
Since it's legal there, is it taxed to hell by the government? How much is it per gram in Deutchland?
Uhm, when i still smoked weed is was 5 euro's per gram but i think its 6 now.
The manager at the store i work at told me how the weed in holland hits you like a fucking hammer. true?
Yeah but i guess one gets used to it :lol:
I've been told by veterans that they got fucking baked after one toke in amsterdam. Obviously it gets axaggerated but there's obviously some truth behind it if everyone fucking says it.
First time i smoked weed i couldnt really stand up from the chair anymore. I was 12 then though. But yeah, 3 years ago when i smoked every day, i needed to smoke a whole (shit hows it called in english? we call it joint) thing on my own to feel it slightly. Then last year, when i was clean for pff 6 months or something, and i smoked weed again in Eindhoven for the first time (after 40 hours of no sleep, and walking all day, sitting in trains etc) i had some slight hallucinations, and those normally dont occur from weed. Dont get me started about hallucinations though:lol: Most people dont know that magic mushrooms are kinda legal here too.
, I mean if someone tell you something and the next day you both argue, you quickly use all the info that he gave you to use it against him, that's not cool man, you're not a person who inspires trust, and you maybe will say " its the internet I dont care about you people ", but I know this fact is not very distant from your real YOU.

hmm... who does that remind me of

I only smoke when there are gonna be fat chicks around

Why? :lol:

i understood about 3 sentences out of that statment....

:lol: See, the pot HAS inhibited you.

hmm... who does that remind me of
hmm... maybe you shouldn't instigate things and keep comments like this to yourself from now on since you actually reported me to Deron. I will leave you alone as requested but don't stir the pot since you don't like the arguing. amirite?
^ seriously i don't read your thought but that sounds like Joe
:lol: What are you Alexis now???


no need to thank me now

No truce. But I will leave you alone since I've been instructed to do so. I suggest you don't talk about/to me and keep comments to yourself though. You reported the problem so you should try to keep your hands clean. So yeh, you got your way I will leave you alone from now on no problem.