fave death metal band?

I wouldn't really call them extreme death, other than early CC.

My favourite DM band at the moment is probably Siksakubur. Their label/s compare them to Cryptopsy for marketing purposes but they don't let their songs wander, and their drummer is definately (imo) on a par with Flo.

I'm also getting a lot of time out of the latest Avulsed offering.

PS > that's weird Thorns of Sorrow, Morbid Angel is (personally) the most boring DM band I've listened to I find, after Dies Irae.
Morbid Angels greatist hits

Dawn of the Angry
Secured Limitations
World of Shit
Where the Slime live
Covenant of Death
Chapel of Ghouls
Invocation Of The Continual One
Lord of All fear and Plagues
Sworn to Black
Maze of Tourment
Day of Suffering
Hymn to a gas giant
Summoning redemption
God of the forsaken
Cosmic Sea said:
Dying Fetus

Some of you folks are listening to the worst death metal has to offer.

OMG u know frightmare??? there awsome, track 4 is my fav off midnight murder mania. Where in NJ are ya? goin to immolation this sunday?
Morbid Angel has incredible unique guitar playing, that far extends the "lets play as fast as possible along with our insanely fast drummer" cliche. The riffs are twisted, sludgey, and groove. The songs are meorable, and have dissonant melodies that manage to stay in your head. The solos, and atmosphere are top notch, as well as the production. The solos are an integral part of the music, that are well written and incorporate alot of wonderfully dissonant yet melodic scales. Their drummer may not be the fastest and most insane anymore, but he can groove over the sludgey parts just as good as some grind bands nowadays that rely on that type of thing. Most importantly they write SONGS!, with structure, not just some "lets play as fast we can over every fill our insanely crazy drummer can do". Death metal guitar playing nowadays is so fucking stale and boring, its eitehr too fast for me to enjoy and pick out cool parts, or its chaotic with absoltely no sense behind it, other than following these superhuman drummers that FLOOD the scene nowdays. Lastly they SLAY live.
illbeleavinnow said:
Most extreme dateh metal gets boring fast... Impaled, Six Feet Under, Cannibal Corpse, they're all the same. :meh:

Six Feet Under are extreme?

I wouldn't call them that, nor would I called them dateh.


P.S. Thanks to some of you...I shall look into some these bands, as my record collection (my hard drive) is seriously lacking in the Death Metal department.