James, what part of FL are you in that has Yuengling readily available? When I moved to Louisiana I went through about 6 months of withdrawals before I got used to the fact that there was no Yuengling for hundreds of miles.
red stripe might be a winner for you...i personally think it tastes like trash, but most people like it
sierra nevada pale ale is a good one, too, for people who are just getting into "craft" beers
same with sam adams, just the regular ol' boston lager
I don't think that this is available in the States (at least under that name) because a certain other 'brewery' of the same name was afraid that someone might order a Budweiser and actually be handed a beer.
I'm not much of a beer drinker but what would you guys suggest for someone in the states? (as most of the beers posted her aren't domestically available)
I here good things about fat tire but i've never had it. Down here no one cares what it tastes like, so everyone just gets keystone/natty. (ewww)
I've only ever had bud light and bud select myself. I need some good affordable beer suggestions!
So glad I'm fucking 21 now and it's not like pulling teeth to try different beer haha.
Costs 6,66 at this one bar that sells it too, haha. I wish I had a job again, I can't really afford to drink any special beers right now, just whatever's on the tap mostly.
fat tire is the goods. I don't have access to it unfortunately.