
Only an elitist troll like you would actually say Anthems is a commercialized and sterilized rehash. If you had said that about IX Equilibrium i could vaguely see your point, but Anthems? ... Jesus, come out of the forests and take off the corpse paint you philistine.

Let's see, the basic approach to both albums was exactly the same, but Anthems... removed the dissonance and odd chord voicings that made In the Nightside Eclipse so internally complex (and relatively inaccessible), cleaned up the production values, pushed the keyboards further up in the mix, and introduced much more predictable and symmetrical rhythmic patterns across the board (riffing, percussion and vocals). By any reasonable measure, it's an aping of the outer form of the previous album in a much more commercially acceptable package. This isn't trolling, it's a recognition of the actual shape of reality. You might as well deny that the sky is blue.
I cant stand it when an artist or band gains success and thus makes more money, thus they have more time and money to spend on the recording of their next album which results in a cleaner more "accessible" album then there are always those who call that commercial. Like the artist or band came together and used that word... "hey guys, lets make a more commercial album next time, well get a better recording and we will get on the cover of (insert pop magazine name here)"

There is no way a band like Emperor make desicions like that. Nightside was a great album for that exact time in Emperor history. Then came an even better opportunity to focus on another album. And any recording artist can appreciat a good clean sound recorded well on high-end equipment. The finer details come out more and the entire opus is more open for the listener to dive inside.

So to you who say Anthems was commercial album from Emperor, go suck a nut! That album was just as amazing, hard, dark and epic (if not more) that Nightside.
I cant stand it when an artist or band gains success and thus makes more money, thus they have more time and money to spend on the recording of their next album which results in a cleaner more "accessible" album then there are always those who call that commercial. Like the artist or band came together and used that word... "hey guys, lets make a more commercial album next time, well get a better recording and we will get on the cover of (insert pop magazine name here)"

There is no way a band like Emperor make desicions like that. Nightside was a great album for that exact time in Emperor history. Then came an even better opportunity to focus on another album. And any recording artist can appreciat a good clean sound recorded well on high-end equipment. The finer details come out more and the entire opus is more open for the listener to dive inside.

So to you who say Anthems was commercial album from Emperor, go suck a nut! That album was just as amazing, hard, dark and epic (if not more) that Nightside.

Because, after all, there's absolutely nothing suspicious about a band dumbing down and rocking up their style on the heels of bands (Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth) who had done just that (taking Emperor's basic approach and making it more appealing to fans of traditional heavy metal and hard rock) enjoying substantial commercial breakouts?

In other news, would you be interested in this real bargain I've got on some beach front property in New Mexico?
Sorry buddy but Dimmu/Cradle case is waaaaay different than Emperors Anthems album. Dont even go there...

Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is remarkably similar to Dimmu Borgir's Stormblåst (though somewhat more technically accomplished), and it's obvious to anyone with ears that the commercial 'black metal' styles of both Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth were heavily influenced by Emperor's earlier material. In that context, it's foolish to discuss Emperor's choice to make a more commercially appealing version of their own style without at least acknowledging the fact that Stormblåst and Dusk... and Her Embrace had just enjoyed considerable commercial and mainstream critical success with music that was, in essence, a more accessible take on the Emperor sound.

Ultimately though, the motivations don't really matter. The reality on the ground is that Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is simply less adventurous, interesting, and significant in pretty much every way when compared with the band's classic works.
Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is remarkably similar to Dimmu Borgir's Stormblåst (though somewhat more technically accomplished), and it's obvious to anyone with ears that the commercial 'black metal' styles of both Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth were heavily influenced by Emperor's earlier material. In that context, it's foolish to discuss Emperor's choice to make a more commercially appealing version of their own style without at least acknowledging the fact that Stormblåst and Dusk... and Her Embrace had just enjoyed considerable commercial and mainstream critical success with music that was, in essence, a more accessible take on the Emperor sound.

Ultimately though, the motivations don't really matter. The reality on the ground is that Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is simply less adventurous, interesting, and significant in pretty much every way when compared with the band's classic works.

still awesome though.
I don't see a point in these foolish ramblings, and to compare Dimmu or Cradle to Emperor is foolishness, they are not even on the same level musicaly. Every Emperor album is different, none are like the others which makes them a band that progresses and tries new things each and every album. Because of these things, the words commercial and mainstream are void when mentioning Emperor, they obviously weren't trying to be an asskissing band. In fact Emperor broke up for the mere fact of getting rid of these people that think they know black metal, yet the only band they have heard of within the scene is Emperor.
I don't see a point in these foolish ramblings, and to compare Dimmu or Cradle to Emperor is foolishness, they are not even on the same level musicaly.

I pity da foo'. :lol:

Seriously, it's hilarious how people who wouldn't give Dimmu or Cradle the time of day continue to indignantly cling to the belief that Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is different in any meaningful way.

Every Emperor album is different, none are like the others which makes them a band that progresses and tries new things each and every album.

I think you've confused 'progress' with 'devolution.'

Because of these things, the words commercial and mainstream are void when mentioning Emperor

Because, as we know, it's not possible for a band to change by moving toward the commercial mainstream, now is it.

Appropos of nothing whatsoever...


And now, back to your regularly scheduled pwning...

they obviously weren't trying to be an asskissing band.

Enlighten us, chump. It is, after all, considerably less obvious to those of us who don't share your sexual affection for Ihsahn.

In fact Emperor broke up for the mere fact of getting rid of these people that think they know black metal, yet the only band they have heard of within the scene is Emperor.

Yeah, because, as we all know, what other people think of them is what motivates most successful, established bands.

Christ, but you're dumb.
SOG, your making comparison to Dimmu Cradle and METALLICA!!!! with the Anthems album. How blind are u? The subject is not so black and white. On your terms when a band decides to progress their sound, on a recording level, not with changing styles or wardrobe, you label them as going for the commercial side of music. I can guarantee that Emperor would of loved to enjoy the recording opportunities they received with Antems on their previous albums. I guarantee that if Emperor would of been offered a better studio, production and overall recording session for Nightside they would of taken it. And this does not make them commercial or sellout or whatever your rambling about.

a lot of the sellout/commercial arguing that goes around for bands is pretty stupid, sometimes it is a questionable fact but to argue that Anthems is a commercial release from Emperor, that is just sooooooo crazy.
I think you've confused 'progress' with 'devolution.'

And no one here is confusing progress of an artist except you. So if Emperor would of gone off to make another album that sounded like Nightside, that would of made you happy?? No way, as an artist I know, you strive to progress and that means never repeating a work but always questioning the last outing and challenging yourself to create something different. Anthems was exatcly that, more diversity, more complextity, more depth over all (mostly in sound production and style), and a whole new level for a band that will go in the history books as the band that was part of mastering the art of black metal.
SOG, your making comparison to Dimmu Cradle and METALLICA!!!! with the Anthems album. How blind are u?

Last I checked, you don't need to see to be able to listen to music, genius. I suppose I shouldn't expect too much for someone too intellectually lazy to bother to type two letters.

The subject is not so black and white.

You're the one with all the iron-clad definitives about what Emperor were 'trying' to do, what they 'would of [sic] loved' etc. I'm suggesting that there are inferences that can be made from the evidence that aren't all that flattering to the band.

On your terms when a band decides to progress their sound, on a recording level, not with changing styles or wardrobe, you label them as going for the commercial side of music.

Yeah, I mean, who could possibly think that a band that simplifies its style, moves the chick friendly instruments up to the top of the mix, introduces more accessible vocal styles, more consonant harmonies, and more nice, pleasantly predictable rhythmic patterns was aiming at increasing their appeal among fans of more mainstream music than black metal? How silly of me...

I can guarantee that Emperor would of loved to enjoy the recording opportunities they received with Antems on their previous albums.

They had those opportunities all along, and chose not to make use of them. I mean, you do realize that all of their earlier recordings were made in the same studio that Anthems... was recorded in, right? You know, with access to the exact same equipment?

I guarantee that if Emperor would of been offered a better studio, production and overall recording session for Nightside they would of taken it.

Which shows just how significant your 'guarantees' really are, now doesn't it?

a lot of the sellout/commercial arguing that goes around for bands is pretty stupid, sometimes it is a questionable fact but to argue that Anthems is a commercial release from Emperor, that is just sooooooo crazy.

Funny how long you are on assertions and short you are on evidence, eh?
Your comeback is to use frases like "chick friendly" and attack my choise of wording, oh man Im so not metal for using the word love... Real good man.

and yes they recorded the album in same studio, but the equipment was new and better plus their knowledge and experience was im sure much grander. And hmmmm why do you think the band re-released Nightside with a better sound quality later, some bands do that because that wasnt a choise for them while the actual album was recorded.

But hey I really like your choise of words better, "chick friendly" thats a good one, serious. Im sure that comment had everything to do with your appreciation of your opposite sex and nothing to do with that the only girlfriend youve had was the one you kept locked in your closet.

And hey dont forget that at the core Emperor is a metal band, black metal isnt some special entity that hovers above other music genres. So when Emperor decide to write a riff that isnt 300 mph then they are OBVIOUSLY just trying to appeal to Metallica fans or other lesser quality metal acts.