Favorite "Folk Metal" album ?!?!?

the new manegarm EP is pretty rad, but its more of an acoustic folk thingy

also Lord Wind's "Forgotten Songs" is quite amazing
I only have Vargaresa - The Beginning from Manegarm. How does their other material compare/differ to this one?
that one and the frst two are a lot more fast black metal with a few folky touches. Dodsfard and last year's great Vredens Tid slowed down and upped the violin and folkiness. the new EP is entirely acoustic folky radness
not really into that "jollyfolk" or "vikingfolk" stuff anymore, and BY THE FUCKING WAY BLIND GUARDIAN IS NOT FOLK METAL.

So anyway, Bergtatt. They started it, mastered it, and moved the fuck on. All others leave the lawn.
MFJ said:
not really into that "jollyfolk" or "vikingfolk" stuff anymore, and BY THE FUCKING WAY BLIND GUARDIAN IS NOT FOLK METAL.

So anyway, Bergtatt. They started it, mastered it, and moved the fuck on. All others leave the lawn.
i would say that but i dunno if i can vote against the mantle so...tie? :erk: [/copout]
ehhhh "the mantle" isn't true folk metal to me (although I love it), so I don't know what to say. Bergtatt has "black metal" in it, yeah, but it's folk. Just... the best style ever. I'm obviously trying to replicate it with Noltem, because I'm a homo.
I've never heard the Cruachan debut, but man, I've heard some of their other later albums and they all sucked big time.

Never heard Asmegin either.

That is all.
Wow, thread about "folk metal" and absolutely no mention of SKYCLAD? I thought the band has some love in this forum. Anyway my favourite folk metal album is some Skyclad one ... sometimes "Irrational Anthems" some others "Prince Of The Poverty Line". Then perhaps comes "Great God Pan" by Northwinds.
I've never heard the Cruachan debut, but man, I've heard some of their other later albums and they all sucked big time.

While I happen to quite like the later albums, the debut is very different and MUCH better! I'm pretty fucking sure you'd like it to be honest, it's absolutely fantastic.
own all the skyclad's. i adore the band. faves would be Jonah's Ark and Irrational Anthems

JayK, get Tuatha Na Gael. None of that awful female singing (except on a bonus track on the re-release, which I actually like a lot), and no jolly stuff. Pure black metal vocals, with tin whistle affair.

the Asmegin album was OK. the Myrkgrav is much, much better IMO.