
I still cant believe SOG is illustrating his point of Emperor selling out with the case of Metallica in '95.

But since your pants are on so tight about the subject it must make it hard to enjoy anything when a simple things as a leading extreme metal band deciding to expand their sound a little ruins it for you. Must suck.
What is wrong with you, genius?

A comparison occurs when something is "compared", to "compare" is to note similarities, or even a singular similarity, like you just said yourself...

You can't have a comparison when one object is not compared to another. The mere fact that Metallica is mentioned in the same thread as Emperor does not constitute a comparison between the two. The context is obvious: Metallica is merely used as a means of illustrating the falsity of certain arguments being advanced about the nature of selling out. The partisans of Gimperor have chosen to (incorrectly) read that as a comparison of Emperor and Metallica precisely because they cannot adequately address the actual points the reference to Metallica raises. So, instead, you attack the strawman of a comparison that was never actually made. It's easier than actually addressing the real point (which they can't do, since they refuse to admit the obvious truth: later Emperor is fag music).

You were saying Emperor sold out, and you used Metallica to make a point about selling out, tell me how that is not noting a similarity?

'Sold out' is your phrase. 'Sold out' is your concern. I merely pointed out the incontrovertible fact that Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is significantly more commercial in its approach than In the Nightside Eclipse. The response of my opponents was two-fold (and didn't involve the obvious, pointing to elements that could be construed as less commercial than the previous album - of course, there are none, but that's beside the point):

1. Emperor couldn't have become more commercial because all of their albums are different. I suppose that the logic was that if a band always changes, then changes cannot possibly be construed as having a commercial logic, but the whole notion is obviously absurd, and I merely referenced Metallica to highlight the absurdity (and the invalidity) of the whole line of argument.

2. Emperor couldn't have made more commercial music because it's unlikely that anyone in the band consciously decided to make more commercial music. Again, it's an absurd argument, and one based on willfully ignoring how many bands end up making the music they make. Again, Metallica served as a means of illustrating the falsity of a particular argument, not as a model of Emperor's career.

Bottom line: the validity of the points I raised doesn't rest on any similarities between Metallica and Emperor. It rests on the fact that the career of Metallica proves just how wrong certain assumptions being advanced by the Gimperor fans really are.

So either drop the strawman argument or butt the fuck out.
we need people like Scourge of God on these forums so be easy on him and dont drive him away please...or piss him off too much so he goes and says something stupid and gets himself banned. this forum has already lost too many of his kind (nothinggod, armaggedons child and many more before them) and frankly speaking, they are the driving force here. not us. not me. all we ever do is agree with each other on how cool stuff are...and a few minor discussions here and there. but these guys spice the whole thing up.

so, go ed Scourge of God!
Actually, if this was intended sarcasm or not, I find it somewhat true. :erk:

This forum would be boring without him.
2. Emperor couldn't have made more commercial music because it's unlikely that anyone in the band consciously decided to make more commercial music. Again, it's an absurd argument, and one based on willfully ignoring how many bands end up making the music they make. Again, Metallica served as a means of illustrating the falsity of a particular argument, not as a model of Emperor's career.

Bottom line: the validity of the points I raised doesn't rest on any similarities between Metallica and Emperor. It rests on the fact that the career of Metallica proves just how wrong certain assumptions being advanced by the Gimperor fans really are.

So either drop the strawman argument or butt the fuck out.

You can spew out as much pseudo-intellectual, thesaurus toting bullshit as you like, but you're missing just as important a point as anyone else. To be so adamant in the complete factual actuality of your "later gimperor is fag music, because they decided to become more commercially accessible" argument is fantastic, and you can "falsify other peoples arguments" as much as you like, but in the end, you. don't. know.
Sure its cool to bedate and argue with people here, I like it. But when someone makes stupid comments like something is "chick music" or "fag music", it just proves that the speaker has some major issues of his own that need fixing. Sad man...

Sucks that a thread with a great start ends up with such low blows.
You can spew out as much pseudo-intellectual, thesaurus toting bullshit as you like, but you're missing just as important a point as anyone else. To be so adamant in the complete factual actuality of your "later gimperor is fag music, because they decided to become more commercially accessible" argument is fantastic, and you can "falsify other peoples arguments" as much as you like, but in the end, you. don't. know.

The only person who has said Emperor "decided" to become more commercial is YOU. You're attacking an argument I've never made. That's known as a strawman.

And it makes YOU a fucking liar. Now quit lying and pay attention, faggot.

All Emperor material is good. I prefer ITNE to everything else, but all Emperor is worth having.
You have Metallica, which blindly sucked trendcock until noone who truly enjoyed their music previously ever wanted to hear of them again, and you have Emperor, who is probably just progressing through their musical vision, thoroughly alienating some of the people who so enjoyed the early style of black metal they excellently conveyed in the process.
how cool would it be if they rerecorded Anthems with thicker production, better synths or even a full orchestra? those kazoos on Al Svartr really don't do it. I'm not talking thick downtuned guitars or anything, just a fuller, more bombastic sound... one can dream.

that was the first black metal album I bought, it's been ten years now. still one of my absolute favorites.

it's amazing that no one's come close to matching their compositional skills - an effortless blend of metal and the fiercest of classical music. The opening riff to Nightspirit is still one of my favorite metal riffs of all time.
we need people like Scourge of God on these forums so be easy on him and dont drive him away please...or piss him off too much so he goes and says something stupid and gets himself banned. this forum has already lost too many of his kind (nothinggod, armaggedons child and many more before them)


ihsahn says:
it's the same guy. i can recognize that ass from miles away.