Face Off 12: Nu Metal vs. Core

The Worst of the Worst

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New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
For this round I'm switching things up. Which in your opinion is the worser of the two, nu metal or the current core trend?

Perhaps the hardest choice yet.

You're probably gonna find a few people here that listen to this crap and hurt their feelings.

But I'd say Nu-Metal...It's just...the most blandest, generic garbage ever created...at least like my brotha above said, some of those "core" bands have some decent guitar players...yet they still waste their talents playing poop music.
Also by "core"...you are just saying bands within the past like 4-5 years right? I dig old hardcore, hardcore punk, early metalcore(80s-90s style...bands that took que from Slayer and punk).
"current core trend" ... Can't say I enjoy any of it though.

Sure the musicianship is higher, however a lot of it is studio wizardry. Not that it makes a lick of difference if the music is shite.
Well let's put it this way...if I had to be stuck in a room and had to listen to Limp Bizkit or Killswitch Engage...I think I'd pick Killswitch.
Ofc, but what about a band like this?


That is the question.
Dear sweet god. scary gif. I actually like nu-metal more just because Deftones exist. Plus, even if you find a bad nu-metal band, they arent terrible sounding. Just bland. If you find a band -core band (id say all of them) it's like a trainwreck to your eardrums. I'd rather listen to something that sucks at slow speed than sucking harsh and fast. At least then my ears don't have to deploy the airbags
Honestly I'd rather listen to core music by a long shot. look all the core bands basically sound exactly the same. At least with nu metal there are some differences between them. Honeslty i love Static-x, not as much as I used to but I still love them alot, and I would rather listen to Rob Zombie then listen to Devil wears Prada.
Dear sweet god. scary gif. I actually like nu-metal more just because Deftones exist. Plus, even if you find a bad nu-metal band, they arent terrible sounding. Just bland. If you find a band -core band (id say all of them) it's like a trainwreck to your eardrums. I'd rather listen to something that sucks at slow speed than sucking harsh and fast. At least then my ears don't have to deploy the airbags

Yep, Deftones transcended the nu metal genre and are vastly superior to anything to come out of the core trend. Plus I can't stand these uncreative pompous little twats in these core bands who think they're hot shit.

Honestly I'd rather listen to core music by a long shot. look all the core bands basically sound exactly the same. At least with nu metal there are some differences between them. Honeslty i love Static-x, not as much as I used to but I still love them alot, and I would rather listen to Rob Zombie then listen to Devil wears Prada.

:confused: Don't you mean you'd rather listen to nu metal by a long shot? If so you voted wrong.
I hate the "core" stuff. I much prefer nu-metal, but not the rap/rock stuff (except early Linkin Park). But a lot of people mix the genres too easily. My all time favorite male fronted band is Flaw, and people consider them to be "nu-metal". To me, they don't sound all that different from Katatonia. In fact, I discovered Katatonia from a Flaw forum. If people consider this as being 'nu-metal' then I love it. But I don't think it fits in the same genre as other nu-metal rock/rap hybrid crap. Plus, I am not someone who gets a boner from hearing squealing guitars. The main reason I love Flaw is because I find their vocalist (Chris Volz) to be amazing (and horribly underrated). He even eclipses Jonas (IMHO) because his range is better and has far more power behind it. So in that aspect, Flaw wins over Katatonia to my ears. Katatonia just has a slightly more atmospheric/eerie sound that I like better (musically) than Flaw. Flaw has some darker sounding tunes as well but those contain more screaming vocals, and I much prefer the melodic vocals in ANY band (which is the main reason I can't stand core with all that vocal screeching in their music).

This is a great, more atmospheric song by Flaw, which I don't find to be any less well composed than any of the songs on Katatonia's latest album.

The chorus may be a tad repetitive however most of the later Katatonia choruses are the same way. But is this really "nu-metal" or even so incredibly different than what Katatonia is currently doing?
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Yep, Deftones transcended the nu metal genre and are vastly superior to anything to come out of the core trend. Plus I can't stand these uncreative pompous little twats in these core bands who think they're hot shit.

:confused: Don't you mean you'd rather listen to nu metal by a long shot? If so you voted wrong.

Shit I thought it was what youd rather listen to shit.

I have some songs by a few nu metal bands that I tend to like (bit o' mudvayne, 40 below summer), but I think over here in old europe we weren't THAT much exposed to it.

For metalcore, we have Bullet for My Valentine, and while even they are better musicians than for example the bizkit, I have yet to find something I like.

The more "extreme" variations under the deathcore label are usually just silly. I can't take this music seriously, even if all the "we sure think CC lyrics are the shit" and "we play metal for the lord" guys would go away.

So core is worse.

Listen to LFDGD as atonement or vacate these halls, ye sinner. ;)
damn bluesky you make good threads

this was the hardest choice yet....i picked nu metal cause its plain terrible (except System of a down)....core at least, may have, at one point, in some universe, had some sort of potential to be better than it is.

it's just one of those genres that probably had a few cool bands at the start with original ideas, but just got saturated with shitty bands...
I have had a hate-on for Metalcore for many, many years. It stems from Worcester, Massachusetts being where the bulk of Metal tours went during my younger days. The 'core kids descended upon shows seemingly for the express purpose of suckerpunching any large male with lengthy hair. Sometimes it remained confined to the pit. Others they ran out and nailed people coming down a set of stairs towards the floor. If the punchee reacted in any way, six+ guys in bandanas got up in his face and dared him to retaliate. Nearly every backdown was followed by chest bumps and high fives.
In addition to that, the promoter who brought the tours into town was apparently scene and booked accordingly. My first exposure to All That Remains came when they opened for Symphony X and Devin Townsend. Bands from other genres who fit perfectly on bills have been told no openers will be allowed then bought a ticket and wound up watching a Metalcore band jump around spewing generic breakdowns at a Doom Metal gig.
It's just such a negative scene that I can't really listen to most bands who partake.
Shit I voted wrong... I didn't read the first post so I voted for the one I'd rather listen. Which is nu-metal by far... Actually I find Core bands and music so pretentious but there are of course some good stuff in it. But a few bands like Deftones, Rage Against the Machine, Blindside, Mudvayne, Guano Apes (I like Linkin Park's first album also) which can be labeled as nu-metal bands, make nu-metal better for me. I don't think it's a very bad genre by the way, but of course some bands just plain suck.
i voted nu metal, but right now i'm having second thoughts.

nu metal somehow withered n' died until now, so all the good stuff survived actually. deftones. some korn (old stuff).

the core thing is still going on and ofc there is lots of shite going on atm too.
Nu metal has ten votes and core has eleven. I guess we've learned they both suck approximately an even amount.

Even though core is the worst.

