FRIDAY Prediction Thread

I'd be half way happy to see Lizzy Borden ... not a big favorite of mine, but I think there would be some entertainment value there. As for bands like A Life Once Lost, and Between The Buried And Me .. I can't stomach their music very well ... I'll probably be two fisting beers if we get stuff like that. As for Ion Vein .. I like em', although it's been a few years since I listened to them. Any momentum they might have had going at one point kind of dried up when Russ was removed from the equation .. maybe this will be the beginning of a new chance for them. I know the songs pretty well, so I'm sure I can find some enjoyment there.

I'm still teetering on making the 5+ hour drive based on the Thursday and Saturday line-ups. Maybe we can all go see Iron Man or something Saturday before IE plays.
I actually have faith in the Iron Man film. It looks like they got it right. Just like the first two Spiderman films and the 2nd X-Men film.

I would take a 24 hour Martin Lawrence movie marathon than any mallcore act for 30 minutes.
Fuck, I would take going to see the Hannah Montana movie over ONE metalcore band.
(And I ain't jokng, being the father of a 3 year old girl).

No Lizzy Borden or Armored Saint.
Give me a break. Both bands were complete jokes in the 80s....
AS had a couple decent tracks, but were always "C" level US metal.

Going away and coming back for a cash grab isn't going to change that.
Wow!! You guys must really think we're made of money!!!

Actually, to be honest, it just boggles my mind. To justify some of your suggestions, we would have to charge $100 a ticket. So answer me this...would you prefer our lineup this year at $27.50 per day...or some of your suggested lineups at $50+ per day? And the small handful who may be up for that would still not draw enough for us to justify it.

Although, to cut you guys some slack, you guys really would have no way to truly know how much bands cost. I'm actually willing to bet that absolutely none of you do! So, just be thankful you're not in our shoes. ;)

Also, if you guys really want to show your disappointment for the lineup, PLEASE do us the favor of NOT being there until the headliner. Go to that movie, go to White Castle, or just stay home/hotel until the headliner...whatever. If we see a noticeable difference in the crowd from before the headliner & when the headliner hits the stage, we will then, AND ONLY THEN, know you were right & we were wrong! So us!! :heh: It's the only real way we'll truly learn. :p
Wow!! You guys must really think we're made of money!!!

Actually, to be honest, it just boggles my mind. To justify some of your suggestions, we would have to charge $100 a ticket. So answer me this...would you prefer our lineup this year at $27.50 per day...or some of your suggested lineups at $50+ per day? And the small handful who may be up for that would still not draw enough for us to justify it.

Although, to cut you guys some slack, you guys really would have no way to truly know how much bands cost. I'm actually willing to bet that absolutely none of you do! So, just be thankful you're not in our shoes. ;)

Also, if you guys really want to show your disappointment for the lineup, PLEASE do us the favor of NOT being there until the headliner. Go to that movie, go to White Castle, or just stay home/hotel until the headliner...whatever. If we see a noticeable difference in the crowd from before the headliner & when the headliner hits the stage, we will then, AND ONLY THEN, know you were right & we were wrong! So us!! :heh: It's the only real way we'll truly learn. :p

Rob, I know you guys are doing the best you can - and that's all we can ask for. I am probably going to come to the show regardless of the opening bands on Friday knowing I will have a good time regardless of who plays.

But in all honesty, to get some of the bands mentioned above for another $25 - I would pay that in a second.
I would have no problem paying $100 for the weekend. I would rather pay that price and see an amazing show that the 50 or 60 bucks for a few bands.
I dont think anyone would bitch about the price if there were decent bands playing. There will be a huge difference between the opening acts and the headliner when it comes to who is there. You are crazy to beleive otherwise.
Just like any show. It always happens. It happens every year and also at every show.