favorite beer(S)

Prepared to be schooled then.:p

Brouwerij de Kluis was founded by Pierre Celis in Hoegaarden (/huχardən/, pronounced /huːɡɑrdən/ in English) in Flanders in 1966. The village of Hoegaarden had been known for its witbieren (white beers, see wheat beer) since the Middle Ages. However, around 1955, the last local witbier brewery, Tomsin, closed its doors. Celis, a milkman, decided some ten years later to try to revive the style. He began the new brewery in his hay loft.

Celis used the traditional ingredients of water, yeast, wheat, hops, coriander and dried Curaçao orange peel. With demand for the product continuing to grow, Celis bought, in the 1980s, Hougardia, a local soft-drink factory that he rebuilt into a brewery.

After a fire in 1985, as is traditional in Belgium, several brewers offered their help. One of these was the largest brewer in the country, called Interbrew (after a merger with AmBev, renamed InBev). Interbrew lent money for the purchase of other buildings to rebuild the brewery. Over time, Celis felt very strongly that the company used the loan to pressure him to change the recipe to make the beer more "mass market". The perspective was different inside Interbrew - some felt that Celis' tinkering with the recipe was hampering brand growth and tried to attain a permanent consistency. Perhaps simply incompatible approaches to brewing.
haha. I dont think Heineken's bad at all actually. I prefer Carlsberg or Becks if we're talking lager in 33 cl though. Right now I'm having a 7,3 beer my dad gave me for dinner. Not too delicious, but at least its free :lol:
I went to my friends house this weekend, and I brought some Carlsberg with me to try for the first time. It is the best fucking beer. I love it.

This was from the first night

Then, the second night, we had a cookout, and the remaining people who stayed after awhile played The Big Lebowski challenge. This is how many Mr.Carlsberg's got through the movie.

About 3 and a half.