FRIDAY Prediction Thread

There's no way it'll be Falconer. If it is, I, like Bob, will stop complaining. But we can't have Falconer, I'm sure they're considered "too cheesy" by our fearless fest organizers. :p

I think Ion Vein is a sure thing. But you're not going to see Brainstorm.
I used to love Brainstorm.
Their last was a MAJOR disappointment.
I think BS would be a great "A" list band, instead of a "B" list band if Andy focused on JUST BS, but that's my opinion.
What's too bad is that both Falconer & Dream Evil do have some good music, but it's the vocals that just kill them.

And what's funny is that this same exact comment is so much used to describe many death & core bands. :lol: :lol:
Please specify...Do you mean the vocals as in the singer's voice/delivery, or the lyrics themselves?

Honestly, I'm not much of a lyrics person when it comes to judging's all about voice & delivery for me. I consider voice to be another instrument, and if that instrument doesn't fit the rest of the music, it effects my interest in the band.
Fair enough..
So with certain power metal bands then, what kills it for you?
The fact that it seems like a throw back (which I can agree is certainly the case for Dream Evil and Primal Fear)
Fair enough..
So with certain power metal bands then, what kills it for you?
The fact that it seems like a throw back (which I can agree is certainly the case for Dream Evil and Primal Fear)

Simply, the fact that I started listening to Power Metal back in the mid 90s & have just gotten so tired of the generic re-hashed music that never seems to change. ;)

I was among the first to get into SymX (paid $36 DWOT as an import, which was a fucking joke since they're from the US!), Rhapsody, Hammerfall, Shadow Gallery...shit, even Ivanhoe (Andy Frank's first band)...just to name a few, and just got tired of it over the years since it hasn't really progressed hardly at reality, I think it's actually digressed (sp?). Now, it's made up of about 95% clones & most of which make me want to :puke:
Yeah, we can't have singers that actually SING in our metal! :p So Rob, I hear Al gave you a hard time at Penny Road a couple weeks ago. Something to do with finally having a power metal band in the lineup. ;) As for Dream Evil...They are BEYOND cheesy. And I'm not sure if they're serious, or if they're being intentionally cheesy...And the singer is going to blow his voice out eventually. That's one PM band that would have me wondering at your sanity if you got them for PowerFest. :lol: As for Power Metal not progressing: It's POWER METAL. Not Progressive Metal. What did you honestly expect? I confess I've gotten bored with most power metal of late, but the ones that I heard when I was first learning there was something BETTER than nu-metal out there, are still bands that I enjoy to this day.

Anyway, despite the fact that I'm disappointed with the current lineup (PaganFest excluded), I'm still looking forward to announcements. Sometimes I get suprised. :D Maybe Lydean Sea? *puppy dog eyes*

Jason - I haven't heard the new Brainstorm. Though you're the first person I've heard from who didn't like it. Is it just the new release you don't like, or did you not like Liquid Monster, either?
Well I after the clues I hope its Cellador from the Metal Blade end of things and as for the other bands I am not really sure since I am not really familar with what the label rosters sound like.
I was among the first to get into SymX (paid $36 DWOT as an import, which was a fucking joke since they're from the US!), Rhapsody, Hammerfall, Shadow Gallery...shit, even Ivanhoe (Andy Frank's first band)...just to name a few, and just got tired of it over the years since it hasn't really progressed hardly at reality, I think it's actually digressed (sp?). Now, it's made up of about 95% clones & most of which make me want to :puke:

Oh, I agree with you there 100% actually.
There are a lot of PM bands I love that I simply don't buy new discs from anymore. Tired of getting the same disc over and over.

Prog metal is even worse than power metal in this regard.
(and ironic hence no prog metal bands even remotely progress! Ha!)

Though, on the flipside, a solid power metal performance is killer!
Cheesy or not, bands like HammerFall, etc always slay live.
Oh, I agree with you there 100% actually.
There are a lot of PM bands I love that I simply don't buy new discs from anymore. Tired of getting the same disc over and over.

*cough*HammerFall*cough* Though I still love them, Oscar is in a rut. Bleh.

Though, on the flipside, a solid power metal performance is killer!
Cheesy or not, bands like HammerFall, etc always slay live.

Statement = true. I'm not a Primal Fear fan, but DAMN if their performance at ProgPower didn't impress me. Ralf Scheepers' voice is fantastic live! CDs don't do him any justice.
what genre of metal has changed and progressed?

you cant say mallcore!!!!

I guess maybe MachineHead....from wearing spacesuits to toughguy clothes.

Oh geez, you putz. :p :lol:

Actually, one of the most progressive bands on the planet right now, I'm sure you'd consider metalcore....Between The Buried And Me.

Easily, the next generation of metal musicians' Dream Theater!!
Jason - I haven't heard the new Brainstorm. Though you're the first person I've heard from who didn't like it. Is it just the new release you don't like, or did you not like Liquid Monster, either?

I was speaking of Liquid Monster, which blew, esp after the amazing Soul Temptation.
I have not heard the new one...

Ironically, Symphorce's albums kept getting worse as well...

As I said, I think him doing BOTH bands is what keeps them both being "Good" but not "great" bands.. Just my opinion.
Saw Hammerfall open for Death on their last crazy of a match is that?! Although, I was one of the few there that actually wanted to see both...though, it was 80/20 more for Death. ;)

BTW...I'll settle for 80/20 from most of the fans attending the Powerfest for the headliners. ;)