
Shogunaut said:
You think about that! Do you really want mindless puppets who are driven by what people tell them to hear, wear, and think to listen to good music that they'll think sucks because it's not on MTV!?

Of course if poseurs start listening to KATATONIA I will not drop it! ARE YOU INSANE!!?? KATATONIA has becaome apart of my life!! It's like a diabetic-you are born as you are, but when you are introduced to insulin shots it becmes apart of you, you need it, and you definitely can not live without it. That is how I feel about KATATONIA! (and a few other bands as well, such as SEPTIC FLESH) If poseurs listen to KATATONIA I will not drop KATATONIA, the poseurs will just have to DIE! ALL OF THEM!!

I couldn't give two shits what other people--including useless posers--listen to. Their world is their world, as retarded as it is. It isn't mine. It is all about the music, and NOT about those who listen to it. Also, I couldn't care less if all of the posers died: they mean nothing to me. It isn't their music, it isn't our music, it is the creator's music. We didn't make it, we don't own it. We only appreciate it for our own personal reasons, and if I appreciate it because I can relate to it, and it says something I'm incapable of saying, but others appreciate it because it has suddenly become POPULAR, then so be it. What difference has been made in my world? None. The music hasn't changed, only the audience has, and that means nothing.
Shogunaut said:
Does that answer your questions?

You wouldn't happen to be one of the people in the poseur category would you? You seem offended by KATATONIA fans' Territorial Tendencies!

No, I'm offended by how some fans seem to think THEY are the owners of the music, like they've earned some special right to its special properties. If what you mean by "territorial tendencies" is "your music", then I'm afraid you are terribly wrong. It isn't yours. You listen to it, but you have no artistic right to claim it as yours, and therefore, it is NOT your territory to bark at what you consider to be intruders.

I say again: it has NOTHING to do with the audience. It has EVERYTHING to do with the music. The music is all that matters.
Shogunaut said:
Besides TOOL, A Perfect Circle, and the deftones have become pretty mainstream and I still LOVE them!

So do I, minus the Deftones (I used to, but I got bored of em). I like System of a Down, ALice in Chains, and hey, fuck, I even like Evanescence. The audience is so insignificant that it is absolutely unnecessary in the making of the quality of the music. Katatonia fans, including me, are no exception.
EvilGenius said:
No, I'm offended by how some fans seem to think THEY are the owners of the music, like they've earned some special right to its special properties. If what you mean by "territorial tendencies" is "your music"...
Excuse me for interrupting, but IMO sometimes when things/persons/whatsoever are gaining distinctive meaning for you, you start to consider it as your part. Hard to say when it turns out you're so bound desiring to keep it for yourself only. I know it's sick, but it's done unconsciously...
So many things are so personal for me, e.i. those "experienced with Katatonia", that I don't want to share them with anyone (almost...).
I don't want to disclose my personality/feelings to others and try to keep it angrily for myself... It doesn't mean I prevent them from listening to Katatonia, 'cos I know they won't gain, let's say: the same level of initiation... They won't because it's my attitude and it's simply different from the others. I don't claim it's the best or sorts. It's just mine...
But the fuck, I have nothing to intefere the orhers, if they feel so, let them listen... ;)
I think it's good to keep underground music underground where it belongs. Once trendies and poseurs get their hands on it, it's ruined - diluted. No offense to Katatonia, but underground bands that start to get bigger, start to suck - especially doom bands. Look at Anathema and Paradise Lost! Anathema's last album blew, and Paradise Lost have sucked since One Second came out...

I know this seems like an elitist opinion, but hey... I'm a metal/doom eliteist :)
There's nothing wrong in elitism, as long as it has a rational basis to it. If someone KNOWS (not FEELS) that they are better than someone else, than why pretend it's not true? As for underground bands becoming popular and then starting to suck, I don't know about that. I never liked PL or Anathema, but I know that they still have a good fan base that isn't composed entirely of poser-trend-fucks.

Elitism is a personal attitude. It is not a collective one, because their is no such thing as a valid statement asserting anything about a collective attitude.
This album has grown on me like hell recently. Evidence is one of my favourites, alongside Ghost of the Sun, Will I Arrive, ALL OF THEM. It really is a great album.