Favorite "Folk Metal" album ?!?!?

new album out soon i thought?

Yeah, they're apparently working on it and their site was updated not that long ago with some random news about the progress. In the mean time, amuse yourselves with the somewhat goofy video for one of the best song from their debut album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XctVztWB-Ak

As for best folk metal I'd have to agree with Mark; I can't imagine anything ever pushing Bergtatt from the throne. Had it been longer I'd be close to claiming it it's one of the best alums evar. But that's also a pretty obvious and boring choice, so I'll add Nokturnal Mortum's NeChrist. I listened to this album a couple of days ago for the first time in a year or so, and concluded: "Hot dang, this is some good folk metal right here" whereupon I started banging my head and singing[SIZE=-1][/SIZE]along in nosense-ukrainian :kickass:
good call spaffe, NeChrist is rising in my Nokturnal Mortum rankings. I actually listen to that one more than Lunar Poetry and Weltannschauung these days.
Yeah, they're apparently working on it and their site was updated not that long ago with some random news about the progress. In the mean time, amuse yourselves with the somewhat goofy video for one of the best song from their debut album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XctVztWB-Ak

As for best folk metal I'd have to agree with Mark; I can't imagine anything ever pushing Bergtatt from the throne. Had it been longer I'd be close to claiming it it's one of the best alums evar. But that's also a pretty obvious and boring choice, so I'll add Nokturnal Mortum's NeChrist. I listened to this album a couple of days ago for the first time in a year or so, and concluded: "Hot dang, this is some good folk metal right here" whereupon I started banging my head and singing[SIZE=-1][/SIZE]along in nosense-ukrainian :kickass:

cool vid. awesome song!
hahahaha the posts i made in this thread are ridiculous. must have been one of the crazier nights I had this summer

We need more of this from you asap! The torch has been passed, or something. I am resigning from my duty of get really baked and posting on RC every day.