
Wrath of the Tyrant, As the Shadows Rise, Emperor and In the Nightside Eclipse are all essential bits of black metal history. Everything else has the AIDS.
They are probably my all time favourite BM band, and for some reason, In the Nightside Eclipse and Prometheus are the albums i like the most, followed by Anthems, which is perfect too. I think i like them more than Enslaved tbh.
When comparing the enjoyability of their early works I prefer the Wrath of The Tyrant/Hordanes land versions over the In the Nightside Eclipse versions.
Yeah it is great, but i can't get enough of that chaotic, raw feeling of ITNE, it is full of those symphonic elements, but very brutal at the same time, epic stuff.
Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is a rehash of In the Nightside Eclipse, but with everything that was cool about the earlier record removed entirely or, at the very least, sterilized for commercial consumption.
it's already been established, multiple times, that no one here gives a shit about your opinion. what makes you think im different? save yourself the energy.
Actually, it's been established, multiple times, that quite a few people are highly interested in what I have to say. The fact that you follow me around like a lovesick puppy making snide remarks pretty much confirms that you are one of them, jewboy.
you could be right that some people are interested in what you have to say, but not on this forum. you'd figure that people telling you what an asshole you are and getting banned in the past would be enough evidence on my side.

fuck, almost forgot to call you a jew or a faggot! what kind of a rebutal would THAT be?

Anthems and Nightside are just amazing true black metal art!! Too bad the band are not fully back on the scene (2-3 shows a year is not a full comeback). I really hope that Emperor will record a new record in the near future. Ishans solo stuff just didnt do it for me.
Its been confirmed by the big man himself(Ihsahn) that there will be nomore Emperor albums. They could change their minds but I highly doubt it, tho we can look forward to another Ihsahn album in the future.
Its been confirmed by the big man himself(Ihsahn) that there will be nomore Emperor albums. They could change their minds but I highly doubt it, tho we can look forward to another Ihsahn album in the future.

I have nothing against Ihsahn's 'solo' stuff, but it isn't Emperor, nor is it a replacement or in the same category as Emperor.
I'm probably going to see them next month at the Tuska festival... on the same day as Isis :)

My fav album is IXE