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Papa Josh said:
Let's get real for a moment, almost all at Metal Blade are devout metalheads, but they are also businessmen that know what it takes to continue to survive.

Which is to increase the bottom line as much as possible, simply by pushing those artists that will sell well to an already primed audience. This is exactly what MTV and radio stations do as well -- they find a niche, market the living fuck out of it, saturate the genre, and continue to sign disposable bands that fit that sales model. This is cyclical until the paying audience lose interest and a new trend is conjured.

Metal Blade signing Primordial doesn't suddenly shed any light of integrity over the label, especially since you yourself admit that they're an afterthought band, plus they already have their own audience. (It's not like they were signed on their debut). And Primordial certainly aren't getting equal treatment to the "premier" selling bands either. With that said, I don't see why a band like Primordial should be penalized by the company they keep. When they're dropped by Metal Blade -- and they will be -- they'll continue to make music regardless, even if nobody buys it, unlike the trendy bands that will simply stop playing just because they're not selling.

I agree that MB are just trying to make profits in order to survive. However, I don't see any logic in non-profit organizations such as us supporting them. It makes no sense: it's the equivalent of the Red Cross donating all it's funds to Haliburton. Why would I ever want to help labels like Metal Blade sell more "Black Dhalia Murder" albums? If they want to make money from trend setting, that's fine -- good for them, but not on my expense.

In my opinion, the second you put profit before integrity, you cease to be a part of the underground. The resistance. Together we power!! :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Metal Blade signing Primordial doesn't suddenly shed any light of integrity over the label, especially since you yourself admit that they're an afterthought band, plus they already have their own audience. (It's not like they were signed on their debut). And Primordial certainly aren't getting equal treatment to the "premier" selling bands either. With that said, I don't see why a band like Primordial should be penalized by the company they keep. When they're dropped by Metal Blade -- and they will be -- they'll continue to make music regardless, even if nobody buys it, unlike the trendy bands that will simply stop playing just because they're not selling.

Do you really think Primordial will be dropped, I thought TGW was a big step up, and lot of people would get into them.
JayKeeley said:
Which is to increase the bottom line as much as possible, simply by pushing those artists that will sell well to an already primed audience. This is exactly what MTV and radio stations do as well -- they find a niche, market the living fuck out of it, saturate the genre, and continue to sign disposable bands that fit that sales model. This is cyclical until the paying audience lose interest and a new trend is conjured.

Metal Blade signing Primordial doesn't suddenly shed any light of integrity over the label, especially since you yourself admit that they're an afterthought band, plus they already have their own audience. (It's not like they were signed on their debut). And Primordial certainly aren't getting equal treatment to the "premier" selling bands either. With that said, I don't see why a band like Primordial should be penalized by the company they keep. When they're dropped by Metal Blade -- and they will be -- they'll continue to make music regardless, even if nobody buys it, unlike the trendy bands that will simply stop playing just because they're not selling.

I agree that MB are just trying to make profits in order to survive. However, I don't see any logic in non-profit organizations such as us supporting them. It makes no sense: it's the equivalent of the Red Cross donating all it's funds to Haliburton. Why would I ever want to help labels like Metal Blade sell more "Black Dhalia Murder" albums? If they want to make money from trend setting, that's fine -- good for them, but not on my expense.

In my opinion, the second you put profit before integrity, you cease to be a part of the underground. The resistance. Together we power!! :tickled:

Sad to see someone so jaded as yourself... no wonder why the metal community can't thrive... it turns on itself too often.

Let's not forget, people that work at labels have kids to feed too.

And who said you had to help them sell more copies of Black Dahlia??? Pick and choose, support and push Primordial, Fates Warning, old catalog, who ever....
Highway Corsair said:
Do you really think Primordial will be dropped, I thought TGW was a big step up, and lot of people would get into them.

I'd be surprised if Primordial were even offered anything more than a one record deal. Metal Blade probably had surplus funds left over and pulled their name out of a hat. :tickled:

90% of the people who bought The Gathering Wilderness were probably already fans, or knew of the band through forum discussions etc.

Granted, I do not know what the intentions were for Primordial to join Metal Blade, but I do know that they didn't change their style of music (i.e. dumb down and become MTV fodder). I imagine they liked the prospect of getting on to a global tour and bringing their music to the states, but alas, no such luck.
Papa Josh said:
Sad to see someone so jaded as yourself... no wonder why the metal community can't thrive... it turns on itself too often.

Let's not forget, people that work at labels have kids to feed too.

I recognize this 100%, I truly do. But they're making money and selling albums with or without us -- it's the smaller guys that need support, the ones that do it without thinking of profits.

Take Cruz del Sur, they have poured their lifeblood into making their label work and signing bands that nobody else would give the time of day. They chose the bands without regard of trends. They understand that they'll be lucky to break even just because they chose music over profit. They're the ones that could do with a hand.

And who said you had to help them sell more copies of Black Dahlia??? Pick and choose, support and push Primordial, Fates Warning, old catalog, who ever....

Exactly. That's why I said, I don't see why bands like Primordial should be penalized by the company they keep. Of course, realizing which bands are trend jumpers and which aren't is down to opinion I suppose, but it's pretty obvious at the end of the day.
Papa Josh said:
Sad to see someone so jaded as yourself... no wonder why the metal community can't thrive... it turns on itself too often.

"Metal" and "community" are at cross purposes in the first place and I think the source of most of the negative issues surrounding heavy metal to begin with.

Yes, there is a 'heavy metal community' in the sense that there are heavy metal bands, and heavy metal fans, and they fall into a general grouping.

... but the idea that there is a 'heavy metal community' which should be consciously supported as its own entity instead of merely a coincidental description of its disparate factors... (I'm brain farting, somebody translate this into English) it's self defeating for an angry, bitter, rebellious thing like heavy metal.
Papa Josh said:
Let's not forget, people that work at labels have kids to feed too.

Which is why Jim suggested these people get a second job. I know for a fact Andreas of The End Records holds a steady job, and I'm pretty sure Jason Tipton, who owns Willowtip, has a job other than running the label.

If it's all about money, it ain't about metal.
bottom line ... i support bands ... you put out a good record .. i will buy it ... I don't care if it comes from Umea Bedroom Records ... or Haliburton Classics.

i don't feel sorry for bands or labels and crybabies that have to hold three jobs to press a new CD ... it's their choice. good luck to everyone!!!

just give me some good music ... and stick a leaf in the packaging.

yes ... i am buzzed :lol: