Forum Awards


Proceed to Ultraslamming
Feb 10, 2006
Toronto ON

So I've had this idea rattling around my brain for a few days. Every year everyone makes up a list of the best albums from that year. What if we also gave out awards for the best posters on the board? My feeling is that this is a good way to increase forum spirit and fellowship (no homo), and to have a little fun and recognize the people that make this place an enjoyable one to visit.

I was thinking we could award things like MVP(poster), Most Helpful, Friendliest, Funniest, Most Knowledgable, Best Newcomer, Best Debater and a Special Misc. Award for someone who doesn't quite fit a category.

As I said I think this would be fun and positive, which is something that would be nice what with all the negativity with trolls recently. I am willing to organize this, but only if there is some support.

What do you guys think?

UPDATE from Necuratul:We will have a separate poll thread (with private voting) for each category, and these threads will be stickied in the recommendations forum due to the fact that this forum receives far more traffic and having that many threads stickied on the main page will severely hinder the flow of threads. Nominations should be given to cookiecutter via PM. Nominate your candidates for all categories. Nominations will end on Friday. Polling will start on Friday, and end a week from Friday. The resulting winners can act like faggots and put their "awards" in their signatures like obnoxious assholes as if they've made a significant achievement on the internet.

This means you can send nominations for all the categories. The categories are:

Friendliest (some of you already sent me this):
Most Valuable Poster
Most Helpful
Most Knowledgable
Best Newcomer
Best Debater
Special Misc. Award (see above for details)
I think 'Best Debater' should be changed to 'Master Debater' (no homo)

I think it's a good idea, but should it be done this early or should it wait until the end of the year like the top albums threads?

I think there should be a 'Best Newcomer' award as well.
I've seen this work really well on some forums but the complete opposite on others. Either way it normally proves somewhat interesting to read.
I added Best Newcomer to the first post, that is a good idea. I think that if nominations and voting are done through PMs, it might eliminate much if the potential squabbling. I also posted this now so I wouldn't forget and so we could iron out the details before things got going.
Here are what the categories could be:

Most Valuable Poster,
Most Helpful,
Friendliest (Mister or Miss Congeniality),
Most Knowledgable,
Best (Master) Debater,
Best Newcomer
Most Potential (could be joint with Best Newcomer)
Worst Poster/The Troll Award
I added Best Newcomer to the first post, that is a good idea. I think that if nominations and voting are done through PMs, it might eliminate much if the potential squabbling. I also posted this now so I wouldn't forget and so we could iron out the details before things got going.

Why not just make polls about it and have the voting be anonymous?

That would be easier.

Just have a mod watch that thread and delete posts that are considered squabbling.

Meh, I don't know.
wouldnt a troll award just encourage blue jay and dave?

and how bout the GR award. given to me every year because i kick ass