Exclusive article FOR ROYAL CARNAGERS ONLY!!!!!

the only one I like is Clutch, who was never really an underground band in the first place, so....

But yeah, trying to sell something off that it isn't is gay. That tour is more like "Sounds of the Funderground"

Sponsored by Hot Topic, LOLERZ! Damn I wish I woulda thought to create a store to rip-off middle/upper class wannabe goth teenies and Funderground memebers.
That reminded me of the boardroom scene in Dogma, nicely done.

No I'm not calling you Affleck. Well, maybe indirectly. :p
One Inch Man said:
That reminded me of the boardroom scene in Dogma, nicely done.

No I'm not calling you Affleck. Well, maybe indirectly. :p

Never seen it. But if it has Affleck in it, it can't be good. Chasing Amy, Phantoms, Daredevil. Horrid movies. I don't plan on seeing anymore Ben Affleck movies.
Reindeer Games, Pearl Harbor, Surviving Christmas, Armageddon, Bounce, Jersey Girl, GIGLI!!!

Oh man, Ben Affleck really does suck!! Now ok, the 5 minute cameo he has in Boiler Room is ok. I can live with that. Not Vin Diesel though.

Interesting article. What a tangled web they weave -- can't imagine how much research you did for that, but just imagine if they'd called it the "Loud Music for Teenage White Kids" tour or something. Actually, that would sell pretty well I'd imagine, even before the line up was announced -- no ambiguous terms like "underground" to deal with. Targetting audiences is so easy these days. :p
Demilich said:
do the people who would consider those bands "Underground" read RC or LotFP anyway?

I'll bet they didn't think EVERYBODY was part of or dependent on major labels that heavily. I was fucking shocked, all I wanted to do was goof on Roadrunner and Lamb of God. Things got scary quickly. I half expected to run across links to a some government youth pacification program.
Yeah I'll bet - it's "All the Presidents Men"-like investigative research. Raggi - I assume you've checked for bugs in your phone and noticed that van parked across the street... :loco:
You're right, I never new that all those other bands were on major-affiliated labels either... but then again, I've never heard most of those bands and probably won't until I'm either really bored or someone ties me down. The little metalcore I've heard has been enough of a "steer clear" warning for me!
Demilich said:
You're right, I never new that all those other bands were on major-affiliated labels either... but then again, I've never heard most of those bands...

That's because you hang at RC, and not Alternative Press. See, it all becomes clear now. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Yeah I'll bet - it's "All the Presidents Men"-like investigative research. Raggi - I assume you've checked for bugs in your phone and noticed that van parked across the street... :loco:

True story- nobody told me that they changed the call waiting tone on the phones. So for the past few years, I just thought nobody ever called me while I was on the phone with somebody else. No smooth boop boop tone.

... then I find out that harsh boo*BEEP* is the call waiting tone, I haven't been on shitty lines all this time, and I've ignored a fuck load of incoming calls.
My militia has a secret plan to beat up all sorts of government officials. That'll teach them to drag their feet on high-definition TV!
"Underground" is very relevant. Someone could name a band "underground" (and justify it) and one other could prove to him that this band is not. The undoubtfull "underground" is demos/self released albums etc
Jim LotFP said:
Never seen it. But if it has Affleck in it, it can't be good. Chasing Amy, Phantoms, Daredevil. Horrid movies. I don't plan on seeing anymore Ben Affleck movies.

Whaaaa?! Dogma was fucking CLASS!

Nice article. Made me think of gromits trying to show off. They'll never beat me :p
cool article, well researched and all.

but why is this news? ever since I remember back in the days (80's) independents were always helped and distributed by majors in some ways.

it's always about the bands ... as long as you like tha bands.

in my eyes, most of those bands ARE technically "underground"

code666 for example could not pull off an elaborate tour like that ... and I bet they would hold hands and the bands would welcome a major giving them a helping hand.

are we still this un-business savvy in this day and age?