Favorite movie quotes

robber: that is it, im gonna count to 10, and your gonna hand over all the cash or im gonna splatter yor grease paint mug across the state line...1"
clon "fuck your momma"
robber "2"
clown"fuck your sister"robber 2: what are we gonna do?
old guy: hey i know you, you work at the hardware store right. rickard wick, right?
robber 2: shut your trap
clown: fuck your grandma
old guy:i remember now all the guys makefun of you they call you little dick wick
robber 2: sh sh shut up!
old guy:(sings) little dick wick, play with his prick, dont his smell just make you sick
robber 2: (takes off his mask) stop singing i hate that song
robber1: put your fucking mask back on
robber 2 knocks his mask off the clown laughs robber1: fuck it
goes to shoot the clown and a guy that works with the clown comes in in a big giant head thing and hits the guy with an axe clown shoots robber 2 and robber one is laying on the ground the clown comes up to him and says "first of all, fuck you" and shoots him about 3 times and then clown says "god damn motherfucker got blood all over my best clown suit"


"why you ask? why i not the question .how? now that is a question worth examining. how could i? being born of such conventional stock, arrive a leader of the rebellion? an escapist from a conformist world destined destined to find happiness only in that which cannot be explained. i brought you here for a reason but unfortunatley you ad your sentimental minds are doing me no good!. my brain is frozen, blocked, i have to break free from this culture of mechanical reproductions and the thick encrustations dying on the surface, oh christ, fuck it"
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future" (Galadriel - LoTR)

"And once again you think it is all about you." (Magneto - X-Man2)

"- They're angelic symbols, passed onto mankind by the archangel, Gabriel. (Nightcrawler)

- How many of them? (Storm)

-One for every sin. So quite a few. (Nightcrawler)"

"- Where is it? Behind the rabbit?

- It IS the rabbit!"
(Monthy Python and the Holy Grail :D )

"Snooochy Boochies" (Jay from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back) :p

"I give you the choice, I never had." (Lestat from Interview with the Vampire)

"- Sometimes anger can help you survive.

- So can faith."
(Storm & Nightcrawler in X-Man2)
dance_with_death said:
robber: that is it, im gonna count to 10, and your gonna hand over all the cash or im gonna splatter yor grease paint mug across the state line...1"
clon "fuck your momma"
robber "2"
clown"fuck your sister"robber 2: what are we gonna do?
old guy: hey i know you, you work at the hardware store right. rickard wick, right?
robber 2: shut your trap
clown: fuck your grandma
old guy:i remember now all the guys makefun of you they call you little dick wick
robber 2: sh sh shut up!
old guy:(sings) little dick wick, play with his prick, dont his smell just make you sick
robber 2: (takes off his mask) stop singing i hate that song
robber1: put your fucking mask back on
robber 2 knocks his mask off the clown laughs robber1: fuck it
goes to shoot the clown and a guy that works with the clown comes in in a big giant head thing and hits the guy with an axe clown shoots robber 2 and robber one is laying on the ground the clown comes up to him and says "first of all, fuck you" and shoots him about 3 times and then clown says "god damn motherfucker got blood all over my best clown suit"


"why you ask? why i not the question .how? now that is a question worth examining. how could i? being born of such conventional stock, arrive a leader of the rebellion? an escapist from a conformist world destined destined to find happiness only in that which cannot be explained. i brought you here for a reason but unfortunatley you ad your sentimental minds are doing me no good!. my brain is frozen, blocked, i have to break free from this culture of mechanical reproductions and the thick encrustations dying on the surface, oh christ, fuck it"

Great movie.,.,,.Captian Spaulding is awsome
"Ned, how come you had a family reunion and didn't invite me?- Homer
"Hurry up Smithers, that ophange isn't going to demolish itself"- Burns
"Well, I'm flunking math, and the other day I was a little attracted to Milhouse".-bart
"He didn't like you, he just smelled your narcotics"- Chief Wiggum

"Eat lead sukka" - Bad Taste
"We're having you for lunch" - Bad Taste

It seems to me that your body can't be as hard as rock all over now can it...*knife in the eye* - Ninja Scroll
from the sitcom Frasier:

Frasier: Niles; Sokrates called, and guess what, YOU'RE NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!

Boy.....I bet you'd stick your head in fire.......if I told you , you'd see hell. Meanwhile there's a demon sticking out of your ass......singing Holy Miss Moly ......we've got us a live one. - Otis House of a 1000 corpses.
nafnikufesin said:
**Insert the entire script from Monty Python and the Holy Grail here**

Agreed! Hell, mostly anything by Monthy Python, really.

"Would you like to donate your liver?"

"When tragedy strikes, at a moments notice, he's ready to become... BICYCLE REPAIR MAN!"
I personally love most lines by Sean Connery, especially those from Indiana Jones ("I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne...let my armies be the rocks and the trees, and the birds in the sky.") and Highlander (the dialogue between COnnor and Ramirez is funny on so many levels) ...and there's just something hilarious about Sean Connery yelling "you're the man now Dawg!" in that one movie...yeah, Finding Forrester.

Also, from Conan, the following quotes are brilliant:

"Time enough for the earth in the grave."

"Crom, I have never prayed to you before, but I pray to you now, if you grant me one thing, grant me REVENGE. And if you do not hear me...then to hell with yoU!" :tickled:

No one can forget Clint Eastwood:

"Don't piss down my back and tell me its rainin'."
I have even more than when I posted the first time:

"You have the spirit to fight back but the good sense to control it.Your eyes are full of hate, Forty-One. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive.It gives him strength."
Quintus Arrius in "Ben-Hur"

"People only know what you tell them"
- In "Catch me if you can"

Amon Goethe: The truth is always the right answer.
- In "Schindler's list"

Oskar Schindler: Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't.
Amon Goethe
: You think that's power?
Oskar Schindler
: That's what the Emperor said. A man steals something, he's brought in before the Emperor, he throws himself down on the ground. He begs for his life, he knows he's going to die. And the Emperor... pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Amon Goethe
: I think you are drunk.
Oskar Schindler: That's power, Amon. That is power.

- In "Schindler's list"

Bike Rider: What's the worst part about growing old?
Alvin: Remembering when you were young.

- I "The straight story"

"Sometimes you have to give up what you have dearest to find peace"
- Harvey Keitel in "Finding Graceland"

"The biggest treasure of them all is a healthy mind and a full stomach"
- Captain Nemo in "20.000 leagues under the sea"

I guess you'd have to have seen the movie to find this interesting (and maybe it's just me):
Joe Buck: John Wayne! Are you tryin' to tell me he's fag?

- In "Midnight cowboy"

Although wussy, I think the tagline for "Love story" is also decent:
" Love means never having to say you're sorry"

And now to some tv-quotes:

"When you look back at your life, you only regret what you didn't do"
- Treat Williams in the "Journey to the centre of the earth" mini-series.

"If you use a word to much, it loses it's meaning"
- In "Mad about you" (think it was Paul Reiser who said it), when Ira said Ru Paul was a genius.

"There's a lesson to be learned here for all of us; It's better to watch stuff than to do stuff"
- Homer Simpson in the tennis episode, where he and Lisa was to play against Marge og Bart, but eventually they were all replaced by Serena & Venus William, Andre Aggesi and Pete Sampras.

"I guess everyone has a different vision for the perfect world"
- Stephen Hawking in "The Simpsons"

"Everybody makes mistakes. That's why they put erasers on pencils."
- Lenny in "The Simpsons"

"Can't you see the difference between earning something and getting it by cheating?"
- Lisa in "The Simpsons"

I'd also like to ad some from the tv-show "Parker Lewis can't lose":

"You're only alone if you choose to be"

"Sometimes when a man looks at a man he must close his eyes to see the resemblance"

"It's easy to confuse simplicity with boring"
Parker Lewis, if I'm not mistaken.

And to finish it off, some quotes from the best movie I've seen my entire life, "Limelight" (the one from '52, not the one from the 30's):

"I'm sorry"
"You should be. A girl like you want to throw your life away. When you reach my age you want to cling unto it."

"There's greatness in everyone"

"Life can be wonderful if you're not afraid of it"

Calvero: Time is the best author. It always write the perfect ending.

Terry: I thought you hated the theater?
Calvero: I also hate the sight of blood, but it's in my veins.
I don't know if this has been added on this forum or not, but if it has, it's getting added again.

The scene in Pulp Fiction where Whallace is getting totally reemed up the ass and Bruce Willis's caracter fucks the dude up. Willis turns to Whallace and says:
"...are you allright?"
Whallace: "I'm far from fuck'n alright."

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THe movie with the coolest quote is diffently Con Air!

Cyrus: "The next time you choose a human shield, make sure it's not a worthless crack my pals"

my pals: "You didn't really mean that crack my pals stuff?"

Cyrus: "Give me the gun" *he hands him the gun* "Hell yeah I ment it"

And the funniest thing is that you can see the guy in the back ground is trying so hard not to laugh :lol:


Indian rapist: "Do you know what I am?"

Nicholas Cage: "Ugly all day!"


Cyrus: "Make a move and the bunny gets it!"
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Mooney: They took your wife away in a balloon? Well you don't need the police, pal, you need a psychiatrist!
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Mike: It was a space ship. And there was these things, these killer clowns, and they shot popcorn at us! We barely got away!
Mooney: Killer clowns, from outer space. Holy shit!
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Mooney: I made it through Korea I can make it through this bullshit!
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Mooney: Freak ya's all!
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Mooney: All right, Dave. Ok. Clowns. Cotton candy. Flying popcorn. Go ahead. Let them make fools of the police department.
I told you I was just over there. Who are you going to believe, me or this little tramp?!
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Mooney: Stupid kids and their pranks. Rich little bastards. I'd shoot 'em all! Their auntie sends them to fancy schools so
the police department can babysit them. Pricks.
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Mooney: OK, let me get this straight. You say there are clowns, and you've seen them. OK Dave, that's it. Screw you and
you're college flunkies. I've had enough of this from you and everyone else. I know what you're trying to do:
Break me down, drive me outta the force. Well, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than a lame prank like this to get
Curtis Mooney to throw in his badge. So FUCK YOU! Over.
- Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Mooney: I oughta shoot you right now, you red-nosed freak.
- Killer Klowns

Mooney: Well, whoop dee goddamn dee doo!
- Killer Klowns

Mooney: Empty your pockets.
goth: We just had a little wine. What's the problem?
Mooney: You're the problem, you little shit!
- Killer Klown

Mooney: What's the matter dave? You gotta thing for these little boys?
- Killer Klowns

(I could quote Mooney all day. Instead, I'll move on)

Darryl: JESUS!!!! Goddamnit Homer! I gotta get to work. I don't need this bullshit in the morning.
- Thelma and Louise

Ahnold: You killed mah mother.... you killed mah father, killed mah people.... took mah fathers sword AAAIIIIIIHHHHHH!
- Conan the Barbarian

Smokey: Why you not goin' to work?
Craig Jones: I got fired yesterday.
Smokey: No shit? I thought you had the day off yesterday.
Craig Jones: I did. I went in to pick up my check, came home, my supervisor called me about four o'clock,
told me he got me on tape stealing boxes.
Smokey: The fuck you stealing boxes for? What you trying to build, a clubhouse?
- Friday

Smokey: Puff puff, give. Puff puff, give. You're fuckin' up the rotation.
- Friday

Smokey: You got to be a stupid motherfucker to get fired on your day off!
- Friday

Reverend: Scuse me brotha...What we call drugs at the 74th Street Baptist Church we call the sin of sin sins.
Smokey: Well round here, between Harmony and Western, we call this here a little twenty twen twen...
Craig Jones: Well... (?)
Smokey: Nigga...
Reverend: Give me a little for my cataracts.
Smokey: You didn't put in on this man!
- Friday

Mr. T: I thought I told you to get off the streets. (something like that)
Hoe: Well I need the bread!
Mr. T: Then get a job at the factory!
- DC Cab

Brandon: Forget about any adventures, limp-lungs. I let you out and Mom'll
ground my ass and I've got a date with Andi on Friday, alright?
Mouth: You're dreamin' kid. There's no way, 'cause that means her mom's gotta
drive. Then you gotta make it with her and her mom.
Brandon: Shut up Mouth.
Mikey: Shut up Mouth.
Mouth: .... shut up Data.
- The Goonies

[bats fly up through the floor}
Mama Fratelli: [about an hour later]... OH, what was that noise!?
- The Goonies

Chunk: Hey, you make me go up this big hill, and you said, you said you'd give me a Twinkie. Now I'm
gonna be late for dinner and my mom's gonna yell at me. And she's not gonna let me eat my dinner
and she's gonna punish me. Ah, you guys, ah.
-The Goonies

Joe: And you are Mr. Pink.
Mr. Pink: Why am I Mr. Pink?
Joe: Cause you're a faggot, ok?
- Reservoir Dogs

Vincent: And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
Jules: They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?
Vincent: No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.
Jules: Then what do they call it?
Vincent: They call it a "Royale" with cheese.
Jules: A "Royale" with cheese! What do they call a Big Mac?
Vincent: A Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it "le Big-Mac".
Jules: "Le Big-Mac"! Ha ha ha ha! What do they call a Whopper?
Vincent: I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King.
- Pulp Fiction

Vincent: That's a pretty fucking good milkshake.
- Pulp Fiction

Dr. Raymond Stantz: Everything was fine, until dickless here cut off the power grid!
Mayor: Is that true?
Dr. Peter Venkman: Yes, Your Honor, this man has no dick.
- Ghostbusters

Frank: Watch your tongue boy if you like this job?
Freddy: Like this job!
- Return of the Living Dead

Michael Bolton: "PC Load Letter"? What the fuck does that mean?!
- Office Space

[it's a nice, sunny day]
Francesco Dellamorte: Ah, the weather's gone bad.
- Dellamorte, Dellamore

Francesco Dellamorte: Thief. You may have killed your wife and daughter -
okay, I'll give you that - but it was me who knocked off the three girls.
What are you doing stealing my murders? What kind of a fucking friend do you think you are?
- Dellamorte, Dellamore

Ben Chapelski: Jesus!
Joe Young: Where?!
- Orgazmo

Dave the Lighting Guy: I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think Depeche Mode is a sweet band!
- Orgazmo

Dave the Lighting Guy: Hey, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think unicorns are kick ass!

Dave the Lightning Guy: [to Joe] I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin', but I'd kinda like to make love to you tonight.
- Orgazmo

Joe Young: We're from The Church of Jesus Christ.
Old Lady: Oh, the Mormons?
Joe Young: That's right. I'm elder Young and this is elder White.
Old Lady: Well, you two boys can just fuck right off.
Joe Young: Ma'am?
Old Lady: You heard me. Take that book of Mormons and shove it so far up your righteous asses that you choke, you soul soliciting pigfuckers.
- Orgazmo

G-Fresh: Those punks from across the street came in the other day and just whupped my sorry black ass!
- Orgazmo

Frank Miller: God you guys make me sick. What is this, a fucking feel good convention?
Shannon Bell: Listen, we have a long journey ahead of us. Its important we all get along. Now, you're hurting people's feelings. Your gunna have to find a more constructive way to express your anger.
Frank Miller: Okay. Well, fuck you! How's that for constructive?
Shannon Bell: That's great, now go to time out Mister.
- Cannibal! The Musical

Tito the retard: Fuck this place, man. I'm outta here. Outta my way pussy!
- Citizen Toxie

Sgt. Kabukiman: Well, fuck that, I'm not gonna die. Not here in Jersey!
- Citizen Toxie

Chop-Top: Dog will hunt.
- TCM 2

Donnie: First of all, Papa Smurf didn't create Smurfette. Gargamel did. She was sent in as
Gargamel's evil spy with the intention of destroying the Smurf village, but the overwhelming
goodness of the Smurf way of life transformed her. And as for the whole gang-bang scenario,
it just couldn't happen. Smurfs are asexual. They don't even have reproductive organs under
those little white pants. That's what's so illogical, you know, about being a Smurf.
What's the point of living if you don't have a dick?
- Donnie Darko

Donnie: You are such a fuckass!
Elizabeth: Did you just call me a fuckass?! You can go suck a fuck!
Donnie: Oh, please, tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fuck?!
- Donnie Darko

Donnie: My parents didn't get me what I wanted for Christmas.
Dr. Lilian Thurman: What did you want?
Donnie: Hungry Hungry Hippos!
Dr. Lilian Thurman: And how did you feel, being denied these hungry, hungry hippos?
Donnie: Regret.
- Donnie Darko

Kevin Cole: Her dress is so short, you can see her clint!
Brian: What?!
Kevin Cole: Her clint, it's in her pussy.
Howie: You mean "clit."
Kevin Cole: Fuck you, I mean like... clintasaurus.
Howie: It's clitoris, you fuckin' idiot!
Kevin Cole: It's a CLINT.
Brian: Yeah, like you can see Clint Eastwood in her pussy!
- L.I.E.

Gary: I think he's trying to say it's not politically correct to fuck your sister.
Kevin Cole: We're not even old enough to vote, so that's a stupid joke Blitzer.
- L.I.E.

( I think I need to go to bed)
The Godfather ha lots of great quotes

Don Corleone: Someday, and that day may never come, I will call
upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this
justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.

Sollozzo: I don't like violence, Tom. I'm a businessman. Blood is a
big expense.

Sonny: How's Pauley?
Clemenza:Oh, Pauley. You won't see him no more

Clemenza: Leave the gun. Take the cannollis.

Michael: My father's no different than any other powerful man. Any
man who's responsible for other people, like a Senator, or a
Kay: Do you know how naive you sound?
Michael: Why?
Kay: Senators and Presidents don't have men killed.
Michael: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?

Don Corleone:
But I'm a superstitious man. And if some unlucky
accident should befall him...if he should get shot in the head by a
police officer, or if he should hang himself in his jail cell, or
if he's struck by a bolt of lightning, then I'm going to blame some
of the people in this room. And that I do not forgive. But that
aside, let me say that I swear, on the souls of my grandchildren,
that I will not be the one who will break the peace we have made
here today.

And from Full Metal Jacket

Drill Instructor: You had best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew
your head and shit down your neck!

Drill Instructor: What is your major malfunction, Numbnuts?
Actually for Full Metal Jacket it went like this:

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