Endorsing some items - everyone pitch in




Cmon guys... lets not go with basic shit... this thread idea comes from things that are atypical that you've discovered to use in your daily life that's something worth sharing.
The best $200 dollars I have ever spent - and that includes money towards music production.

My love..... My coffee maker..... My Keurig B100 that I bought when they first came out many years ago. This thing is a tank and has kept making great tasting, extremely hot coffee and oh so many varieties.

I'll fourth the barbecue sauce and deposit a nice, fat -666 towards Keurig and any other fake coffee machines. Press pot, espresso machine, or go home.


For real.

True story. My 6 year old son came home from school yesterday. Had a snack and a chocolate milk. 10 minutes later he puked ALL OVER MY FUCKING COUCH!! This shit took the stain out completely, and there is no smell at all - like it never happened. This gets any stain out and you can use this shit on practically anything - I've used it as a carpet cleaning solution and it works unbelieveably good.

Oh, and +1000 on the Keurig.

Oh, and RIP Billy Mays. Fuck.
Jeff... you're not alone - me too man. I like Aramis, Polo, Armani, etc.... but, my mother in law just started selling Avon, and she gave me a bottle of Avon mens cologne, and suprisingly enough, it's fucking awesome. Who'da thunk it.


For $20... not bad at all. Too bad I can't PM you a sample... :lol:

Looks interesting enough - not sure I'm thrilled by the "oriental" description. How woody is it? I can only take woody nodes if it's blended in with some musk or ginger. I really can't get into most of the more modern scents, Chrome and Essential being exceptions to the rule!
Looks interesting enough - not sure I'm thrilled by the "oriental" description. How woody is it? I can only take woody nodes if it's blended in with some musk or ginger. I really can't get into most of the more modern scents, Chrome and Essential being exceptions to the rule!

I can't really explain it - I wouldn't classify it as woody, or musky. It does have a unique fragrance though - but... that's not much help is it. :erk:
Ack, personally I'd just prefer to smell like nothing at all, though maybe that's because the only time I can notice when other dudes are wearing cologne is when they're wearing way too much (and probably really cheap stuff) and I can barely breathe :lol:
Ack, personally I'd just prefer to smell like nothing at all, though maybe that's because the only time I can notice when other dudes are wearing cologne is when they're wearing way too much (and probably really cheap stuff) and I can barely breathe :lol:

Unfortunately, it's reeeeally hard to not smell like anything - even with unscented deoderants (Mitchum FTW!) or shower products.

But yeah, you're not wearing cologne for other dudes, you're wearing it for yourself and for chicks that you'll be close to.

Times people should be able to smell you:

Outside of the HKDB range, you're just an asshole with too much axe or Acqua di Gayo.