fave death metal band?

phon1c said:
someone tell me some decent morbid angel tracks to get. The stuff I've heard hasn't really pulled me in.
Get Immortal Rites, listen to it with Demon of the Fall and Master's Apprentices and you will be hooked...
I wouldn't call Opeth DM either because they come across as progressive and have prog. roots as well as DM ones. Most DM all sounds the same today so I don't really know how one can ask for a favorite. A lot of you can't honestly say they sound soooo different from one another. If I had to say though it would have to be NILE! ITDS was just something so unexpected for me! Kinda funny how "Super Human Drummers" fill the DM world but Tony's playing surprised me with his awesome style! Death is still awesome and puts most DM to shame! I find Chuck's playing has alot more dynamics than Trey's. Gotta love those damn Amotts in Arch Enemy though! I'm just a sucker for twin leads in DM!
"Well, I wouldn't go so far as to call Opeth a death metal band. Damnation wasn't actually brutal."

Right right. Most would've called then "melodic death metal" before that though...wouldn't you say? And even earlier some might have called them "black metal". I figured death vocals + blastbeats - doomy influences = "death metal". So, do YOU call Opeth if not "death metal?"

On a death metal note, I introduced Bloodbath and Carcass to a friend last night who really likes Opeth, but I guess not being online, he'd never heard of the gathering of metal minds that is Bloodbath. I gave him a teaser tape with some Carcass at the end. :heh:
Opet said:
"Well, I wouldn't go so far as to call Opeth a death metal band. Damnation wasn't actually brutal."

Right right. Most would've called then "melodic death metal" before that though...wouldn't you say? And even earlier some might have called them "black metal". I figured death vocals + blastbeats - doomy influences = "death metal". So, do YOU call Opeth if not "death metal?"

Either way is fine, but most people wouldn't lump Opeth in with death metal. I'd would classify them as Progressive Metal or atmospheric metal before I'd call them death metal, but it really doesn't matter.
Thorns of Sorrow said:
Morbid Angel has incredible unique guitar playing, that far extends the "lets play as fast as possible along with our insanely fast drummer" cliche. The riffs are twisted, sludgey, and groove. The songs are meorable, and have dissonant melodies that manage to stay in your head. The solos, and atmosphere are top notch, as well as the production. The solos are an integral part of the music, that are well written and incorporate alot of wonderfully dissonant yet melodic scales. Their drummer may not be the fastest and most insane anymore, but he can groove over the sludgey parts just as good as some grind bands nowadays that rely on that type of thing. Most importantly they write SONGS!, with structure, not just some "lets play as fast we can over every fill our insanely crazy drummer can do". Death metal guitar playing nowadays is so fucking stale and boring, its eitehr too fast for me to enjoy and pick out cool parts, or its chaotic with absoltely no sense behind it, other than following these superhuman drummers that FLOOD the scene nowdays. Lastly they SLAY live.
many Morbid Angel songs are so slow and filled with such bland, faceless 'riffing' that I can't remember them 5 seconds after they're finished playing. I can recall the chaos of Gorguts or Siksakubur far easier than I can recall Morbid Angel's utterly uninteresting plodding. Production top notch? For such a popular and imo overrated band, I find it amazing how their production can be so (just like the songwriting) bland and flat.
Dreamlord said:
Morbid Angel is boring.

Decapitated and Bloodbath are irrelevant.
Yesm, MA are boring. Yesm, Bloodbath are irrelevant. But Decapitated??? There's no reason to consider them irrelevant.(or is it because they're too popular?)
From what I've heard from sounded boring. Why do they want to sound like Vader? What hve they brought to death metal, besides proof that 16 year olds can play death metal?

I don't pay enough attention to Decapitated to know if they're popular or not. But when Winds of Creation was released, a bunch of people paid attention simply because of the band's average age.
Dreamlord said:
From what I've heard from sounded boring. Why do they want to sound like Vader? What hve they brought to death metal, besides proof that 16 year olds can play death metal?

I don't pay enough attention to Decapitated to know if they're popular or not. But when Winds of Creation was released, a bunch of people paid attention simply because of the band's average age.

ha, listen to Nihility, nothing sounds like Nihility.
Decapitated were playing better stuff then morbid angel when they were 12. Decapitated own!