Encounters with white trash

Some live on my island. Luckily I avoid them the same way I avoid tourists.

Funny how in five minutes you can go from an area of rich people, to an area of white trash.

Thankfully, there isn't much of either, just people farming, or people that want to live in the country.
I know plenty of white trash rich people. White trash is not by any means determined by money.
All you have to do to see white trash, is go to an ICP concert.


If fans like theirs don't know how to work magnets, they have to be white trash obvious :p:

Speaking of trailer parks, when going to the Saints-Patriots game last week, when your driving to get to the stadium, there a trailer park right near the place. I found it funny since I never saw it until now. There also one in Fitchburg as well.
I see lots of white trash in my field of work. Having to go into their houses and crawl around among the untold abominations that lie within has quite possibly scarred me for life.
I'm glad to see that most of us here have the insight to realize that poor whites =/= white trash. I poor and white, but I really doubt anyone could accurately label me as white trash. Unfortunately, I occasionally get accused of being a hippy/hipster, but I'll take that over being a Jethro any day.
I see lots of white trash in my field of work. Having to go into their houses and crawl around among the untold abominations that lie within has quite possibly scarred me for life.
One of the many reasons i got out of that line of work. Except replace white trash with my pals, thats what i was dealing with.
I've been working at Camp Atterbury which is near the epicenter of honkeyness aka Edinburgh Indiana for about 5 years. I've never seen so many middle aged people riding mopeds, bicycles and living in trailers in all my life. Plus some local yokel a couple of months back went into this grocery store near highway 31 and started stabbing the meat with a fucking hunting knife I was like WTF? Only in Johnson County.
Some of my family would be considered "white trash" so I'm not big on judging people based on that shit. An old coworker of mine at the Target Pizza Hut (in-store food court) was pretty up there though. This Muslim guy wearing a name tag that said "Muhammad" on it came and ordered some pizza and my coworker was like "FUCKIN HINDOOS."
I've been working at Camp Atterbury which is near the epicenter of honkeyness aka Edinburgh Indiana for about 5 years. I've never seen so many middle aged people riding mopeds, bicycles and living in trailers in all my life. Plus some local yokel a couple of months back went into this grocery store near highway 31 and started stabbing the meat with a fucking hunting knife I was like WTF? Only in Johnson County.

Indiana has lots of meth labs there so I can see where the white trash are at.
Berrien Springs is a hick town. I'm going to the fair later so I'm going to be up to my neck in white trash and jailbait. Skid row played thursday........yeah.