favorite beer(S)

Ah, favorite beers... Currently, they are:

Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout
Samuel Adams Imperial Pilsner
Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat
Great Divide Hercules Douple IPA
Duchess De Bourgogne
Mackeson XXX

Hmm... and, as of recently:

Welsh ESB -- This beer was fucking great!

Sam Adams has a lot of flavors I like. I used to love Newcastle... it's a bit weak now, though. Guinness... meh. Old Rasputin is a good one, as well as Old Peculier. Highland Gaelic Ale is tasty. Flying Dog's Double Dog Pale Ale is nice, but only in moderate doses; it's overpowering after a while. Great Divide's Yeti Imperial Stout is a good one. I've liked what lambic I've had.

Quite recently I began to really enjoy good whisk(e)y. Right now, Johnny Walker Black Label is probably my favorite, but gold old Jack Daniels is definitely alright, too. I'm still exploring this world, though, so I'm not as well-versed in it as I am with beer (not that I consider myself extremely well-versed there, either).

Incidentally, absinthe is some weiiiiird stuff.
Having one of these right now: