Encounters with white trash

There's unfortunately a shitload of Juggalos in Omaha also. The white population between the ages of 15 and 40 breaks down like this, from most common to least:

Preppies; i.e. the American Eagle & GAP crowd
White trash, rednecks, whatever you want to call them
Posers (an umbrella group of wanna be hipsters, goths, and emos)
Nerds and geeks (obsessive D&D and M:TG players, comic collectors, anime fans, Renaissance Fair goers)
Emo/scene kids
Are you kidding? I refuse to believe there are more "wiggers" than "preps" anywhere but especially in Omaha, which I picture as a hotbed of indie music and extreme whiteness
My town is filled with fucking white trash juggalos and Slipknot fans. I can't walk into our Wal-Mart without having to see atleast one person wearing a Psychopathic Records t-shirt or something.

Sort of. Washington is an interesting mix of working class trash and rich, pretentious snobs with no greater purpose than keeping up with their shitty neighbor. Both fucking suck and are below me.

Like 98% of the population is white though so there's one thing we have going for us.
I don't think you get to brag about being 98% white if your white population is entirely comprised of white trash.
Are you kidding? I refuse to believe there are more "wiggers" than "preps" anywhere but especially in Omaha, which I picture as a hotbed of indie music and extreme whiteness

You would think so, but most younger white folks I see are wiggers. I think hip-hop culture has become so mainstream that it has assimilated "preppies" into itself, and they really are one in the same. Therefore I should have not included preppies on my list. The hipster counter culture is the most common around here however, so for every 5 guys you see with a straight-brimmed baseball cap and sagging jeans, you see one of these:

I mean "chest-beating cargo shorts wearing baseball cap" types, basically the ones who look like Dakryn and like cars and shit.
Went to a Bluegrass festival, rednecks EVEERRRYYYWHEERRRREEE
in fact i dressed for the occassion and dressed as a redneck woman

I felt disgusting...
The only thing about redneck women that's gross is their obesity and lack of personal hygiene. I tend to like daisy dukes and halter tops when worn by women who have nice bodies and shower.
@Krampus: The "bros" you're talking about can be represented by the rednecks for the most part. Guys in Nebraska Cornhusker gear must always be avoided.
"tee hee" Dak.

Everyone who is not gay likes the Daisy Duke/halter top look.

Hmm, "bro" culture in NY/the Northeast must be radically different to the Midwest/South if they are getting lumped in with rednecks. In NY we have a distinctive culture of "Yanknecks" who are white people who fly the stars and bars and love NASCAR.