
Sour Diesel is a STRAIN of marijuana, and it is well circulated in new york city as well as california (which is where the dealer from vegas gets it) and i didnt smoke Sour Diesel PER SAY but a distorted more POTENT variety. U dont know shit so just go to fucking sleep.

End of weed discussion.

^:lol: You google the drugs you claim to take :lol: As far as I know the only publicly widespread named pot is the kind you order from a magazine like High Times. That isn't even real pot to begin with, it's legal shit with no THC.
its not widespread its urban-underground (known by the pothead community). you wont see high times magazine selling anything besides their glittered up male plants that dont even give u a headchange. im a pothead man, its what i do. There is no beating me in this conversation. To try and suggest i dont even smoke real weed is absurdity. and dude ffs we are going to get banned here cool it on the weed convo if u wanna talk more have someone invite me in a chat with u on msn.
im a pothead man, its what i do.

You're proud of that? :erk: Don't you have any other ambition in life man? Don't you want to do something useful? Not jsut waste your life getting high? I think you need some help Codi. Go see a drug counsellor or quit on your own, either way you have a problem and you need to stop.
You're proud of that? :erk: Don't you have any other ambition in life man? Don't you want to do something useful? Not jsut waste your life getting high? I think you need some help Codi. Go see a drug counsellor or quit on your own, either way you have a problem and you need to stop.

Its a fucking hobby not a lifestyle. I can still complete all tasks required to make it in this world while pursuing this love of mine. School, work and life, All easily accomplished. Its summer break man give me a fucking break. Of course im not going to be completely baked all the fucking time but when i have time to myself Why must you judge me if i choose to be sedated. Does it handicap me in any way? No because i am used to the effects and have control over my objectives. End of discussion. Any Further inquiries fucking PM me.
Its a fucking hobby not a lifestyle.
That's what everyone says, sounds morelike you're addicted to me. But evenif, it will eventually take over your life if it hasn't already.

I can still complete all tasks required to make it in this world while pursuing this love of mine. School, work and life, All easily accomplished.

Not quite. Pot will become the priority (if it isn't already) above all these things. Soon you'll lose sight of them (if you haven't already) and before you know it you'll be a permafried unemployed loser (if you aren't already).

Does it handicap me in any way?
Yes, not only does it make you slow/stupid after long-term use, but pot in general just makes people unmotivated losers who are content to sit at home all day with no girls, money or lives. As long as they have pot, some food and a video game they are happy. It's sad cuz they should want more from their life than that.

But you're right. It's your life dude, I think you should get help though, you know I'm right.
well in bulk your statement is Deffinetly true, but great weed isnt exactly impossible to find for those who actually look for it out here. With the right connection you can find just as good if not the best type of weed there is out here and i just happen to know a few people here in california as well as in las vegas :Smokin:

trick is not to buy circulated weed, if you find a source it is usually better and cheaper. Lucky for me being a stoner i have made friends who actually grow strains of marijuana themselves. While i was in las vegas my sisters boyfriend and babies daddy has a friend who grows himself and i happily purchased some Sour lemon drop Diesel (a strain of high grade chronic with a goofy name :lol:).

oh shit i just noticed, this thread is turning into a drug conversation (if u can call weed a drug) so lets stop while our hides remain un-torn.

I once spoke with a man from Amsterdam who smokes regularly. He said pot from the United States is far more potent than anything he's ever smoked. Kansas City, MO has a whole lotta good weed as far as I'm concerned.

That's what everyone says, sounds morelike you're addicted to me. But evenif, it will eventually take over your life if it hasn't already.

Not quite. Pot will become the priority (if it isn't already) above all these things. Soon you'll lose sight of them (if you haven't already) and before you know it you'll be a permafried unemployed loser (if you aren't already).

Yes, not only does it make you slow/stupid after long-term use, but pot in general just makes people unmotivated losers who are content to sit at home all day with no girls, money or lives. As long as they have pot, some food and a video game they are happy. It's sad cuz they should want more from their life than that.

But you're right. It's your life dude, I think you should get help though, you know I'm right.

Studies have shown that chronic marijuana use screws with one's ambition in the long run.
Oh im sorry i didn't catch that, were you trying to call me a junkie? cause all i could really see is a queer trying add his worthless 2 cents into a conversation that doesent concern him. Hmm maybe you should go buy a new pair of pink panties to add to your wardrobe and try em on so you can ask people on the internet if they make you look fat because you are oh so conscientious about your appearance. Grow some balls fruit cup.

Well man sorry If I bothered you, but you sound junkie for me. You're getting addicted to that shit.
And you are one of those shitty persons that tell everything when they are mad, I mean if someone tell you something and the next day you both argue, you quickly use all the info that he gave you to use it against him, that's not cool man, you're not a person who inspires trust, and you maybe will say " its the internet I dont care about you people ", but I know this fact is not very distant from your real YOU.
First off, one doesn't become addicted to marijuana. If you are a frequent user you may become dependent, feeling the need to get high. It is easier to quit than say cigarettes. btw, Amsterdam is not the holy grail if you are looking for potentcy. I have done very potent weed and I live in California. Depends on how you grow. (I don't consider myself a pothead in any form I just enjoy getting high from time to time)