I get his point, but there's enough things in this world I have to suffer without because I wasn't born rich, and godamnit I am entitled to play a fucking video gameAnd I'm sorry that Bethesda is gonna go bankrupt because a few thousand people didn't buy their game. I hope you realize that people who pirate games are a big minority.
What the fuck dude. First off all pirating is the same, no matter what reason, yours is not any more justified than mine, it's even worse
It's not done out of need, you just DON'T WANT TO or CAN'T AFFORD TO pay double for the version you want.
How is "I can't afford it, so I'm gonna rip it off of someone" worse than "I can't get the version I want here, so I'm gonna rip it off of someone."Honestly now.
I get his point, but there's enough things in this world I have to suffer without because I wasn't born rich, and godamnit I am entitled to play a fucking video gameAnd I'm sorry that Bethesda is gonna go bankrupt because a few thousand people didn't buy their game. I hope you realize that people who pirate games are a big minority.
Again, DW and I are giving you flak for the same reasons. I thought about appending something to my post but decided against it, but since DW has said it anyway, I might as well say what I was going to., just to make sure you understand that DW isn't alone, and that you realize the actual reason why you're usually on the receiving end of my annoyance.In any case, I'm mainly talking about your attitude, and it's not just with pirating
Also waffleman.TLDR-Man cares!
At least until your combat shotgun effortlessly blasts their glowing brains across the train tracks.Fucking creepy as hell...
At least until your combat shotgun effortlessly blasts their glowing brains across the train tracks.
It was a good piece of machinery. Too bad the damn thing deteriorated 10% with every bloody pull of the trigger.Fuck that... THE TERRIBLE SHOTGUN.