
re-read his statement again
"one doesnt become addicted to pot, but you may feel the need to have to get hiiigh man"
Söy;6364908 said:
re-read his statement again
"one doesnt become addicted to pot, but you may feel the need to have to get hiiigh man"

Feeling a need is something else than getting sick as fuck. You know heroine addicts can actually die of not-using heroine if they stop immediatly?
Besides, there are 2 different kind of addictions. Physical addiction and mental. Physical is what im talking about, that the body gets used to the drug and starts to need it to function properly, mental is more like feeling a need, because you want to get high and not i.e. feeling a need like normal (cigarette) smokers feel when having a lack of nicotine.
From weed (it is proven scientificly) you can only get a slight mental addiction.

I'd stop talking about drugs if I were you, before someone decides to weild the banhammer on your asses.

They actually ban people for that? Its not like were promoting it or anything
Feeling a need is something else than getting sick as fuck. You know heroine addicts can actually die of not-using heroine if they stop immediatly?
Besides, there are 2 different kind of addictions. Physical addiction and mental. Physical is what im talking about, that the body gets used to the drug and starts to need it to function properly, mental is more like feeling a need, because you want to get high and not i.e. feeling a need like normal (cigarette) smokers feel when having a lack of nicotine.
From weed (it is proven scientificly) you can only get a slight mental addiction.

They actually ban people for that? Its not like were promoting it or anything
this is the definition of addiction man :lol:
and yes they ban for fucking good read the forum rules its mater of time till they find out about it
Pff not here. You said you go to tilburg right? Well, thats a bigger city than Emmen.. which means more junkies :lol: Which means they can make the weed more expensive there. At least thats my theory :p

yeah, so how far is Emmen farther than tilburg?

and yes, Deron does ban ppl for that
damn, that sux

any good places to go in the lower parts of the netherlands?

you know, we could always discuss this further in the dutch thread, deron or bobvex don't know dutch :p
Feeling a need is something else than getting sick as fuck. You know heroine addicts can actually die of not-using heroine if they stop immediatly?
Besides, there are 2 different kind of addictions. Physical addiction and mental. Physical is what im talking about, that the body gets used to the drug and starts to need it to function properly, mental is more like feeling a need, because you want to get high and not i.e. feeling a need like normal (cigarette) smokers feel when having a lack of nicotine.
From weed (it is proven scientificly) you can only get a slight mental addiction.

What about if you just like the feeling of smoke in you?
What about if you just like the feeling of smoke in you?

Then you are a loser who doesn't know what you're talking about.

P.S. you cant become physically adicted to pot, but you can still get addicted to it the same way someone is addicted to gambling or lolpr0n.