FRIDAY Prediction Thread

But in all honesty, to get some of the bands mentioned above for another $25 - I would pay that in a second.

I would have no problem paying $100 for the weekend.

You guys may, but the hundreds we'd need to break even most certainly would NOT!!

And you, BOB, are the one crazy to believe otherwise!! This is NOT ProgPower, and even that fest failed financially in Chicago...which is why it had to move to Atlanta. Don't forget that, oh wise one! :p

You could just add an sixth band slot to Saturdays lineup, Paul said they'd play again if you asked them.

There are already 6 bands on Saturday. ;)
It isnt the location that made ProgPower fail the first two years. It is the lineup. The line up for the third year is what made that fest and it was a huge gamble that paid off. Just like this year will put you guys on the map with Iced Earth and Testament. It is an investment that will pay off. But people wont look back and say what a line up....they will just remember those two headliners. You dont even have to go over seas to bring in bands...there are so many US based great bands that you could have had.
I know you guys work your ass off for this fest but it seems that you guys have this philosophy that we should just like every band playing. If anyone speaks out about it....they get told we dont know anything. We do. Along with you guys creating this fest.....WE are the people who make or break it in the end. I remember last year we went through the same thing. I recall the first 2 to 3 bands playing in front of 50 to 70 people.
People will pay the price asked if the show has a great line up. Sure there will be the cheap asses (Jason) who will be angry, but as a promoter, i would rather deal with that bitching than people bitching about the quality of bands playing. Locally, the biggest issue is the location of the Pearl Room. I know lots of people who are dreading the 3 days of back and fourth driving....there is no way in hell I am getting a hotel and be stuck in that dump of a town for that long.

I know this for a will easily draw 1,000 that friday night and about 600 - 800 for Testamant. I hope that this puts you guys in the green this year. I hope that for next year that you will be able maybe then get some more well known / solid bands to play the middle and opening slots.
It is going to be amazing to see that placed packed for Iced Earth.
I don't have a problem paying more for a ticket price either. I'd rather pay more, and get a higher quality lineup as opposed to paying less, and only getting a band or two I'm interested it.

I know you guys work your ass off for this fest but it seems that you guys have this philosophy that we should just like every band playing. If anyone speaks out about it....they get told we dont know anything. We do. Along with you guys creating this fest.....WE are the people who make or break it in the end. I remember last year we went through the same thing. I recall the first 2 to 3 bands playing in front of 50 to 70 people.

People will pay the price asked if the show has a great line up.

Honestly, I think you're one of the the only people on this board that is hung up on the strength of the lineup, or at least the most vocal about it. I'd think most people are ecstatic that IE and Testament are coming to town. They then have the added benefit of 4-5 other bands each day that they can check out if they are interested.

I can toss out suggestions of bands I'd like to see, but certainly understand that they're all from Europe and it's not feasible to bring them all over at the same time for this fest. Thus, I'm not going to complain when they don't announce some huge roster of bands, especially given that I'm not able to contribute as a sponsor. If I ponied up the cash, then I'd feel like I have a little right to offer a negative opinion on a band that they book.

To answer Rob's question, I'd rather pay the $27.50 per ticket for two big headliners and a lighter roster instead of $100+ per ticket for a huge lineup. I'm pretty sure most people would - seeing IE and Testament for that price is a total steal compared to ticket prices for other shows that come through arenas, etc.
Honestly, I think you're one of the the only people on this board that is hung up on the strength of the lineup, or at least the most vocal about it. I'd think most people are ecstatic that IE and Testament are coming to town. They then have the added benefit of 4-5 other bands each day that they can check out if they are interested.

I can toss out suggestions of bands I'd like to see, but certainly understand that they're all from Europe and it's not feasible to bring them all over at the same time for this fest. Thus, I'm not going to complain when they don't announce some huge roster of bands, especially given that I'm not able to contribute as a sponsor. If I ponied up the cash, then I'd feel like I have a little right to offer a negative opinion on a band that they book.

To answer Rob's question, I'd rather pay the $27.50 per ticket for two big headliners and a lighter roster instead of $100+ per ticket for a huge lineup. I'm pretty sure most people would - seeing IE and Testament for that price is a total steal compared to ticket prices for other shows that come through arenas, etc.

Do you think any fest would have survived if they let it ride on just the headliners?

I think everyone would be happy as hell top pay $100 bucks for like 6 solid acts and a few unknown openers. Think about it....the average show is like 25 to 30 bucks for usually one great act with tons of openers. $100 bucks is still a deal.

You dont have to go overseas to bring great bands over....I had sugested so many US acts. And I have been the guy who has been told that he hates US bands by many people.
You're crazy...that first year was the best lineup they've had...and I'm not the only one who thinks so. can disagree if you wish.

Also, we've NEVER said people should like each of our bands...that's just ridiculous. Of course people won't like all of them, but for you to make comments that your suggested lineups would draw more than ours is what I've got the most issue with. I realize it's your opinion, and that's wonderful, but I think that you fail to take into account everything that goes into the fest. Working our asses off is one thing, which we do, but more importantly is that fact we don't have a money tree, or the fact that adding bands who are in the deep underground without reputable record label support (for promotion & exposure) doesn't help the draw, nor any future the fest may have.

And for the record, this is the last time I will respond to any naysayers regarding our choices & actions. I'm fucking tired of having to justify everything we do. Say & do what you will.

Ignorance is truly bliss I guess. :rolleyes:
the first year was nothing compared to the 3rd year. Blind Guardian, Angra, Edguy, Gamma Ray, and many others.....damn.

Like Jason said in an earlier post...we all have different taste in music and styles.

I need to rest my fingers for tomorrows announcement.
Since I am unfamiliar with 2 of the 3 record labels mentioned, I can only speculate on the Metal Blade band.

Reading Rob's quote on bringing over Falconer, I realize that my hopes of seeing Brainstorm are close to nil... perhaps next year?

I am definitely leaning toward the prediction of Lizzy Borden or possibly Gwar. I don't follow Gwar, but I know they used to be on Metal Blade. I bet the stage show would be very entertaining for either of those bands. Most people go see Gwar shows just for the sheer silliness of the show.
Since I am unfamiliar with 2 of the 3 record labels mentioned, I can only speculate on the Metal Blade band.

Reading Rob's quote on bringing over Falconer, I realize that my hopes of seeing Brainstorm are close to nil... perhaps next year?

I am definitely leaning toward the prediction of Lizzy Borden or possibly Gwar. I don't follow Gwar, but I know they used to be on Metal Blade. I bet the stage show would be very entertaining for either of those bands. Most people go see Gwar shows just for the sheer silliness of the show.

it wont even be Gwar. It will be METALCORE!!!!:puke:
Norm, no way will it be GWAR.
They do that sounds of the underground every year.
Also, I HIGHLY doubt IE would be too thrilled about their return gig with Barlow to contain blood and semen on the stage! :lol:
It isnt the location that made ProgPower fail the first two years. It is the lineup. The line up for the third year is what made that fest and it was a huge gamble that paid off. Just like this year will put you guys on the map with Iced Earth and Testament. It is an investment that will pay off. But people wont look back and say what a line up....they will just remember those two headliners. You dont even have to go over seas to bring in bands...there are so many US based great bands that you could have had.

I don't think it was fully a lineup issue for Prog Power's woes the first two years. That first year in Chicago was more of a word of mouth thing than major advertising effort. If you didn't know Glenn from the Perpetual Motion board, or live in the area around Lansing there's a good chance you didn't hear about it. The venue also wasn't a great place for a festival of that magnitude. I think they were limited to 300 tickets that first year.

I know some people who were interested in going, but at the time thought it might be a scam, because you had to send your money off in advance to a guy in Georgia.

My personal opinion on those first two lineups ... awesome. Glenn was able to nail a large number of highly thought of acts that people who were into those genres never thought they would get to see live.

The big Blind Guardian signing got Glenn a lot of cred, but he was already building up a name for putting together top lineups for the genre, and would have found success in time even without BG. In general he puts together great lineups that fans of those genres want to see.

I think the problem with Powerfest is that Rob, Chris, and John, have struggled to figure out what they want to be. It was Prog Power light for a while .. last year it was doom, and tech fest. This year they finally stepped out and got some killer headliners, and hooked up with the Pagan Fest pre party thing. All good decisions I think. The undercard looks like it could be a bit shaky, but for the ticket price it's pretty good value.

Last year was very dissapointing .. they nailed the quality venue, but they proceeded to put together a lineup that couldn't draw flies. This year the ticket sales won't be the issue, so perhaps the festival can finally make a profit, and allow for more Powerfest in the future.

the first year was nothing compared to the 3rd year. Blind Guardian, Angra, Edguy, Gamma Ray, and many others.....damn.

Like Jason said in an earlier post...we all have different taste in music and styles.

I need to rest my fingers for tomorrows announcement.

BG & GR were definitely huge grabs, but both also toured as a result...and Angra was without Matos...bleh!

All the feature bands from the first, were exclusive. I take that into account as well. Damn...Pain of Salvation's US debut, Evergrey's US debut, SymX's midwest (actually non-east coast) debut...all of which were return bands...a couple more times too.

Opinions whatever.
People will pay the price asked if the show has a great line up. Sure there will be the cheap asses (Jason) who will be angry,

Sorry, I am very selective about how I spend my money.
When you have a mortgage, two car payments, and children, we can talk!

Very few people are in the position to spend the money on CDs and shows that you do. It's cool you do, but not fair that you constantly, like a broken record, refer to me as being cheap....

If I want to go to a show, I have no problem paying the price.

But yes, there have been shows that I have been on the fence about where the ticket price kept me away. I am sure almost everyone on this board can honestly say that they chose not to go to a show they were on the fence over due to ticket price.

Rob - You probably made your best point today in defense of your guy's actions, and that is in terms of the ticket price. That being said though, as the fest grows, so will the acceptable ability to raise the ticket price to warrant bands with bigger guarantees.

In all honesty, I have no clue who the hell is even in Iced Earth these days. I am guessing some (if not all) might be flying in.

I think Testament are on tour right, so the guarantee would be less than if it were for a one-off.
it wont even be Gwar. It will be METALCORE!!!!:puke:
If we get stuck with metalcore bullshit you'll be able to find me over at The Coloseum drinking booze prior to Iced Earth hitting the stage. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that there will be something of interest for me outside of IE on Friday night, but given some of Rob's comments I'm lowering expectations.

I think the problem with Powerfest is that Rob, Chris, and John, have struggled to figure out what they want to be. It was Prog Power light for a while .. last year it was doom, and tech fest.

Britt - We all talked about this ALOT last year.
In fact, there was a thread about "What is Powerfest?"

2005 and 2006 had their first big headliners and co-headliners with Tad Marose, Lefay, and Noc Rites. Add to that Ion Vein and Twelfth Gate playing, and its pretty inevitable that 99.9% of attendees saw the fest as a Power Metal festival.

I think last year's line-up intentionally broke that misconception in their eyes.

I was perfectly fine with it, as a fan of many genres....
Just opens the doors for more possibilities for the future.

(IE - Amorphis at Prog Power)
Sorry, I am very selective about how I spend my money.
When you have a mortgage, two car payments, and children, we can talk!

Very few people are in the position to spend the money on CDs and shows that you do. It's cool you do, but not fair that you constantly, like a broken record, refer to me as being cheap....

If I want to go to a show, I have no problem paying the price.

But yes, there have been shows that I have been on the fence about where the ticket price kept me away. I am sure almost everyone on this board can honestly say that they chose not to go to a show they were on the fence over due to ticket price.

Rob - You probably made your best point today in defense of your guy's actions, and that is in terms of the ticket price. That being said though, as the fest grows, so will the acceptable ability to raise the ticket price to warrant bands with bigger guarantees.

In all honesty, I have no clue who the hell is even in Iced Earth these days. I am guessing some (if not all) might be flying in.

I think Testament are on tour right, so the guarantee would be less than if it were for a one-off.

I thought that you being Jewish was the reason you were cheap?

Dont want kids, two cars, or any other stuff like that. I enjoy being able to buy what I want and do what I want. That is the path I picked in life.

That is why I can sit here on a sunday night in my underwear eating ice cream and starting shit is called the high life my freind.

I agree the only show that turned me off from going to with ticket price was Mago De Oz a year ago. It was like 60 bucks and they were not even headlining. Plus I just got a new computer that day and wanted to mess around and get it working.
Britt - We all talked about this ALOT last year.
In fact, there was a thread about "What is Powerfest?"

2005 and 2006 had their first big headliners and co-headliners with Tad Marose, Lefay, and Noc Rites. Add to that Ion Vein and Twelfth Gate playing, and its pretty inevitable that 99.9% of attendees saw the fest as a Power Metal festival.

I think last year's line-up intentionally broke that misconception in their eyes.

I was perfectly fine with it, as a fan of many genres....
Just opens the doors for more possibilities for the future.

(IE - Amorphis at Prog Power)

I love mixed bills myself. It breaks up the monatany. But just no metalcore!!!!!
Rob - You probably made your best point today in defense of your guy's actions, and that is in terms of the ticket price. That being said though, as the fest grows, so will the acceptable ability to raise the ticket price to warrant bands with bigger guarantees.

Thanks! Although, our goal is to keep the price in the same ballpark forever!! Our philosophy is to not charge more for a single day ticket than anyone would be willing to pay to see any ONE of the bands on the lineup. For this year's fest, that pretty much applies only to the headliners. Hopefully, once the money tree arrives, things may change for future fests. :p
Thanks! Although, our goal is to keep the price in the same ballpark forever!! Our philosophy is to not charge more for a single day ticket than anyone would be willing to pay to see any ONE of the bands on the lineup. For this year's fest, that pretty much applies only to the headliners. Hopefully, once the money tree arrives, things may change for future fests. :p

I have always said....a healthy kidney sells great on the open market Rob!
I thought that you being Jewish was the reason you were cheap?

Give me examples of my cheapness....since this topic gives you a hard-on for some reason.

I have NO problem paying any amount for a show I want to go to
(IE - Paying ridiculous Ozzfest ticket price just to see Maiden, etc..)