Encounters with white trash

omg Juggalos! I saw a delightful white trash family on the Greyhound bus to Boston a couple weeks ago, the son was like 29 but a SERIOUS Juggalo with the Psychopathic Records hatchet guy tattoo and shit.

I always forget that Juggalos didn't die out in 2001.

I used to see this guy walking around town in FULL ICP clown paint. Everyday.
"tee hee" Dak.

Everyone who is not gay likes the Daisy Duke/halter top look.

Hmm, "bro" culture in NY/the Northeast must be radically different to the Midwest/South if they are getting lumped in with rednecks. In NY we have a distinctive culture of "Yanknecks" who are white people who fly the stars and bars and love NASCAR.

Nigga, please. The only difference between a "redneck" and a "bro" is the taste in music. 'necks like country, bros listen to shitty radio rock. Otherwise, they're all into drinking Bud Light, NASCAR, (American) football, and chasing skinny white bitches.
I wonder what the female counterpart to a "bro" is? What would one call her? Is she the chick that wears short shorts, flip flops, and baby t's no matter how cold it is outside and loves hip hop/R&B but hates black people?
I call them "bro girls." In winter she wears Ugg boots. Blonde highlights, always.

Bros in NY talk shit about rednecks and hate them. NASCAR is for "trash" and Coors Light > Bud Light. Yanknecks don't dress like bros, instead opting for dirty t-shirts with stupid slogans.
Meh, now we're just splitting hairs. Shit, scene kids and emos hate each other too, even though they like 99% of the same shit.
Are Ugg boots the adult version of those moon boots our parents bought us in the winter to wear outside when we were building snow forts and having epic snowball battles?
And yes, always blonde highlights, with a part to the side.
I absolutely hate Uggs. Girls around here wear them with jeans tucked into them. In the summer.
Ugh ugh yeah they are rampant in rich-white-people areas like Norcal and Connecticut and Westchester NY. My best friend went to Boston College which is basically the center of the Uggs/North Face fleece universe.
Ugg boots are actually kind of convenient because when I see a girl wearing them I know that I should avoid her.
I remember when kids would wear red baseball caps in my freshman year of high school because Fred Durst wore them. I fucking hated high school.
I hate ugg boots.

In regards to white trash women hating black people but liking black music,
I think Sasha Grey is total white trash but she likes lolternative music and some metal. I strongly suspect she would go around wearing a Temnozor shirt if she thought it would sell her more DVDs to more nerds, despite the fact that she shags black people all the time.
I remember when kids would wear red baseball caps in my freshman year of high school because Fred Durst wore them. I fucking hated high school.


I carried a rabbit around because Wes Borland had a ceramic lawn bunny. I loved high school but I was an idiot.
Americans aren't noble or open minded at all. It's just that non-whites are numerous enough in America that blatant racist activity can actually be dangerous to the racist.

Word. While I can't stand the culture of "look over your shoulder to see if there are any negras coming," it's kind of nice that most people in the U.S. have the tact not to gawk at "furreigners." It's really annoying going out with my furreign friends in Japan and having everyone just STARE at us and talk about us as if we're deaf. News flash, most furreigners living in a furreign country learn some of the host language so they can survive.