im talking about listen to trigger by in flames lol.
yeah, ahaha the hostpital analogy is great! crank one of those savage's in a emergency room and people shall be sterilized in no time! I've always wanted to adopt anyways.