First Borknagar material you heard

Hi there, I am maybee one of those who have heard their First Borknagar material LIVE.

It must have been 13 of June in 1998 at Hafenbahn, Offenbach am Main, Germany and I think it was called the Black Metal Party containing Rotting Christ, Borknagar and Old Man's Child. I was most impressed by the guitar and drum work and the many tempo changes in the Olden Domain, and of course the performance of Simen.

But I need a little help with this, if it was really the first time I heard Borknagar, I only have this Ticket which actually says: 29.11.1997 Burning Christmas Festival mit; No one is innocent; Staresacre; World Bang; I against I. But then this is crossed out and then there is only a stamp with the Date: 13. Juni 1998.

I know that I have seen Borknagar twice in Hafanbahn e. V. first time I was infected, bought the Olden Domain rightaway at the concert record store, second time I was screaming the Text into Simens Face...

Maybee two, musically speaking highlight's of my life I would like to return to If I could only travel in time...

I don't remember If both Concert's where with Simen or if the first concert was with Garm, but I would doubt that...

Anyone who can tell me how It really was and maybee some details, please let me know

I'm not sure about "Oceans Rise". In 1999.

And I remember Øystein's (?) mother which was queuing up with young lads to buy CD.
And she was very proud of her son and enjoyed clean vocals. [I'm not sure about details at dates.]
Haha, epic 6 year necro in this topic =P, it's a good topic anyway.

Borknagar was the first band I'd ever heard with harsh vocals. Somebody recommended I listen to Quintessence and I hated it. Then about 6 months later I found it buried under all my crap and decided to give it a decent go. Now they're by far my favourite band of all time.

It's sad that somebody had to reccomend me Quintessence instead of The Archaic Course or Empiricism. Tracks like Rivalry Of Phantoms and Ruins Of The Future really drove me off at first cause I wasn't used to blast beats or harsh vocals. If I had have heard The Archaic Course first I would have loved them instantly.
Gods of My World was playing on some radio station, at like 3am, probably back when Empiricism was released(2001?)

I remember it quite well, and I was slighty stoned/drunk at the time. A friend and I just got into my car after a party. We were totally frozen in our seats as the song played and we both spoke the same question in unison when the song ended: What the fuck was that? It was awesome and I've been hooked ever since.

Moral of the story: Hearing Bork for the first time was religious for me.
Don't drink and drive.. :P

My first Borky material was the whole Epic album, I bought it since I read interesting reviews of the band's style, which really should have fit into my musical direction. And it did, Epic blew me off. Quintessence and the fantastic debut easily managed me to fall in love with that band completely.
Colossus few years ago, then looked into it more. started to listen to arcturus at the same(star crossed) and those got me into black metal
I was getting into Mr. V around 2002-2003 and came across the fact he was in Borknagar in 2004. So, I think the first thing I ever heard was Future Reminiscence.
The 1st Bork material i've been bumped into was 'Quintessence' which is still my fav' album of Borknagar.
The first Borknagar song I think I ever heard was 'Oceans Rise' from 'The Archaic Course'. It was back when it came out (around 1998?) and on a Century Media sampler cd - their fourth or fifth one I think. I've still got the cd in my collection. I used to love those Century Media c.ds in the 90s.

When I first heard 'Oceans Rise' it really wasn't what I was looking for at the time in music and I didn't properly get into Borknagar until about 2001 when Empiricism came out. I know that's only a three year difference, but the three years between the ages of 18 and 21 seem like a lifetime so for me it was a delayed introduction.
My first album was The Archaic Course was in 2000 or 2001. Empiricism is my favorite but I still really like TAC.