Favorite Metal Drink/mixed or not...

Cimmerian said:
nothing beats a nice scotch on the rocks, johnny walker black or the like. Why mix? simply adds more artifice and time to the whole process of getting royally fucked.

Tru dat...I guess I just rather have a splash of something with my liquor....mostly they are 70-80% straight 30-20% mix...The way I look at it is that I have to just pour twice...or something like that

hmmm...just johnny walker, or any scotch, whiskey. If your problem lies only with walker, take a hint from amon and try one of the fine whiskeys they use as their names, or just down some bourbon.
On an aside, i'm pretty pissed off I can't start my drinkling as early as usual tomorrow (around 2 in the afternoon) as I'm playing a show on the college's radio station, and unlike Hoglan, whose prowess under the influence is legendary, I fall apart on the drums long before I'd even be buzzed when not playing.
60% Jägermeister + 40% Red Bull + loads of ice. That's a good one.

The old Gin N' Tonic is also pretty damn good.

For getting drunk blended Scotch is great, but lose the ice. Scotch on the rocks sucks! It has to be straight and it has to be room-temperatured. Favourite brands are Famous Grouse and Ballentines.

Beer is always good (except the american piss
). Makes you have to piss a lot, but what the hell...

If you want good whisky, it's the single malt stuff that rules;
Laphroaig, Ardbeg, Glenlivet, Lagavulin, Bowmore... You name them.
However, to use these brands to get drunk is blasphemy! These whiskies are for the good taste and not for hard drinking.
Although beer is always prefferd, I'm also a big Whiskey drinker. Single malt all the way! Except Famous Grouse. And drinks?

Moonshine with fruits (strawberries, blueberry etc)
Moonshine w. Turkish Pepper (candy we have in Sweden, also other candy of sweeter varieties)
Autumn-drinks (including wine, apple, honey...make a LOT cause you wanna get drunk)
Grøna Hissen
Blå Lagunen

I also have something called Patric's Beer Game if you'd like to know, but it's very primtive.
Patric said:
Although beer is always prefferd, I'm also a big Whiskey drinker. Single malt all the way!


Yeah, it's pretty much all beer and whiskey for me. Some of the cheap 12-year Canadian single malt whiskeys are actually pretty good, so I usually stick to those. Every now and then, treat myself to a bottle of Glenfiddich 12. I always drink whiskey on the rock - one piece of ice, no more.

As far as beer goes, I pretty much can't stand anything brewed on this continent (except for the beer that I make myself) so it's all about the European ales.

Gin and tonics are also nice, every now and then. They're always best at 9:30 AM with a cup of hot coffee in the other hand.

Last night, I had a really fun idea - to drink one bourbon, one scotch and one beer - listening to the song at the same time - and finish them all before the song ended. It was too easy though, I finished with something like 4 minutes to go.
GRAPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!for sure grappa!!!grappa with herbs!!AAAAAHH!!!!!

i'm also a whiskey drinker but i never get drunk with whiskey..but the most good whiskey for me is the great MCALLAN..aaah!!!!mcallan rules!!
Yah, I'd be happy to taste some Canadian, everyone talks about it but I never get any. Have you seen the movie "Return of the Leprechaun" where he kills this poor bum cause he drinks blended Canadian, and steals his gold teeth? :lol: Funny shit. Whiskey IS to be drunk straight if Single especially and dude, it only gets better with beer. Ever tried the Irish bomb? It knocks my head off everytime!

np: Dismember-Souldevourer