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J. said:
God forbid a band have a sound that can't be lumped in with the metalcores and melodeaths of the world.



J. said:
Just look at Metal Blade and Primordial. TGW is probably their best album in years, and look at all the promotion from the label that it's getting! It's nigh impossible to escape the promotion for Primordial! :Smug:

Hey, that's what I was getting at. Do you have me on 'ignore' again? :loco:
going back to the original question ... metal in general to me is ALL "underground"

bands that pick not very general, everyday, feelgood or emotional topics and present them in a non traditional musical packge will always be underground.

Metallica for example, started getting huge with the Black album, mostly because their lyrical themes changed as well as the music.

Also ... to me at least ... personalities in a band are 50% of the total package ... when trying to make a band big.

Just think of any band in any genre that made it big to a certain level ... and I am sure band memebers personalities will shine through.
going back to the original question ... metal in general to me is ALL "underground"

bands that pick not very general, everyday, feelgood or emotional topics and present them in a non traditional musical packge will always be underground.

Metallica for example, started getting huge with the Black album, mostly because their lyrical themes changed as well as the music.
1) All metal is underground, because
2) "Bands that pick not very general, everyday, feelgood or emotional topics and present them in a non traditional musical packge will always be underground."
3) When Metallica changed their music and lyrics to be more traditionally mainstream, they weren't underground any longer

It follows that:

4) You don't think that "The Black Album" is metal in any shape or form.
Mormagil said:
He's starting to sound like Papa Josh! Take him down!

:loco: :tickled:

4) You don't think that "The Black Album" is metal in any shape or form.

pretty much :tickled: ... but that does not mean I don't enjoy it ... and certainly Load or Reload were not
Don't try to tell us
What is right for us
We don't give a fuck anyway
Don't try to steal
Imagination from us
Things we believe
We will never betray

Those who has the power to
Suck us dry - throw us away
Those who never could create
Destroy the music of today
Those devoid of any feeling
Those who make the compromise
Betray themselves to make a deal
Sell their soul at any price

Sounds without feeling,
Energy of agressions
From money hungry brains
And not from the heart
Fortune, fame and glory
Are their obssessions
Salesman, deaf to music
Blind to art

No honesty, just sterility
A cautious sound they make
Without creativity
It's still the same
As another age
When they took the words
Of truth and put them
To a flame


No more
Love us or hate us
No more
Love us or hate us

Some have eyes
And still can't see
Their plastic noise is
Anything but music to me
Mechanized and computerized
Switch off your brain and
Make sounds that dehumanize


Don't try to take our dreams
Away from us
We will never be like you
Love us or hate us
It doesn't matter to me
We don't want to be a part
Of this sick society

Those who have a passion to
Will never change our way of life
We may not think the way you do
But we know that we are right
Those who want to form a world
Of friends and monotony
Have to do it without us
Cause we always be free
lurch70 said:
pretty much :tickled: ... but that does not mean I don't enjoy it ... and certainly Load or Reload were not
Oh OK, well then at least you're logically consistent in your beliefs, which is good enough :p

Much as I loathe the ideals behind The Black Album, I can't deny that it's some form of metal. Most of it, at least.
Their first Bizshit album, sure. The second one probably not (more like pop rock) and I don't know any of their other shit because I haven't heard it. I own both of those, haha. [/GAY]

I think a lot of metal fans nowadays are under the assumption that to be metal is to be good. Metal has always had some real shit bands you know. Fuck me, Stryper? Winger? That shit is metal. That shit is BAD.
I refuse to call "nu-metal" metal, just as i refuse to call "glam metal" metal. Those are mallcore and hair rock respectively. FUCK OFF TO FALSE METAL.
Jim LotFP said:
That's the whole of the problem. Music is sold as a commodity no different than salt, or paper clips, or paper plates.

The people doing the selling could care less if the CD had the Backstreet Boys on it, or Slayer on it, or if it was a blank CDr. As long as it sells, and fuck it if it doesn't.

At what level is that in any way healthy for the fan or the musician, in either the short term or the long?

You and JayKeeley should make babies.....

If a musician doesn't wanbt to sell their product, perhaps they should stay in the garage, stay away from the stage, do not record anything for consumption... and then what???
Papa Josh said:
If a musician doesn't wanbt to sell their product, perhaps they should stay in the garage, stay away from the stage, do not record anything for consumption... and then what???

There is a large gap between not caring about what's on a CD as long as it sells, and keeping music hidden and unavailable for listening.
Jim LotFP said:
There is a large gap between not caring about what's on a CD as long as it sells, and keeping music hidden and unavailable for listening.

We're not talking about that... we're talking about some of you that have an ingrained dislike for how labels function and continue to exist.

Let's take an artist.... For instance, Primordial....

Let's get real for a moment, almost all at Metal Blade are devout metalheads, but they are also businessmen that know what it takes to continue to survive. Primoridial, I guarantee you, was signed because someone really liked them at the label. However, they wouldn't have been signed and MB wouldn't have anything in their budget for them if it wasn't for the cds that are actually selling....

Just like the new 3 cd edition of Fates warning's Awaken the Guardian.... do you honestly belive that they are following some sort of trend by releasing this? How many do you honestly think they are looking to sell?? Hell, apply this logic to almost any metal....
Papa Josh said:
We're not talking about that... we're talking about some of you that have an ingrained dislike for how labels function and continue to exist.

A "real" (as in, not motivated by money first) label wouldn't be signing bands to fill release quotas set by their distributors. A "real" label wouldn't license European releases and then fail to print the booklets in the domestic edition (that's a big Metal Blade trademark). A "real" label wouldn't have a history of bands either suing them or wishing they had the resources to sue them because of royalties issues...

Papa Josh said:
Let's get real for a moment, almost all at Metal Blade are devout metalheads

After observing Metal Blade's signing selections over the past 10 years, I question this. Devout metalheads wouldn't make many of the choices they have. They're pretty lucky they actually hit a trend (metalcore in this case) when it was fresh this time, because they are usually quite clueless.

Papa Josh said:
Primoridial, I guarantee you, was signed because someone really liked them at the label. However, they wouldn't have been signed and MB wouldn't have anything in their budget for them if it wasn't for the cds that are actually selling....

Are you saying Primordial is not expected to make any money for the label, but is instead a prestige signing that couldn't be possible without siphoning the profits off of another band?

Papa Josh said:
Just like the new 3 cd edition of Fates warning's Awaken the Guardian.... do you honestly belive that they are following some sort of trend by releasing this? How many do you honestly think they are looking to sell?? Hell, apply this logic to almost any metal....

Are you saying that Metal Blade is re-releasing one of their all time classic albums by one of their biggest-ever selling bands in superexpandow00tw00t format without a profit motive behind it? Just because the album "deserves" it or something?
Jim LotFP said:
A "real" (as in, not motivated by money first) label wouldn't be signing bands to fill release quotas set by their distributors. A "real" label wouldn't license European releases and then fail to print the booklets in the domestic edition (that's a big Metal Blade trademark). A "real" label wouldn't have a history of bands either suing them or wishing they had the resources to sue them because of royalties issues...

After observing Metal Blade's signing selections over the past 10 years, I question this. Devout metalheads wouldn't make many of the choices they have. They're pretty lucky they actually hit a trend (metalcore in this case) when it was fresh this time, because they are usually quite clueless.

Are you saying Primordial is not expected to make any money for the label, but is instead a prestige signing that couldn't be possible without siphoning the profits off of another band?

Are you saying that Metal Blade is re-releasing one of their all time classic albums by one of their biggest-ever selling bands in superexpandow00tw00t format without a profit motive behind it? Just because the album "deserves" it or something?

Let's put it this way, I have actually sat at a dinner table with Brian Slagel, he is one of the most REAL metalheads I have ever met, and understands the business at the same time. Dude started his shit out of a bedroom, has been ripped off by Warner Bros, and is back doing it himself. Slagel genuinely loves metal, but you gotta pay the light bill.