First day of spring...... I hate it!


Oct 14, 2003
Soon it will be hot and my balls will be all sweaty. I hate the summer!!!! Just thought you guys would want to know that. :) Any other "winter people" here?
In winter the lack of sun depresses the amount of endorfuns realeased from the brain thus in winter we are unhappy. I have no real problem with that... except every little bastard child, takes out there lack of endorfuns on me by insulting/abuseing me. It rained like a mofo here yesterday!!! the wind was bout 70mph aswell, so sitting in my bedroom (which is a dug out attic) and watching nightmare on elmstreet was pretty cool. You oldschool rockers will suffer in your leathers in summer too im guessing. HAHA I dont wear leather, cotton all the way!
I like the winter too! I love dark evenings and chilly weather (so i can wear my leather jacket). Last summer in Britain was the hottest for years (it would probarbly have felt warm rather than hot, to people in the U.S though lol). The constant heat and sunlight made my life a living hell, i hope it won't be like that this year. . ?

:heh: :Smokedev: :devil: :devil: :cry:
Its funny, the gig season is nearly out and I havn't seen half as many bands as last year. Winter is alos cool because you can go to a gig, sweat untill you are wetter than a paedophile in a nursery and then you step outside and, WHABOOM... Its lovely and Cold... Converge gig in leeds was too hot for words, but after a good hour of violence the outside was the only thing that stopped me from passing out!!!!
I prefer summer over winter but fall is my favorite season. The cool crisp air, the leaves falling, the thoughts of Michael Myers from Halloween prowling the streets... very metal.
I prefer winter by far.

Luckily I live in Australia, and summer just finished last month. At the moment we're in the middle of autumn ("Fall" do you call it there?) so winter is coming up next!

I like warm, temperate climates. So I prefer home, after 3 winters here I'm pissed with cold. But I hate rain, and we have plenty back home.

Therefore I need a place with an average temperature of 23 C (73 F) all the year and no rain (except during sleep time). If anyone knows the place let me know :lol:
I live in Alabama. Basically, if you live in the deep South, you had better learn to deal with hot weather..... I like spring and fall best, but I also like summer too. I hate winter. My body is perfectly adapted for my environment. I don't "like" 100 degrees (38 C.) any better than anyone else, but I can function in it. I can't function in anything below forty (5 C.) without putting on gloves and insulation as my body doesn't manufacture enough heat.

In Melbourne here it never gets below about 10 C really which is at night. Usually winter days are about 15 C. And summer is usually about 30 C on average... there are some cooler days in the 20s, alot too so never any long hot streaks. But sometimes you'll get a few days around 40 C or more which is just too hot. Luckily though that's not that often.

Overall I think Melbourne has awesome weather. On average its in the 20s most of the year round, and its also kinda weird coz you can go from 30 C and clear sky to 20 C and rain in one day sometimes. Alot of people say Melbourne goes through all 4 seasons in one day sometimes. When Bruce Kulick toured here on his first solo tour he couldn't believe it because it was storming and raining all day but it was nearly 40 C hahaha (he came on a hot day in the middle of summer!).
Cool. Nice to see other "winter people" here. Everyone tells me I'm crazy for liking the cold soo much, if I had my wish there would be snow year round, but I can't help it. The humidity of summer just sucks the life out of me. By Aug 1st I'm ready to kill everyone in sight. I get very depressed in the summer.
Bryant said:
I can't function in anything below forty (5 C.) without putting on gloves and insulation as my body doesn't manufacture enough heat.


hahahahha man 40 up here is a heatwave in the winter time we run around in t-shirts in that weather :) ......BTW I fucking hate winter its the worst time of year I'm a summer baby with a strong like for spring ,I like to see everything come alive
JonnyD said:
BTW I fucking hate winter its the worst time of year I'm a summer baby with a strong like for spring

I've wondered if when you were born has anything to do with it. I was born in the dead of winter during a snow storm, maybe that's why I like the cold. Who knows.
Winter...sweet, wonderful winter. Spring is murder for my allergies, summer is way to hot and i don't like the feeling of my itchy testicles stuck to my thighs. Fall is ok, but too unpredictable, Especially in So Cal, and over here, that's when all the wildfires happen, and those suck. Yup, winter is better.
Greeno said:
Cool. Nice to see other "winter people" here. Everyone tells me I'm crazy for liking the cold soo much, if I had my wish there would be snow year round, but I can't help it. The humidity of summer just sucks the life out of me. By Aug 1st I'm ready to kill everyone in sight. I get very depressed in the summer.

Not snow but a nice thick frost every morning that is my idea of heaven when you step outside and it crunches under your boots and the air is so fresh and clean I find snow seems much more dirty it lingers around for days where frost is pretty much gone the same day.
Greeno said:
Cool. Nice to see other "winter people" here. Everyone tells me I'm crazy for liking the cold soo much, if I had my wish there would be snow year round, but I can't help it. The humidity of summer just sucks the life out of me. By Aug 1st I'm ready to kill everyone in sight. I get very depressed in the summer.

know what you mean about the heat greeno.delivering kegs of beer in hot weather really pisses me off sometimes-but people drink more too,so although the work is shitty,i make more money.its a balance.spring is actually my fave time-not too hot,not too cold-in the south of england it averages 15-20c.
get gigging again my green friend-remember how hot it is under those stage lights?the sweat makes you feel alive-and smelly!! :D