
He's 16 so none of the above. Well, the first three... he prolly did go to a few restaurants. Hell, he maybe even some crack actually, :lol: since there's no age limit on that either.

Theres no age limit on hookers either.

i did some gambling. didnt go on the main floor i stayed with the slots so i wouldnt get caught :p won 50 bux one time and bought alot of marijuana :cool:

American weed is officially pure bunk.
well in bulk your statement is Deffinetly true, but great weed isnt exactly impossible to find for those who actually look for it out here. With the right connection you can find just as good if not the best type of weed there is out here and i just happen to know a few people here in california as well as in las vegas :Smokin:

trick is not to buy circulated weed, if you find a source it is usually better and cheaper. Lucky for me being a stoner i have made friends who actually grow strains of marijuana themselves. While i was in las vegas my sisters boyfriend and babies daddy has a friend who grows himself and i happily purchased some Sour lemon drop Diesel (a strain of high grade chronic with a goofy name :lol:).

oh shit i just noticed, this thread is turning into a drug conversation (if u can call weed a drug) so lets stop while our hides remain un-torn.
well in bulk your statement is Deffinetly true, but great weed isnt exactly impossible to find for those who actually look for it out here. With the right connection you can find just as good if not the best type of weed there is out here and i just happen to know a few people here in california as well as in las vegas :Smokin:

trick is not to buy circulated weed, if you find a source it is usually better and cheaper. Lucky for me being a stoner i have made friends who actually grow strains of marijuana themselves. While i was in las vegas my sisters boyfriend and babies daddy has a friend who grows himself and i happily purchased some Sour lemon drop Diesel (a strain of high grade chronic with a goofy name :lol:).

oh shit i just noticed, this thread is turning into a drug conversation (if u can call weed a drug) so lets stop while our hides remain un-torn.

Is very lame that you are proud of being a Junkie.

Oh im sorry i didn't catch that, were you trying to call me a junkie? cause all i could really see is a queer trying add his worthless 2 cents into a conversation that doesent concern him. Hmm maybe you should go buy a new pair of pink panties to add to your wardrobe and try em on so you can ask people on the internet if they make you look fat because you are oh so conscientious about your appearance. Grow some balls fruit cup.
well in bulk your statement is Deffinetly true, but great weed isnt exactly impossible to find for those who actually look for it out here. With the right connection you can find just as good if not the best type of weed there is out here and i just happen to know a few people here in california as well as in las vegas :Smokin:

trick is not to buy circulated weed, if you find a source it is usually better and cheaper. Lucky for me being a stoner i have made friends who actually grow strains of marijuana themselves. While i was in las vegas my sisters boyfriend and babies daddy has a friend who grows himself and i happily purchased some Sour lemon drop Diesel (a strain of high grade chronic with a goofy name :lol:).

oh shit i just noticed, this thread is turning into a drug conversation (if u can call weed a drug) so lets stop while our hides remain un-torn.

1. Drugs are fucking gay. End of discussion.
2. Pot doesn't have names, only in movies. (But even if it did, no one would call it by the name anyways. For the record though, usually when pot has a 'brand' it's because the guy knows you're a dumbasss n00bt0ker and lies to you and you eat it up and pay more)
3. "my sisters boyfriend and babies daddy"... are you fucking black now? :lol:

Oh im sorry i didn't catch that, were you trying to call me a junkie? cause all i could really see is a queer trying add his worthless 2 cents into a conversation that doesent concern him. Hmm maybe you should go buy a new pair of pink panties to add to your wardrobe and try em on so you can ask people on the internet if they make you look fat because you are oh so conscientious about your appearance. Grow some balls fruit cup.

You've actually managed to become more retarded than you were before you left. :lol: :lol: Congrats. Also... "conscientious", I fukken LOL'd, almost as hard as the time you spelled cold 'coled' :lol: :lol:
1. Drugs are fucking gay. End of discussion.
2. Pot doesn't have names, only in movies. (But even if it did, no one would call it by the name anyways. For the record though, usually when pot has a 'brand' it's because the guy knows you're a dumbasss n00bt0ker and lies to you and you eat it up and pay more)
3. "my sisters boyfriend and babies daddy"... are you fucking black now? :lol:

You've actually managed to become more retarded than you were before you left. :lol: :lol: Congrats. Also... "conscientious", I fukken LOL'd, almost as hard as the time you spelled cold 'coled' :lol: :lol:


oh and Google Sour Diesel.



oh and Google Sour Diesel.



:lol: I just got home from work, I misread that entirely. I thought you were trying to spell 'conscience' or some shit... I'm also very tired. Not everyone has the luxury to sit at home all day eating, smoking pot and playing video games so please have some sympathy.

Still, being a pothead is gay :lol: