Fuck Israel, Fuck Bush, and fuck that "Cunt"daleeza Rice bytch...

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
I can't believe these fucking people.

Israel just assasinates the Hamas leader today, claiming "he is the godfather of suicide bombers and we need to send a message."

What message are they trying to send? By killing this guy, they have dumped 10 tons of gasoline on the fire. I am soooo sick of the Israel-Palestine conflict. I think I'm going to go back to wearing my "Fuck Israel" shirt all over Houston again.

Give these people their fucking land already. They need to line up Sharon, Bush and Rice and stone their asses. I'm sure some of you think I'm off my rocker, and I may be, but if I see that turtle headed bitch one more time claiming that they didn't know about the assasination plan ahead of time... I mean Jesus, if our intelligence is that bad, it is NO WONDER why 9/11 happened.

But, to be honest, I don't think our intelligence is bad. It's just one big, terrible game that these people in high places are playing, and they get their kicks off of it. How convenient it will be if they capture Swahari (or whatever is name is) or Bin Laden right before election time.


I'm done.
In all fairness, Israeli intelligence is better than US intel, they could have concealed it from us if they wanted to (doubtful, but possible).

Today's assassination will certainly trigger outrageous retaliation, which I'm sure is what Sharon wants so he can point the finger at those naughty Palestinians anyhow. :Smug:
NAD said:
In all fairness, Israeli intelligence is better than US intel, they could have concealed it from us if they wanted to (doubtful, but possible).

Today's assassination will certainly trigger outrageous retaliation, which I'm sure is what Sharon wants so he can point the finger at those naughty Palestinians anyhow. :Smug:

I would expect Israeli intel to be better in that region, if for no other reason that they ARE in the region. But, c'mon, we're bankrolling Israel, their intel at the end of the day, is "our" intel.

We can count on some of those retaliations to target us, which will allow Bush to "appear" as the "wartime" president, and only he can lead us during those times, didn't ya' know?? This guy is trying to get re-elected by using images from 9/11. The only image he should be using is of himself on Air Force One or Cheney in some bunker, hiding their happy asses out. For Bush, it's nothing new, it's just like the national guard days. What a fucking pussy. I weigh less than 120 lbs. and I guarantee you, I could whip his ass.

He's the wartime president because HE led us to war. It's pretty fucking scary to think that these guys had Iraq on the top of their administration's agenda before he was even elected. Did anyone else see Senator Kennedy on the Sunday's Meet The Press? I love this guy... he went after the administration in excellent fashion. I do believe that Iraq was layed out in Texas, probably when he was still governor and he was having meetings with his daddy and his daddy's friends (Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld).

These guys are the real terrorists and they hold America's ideals hostage to their sick and twisted agendas.

What's truly the worst is that in the middle east, on their tv stations, when they see Americans, they see these assholes. Figure out that fucking equation.
If this war crap is over oil, when the hell are gas prices going to go DOWN instead of UP! It's pretty bad when you feel good about finding gas for only $2.15 somewhere.

That's what I have to say . . .
Yes. I heard that Norway (and probably Sweden) has the highest cost of living in the world now. Oslo was the number 1 city on the list.

But don't you guys get paid be the government to shine shoes and shit like that. We have to work for a living over here.:lol:
Papa Josh said:
How convenient it will be if they capture Swahari (or whatever is name is) or Bin Laden right before election time.
Word on the street is, Bin Laden's been caught already. Of course, the timing of when they release this information will be contingent on how the polls are going for Bush.
I think the same as Jay. I believe either Bin Laden is caught or dead, and they will release this info at the right time for Bush's campaign.
Any Muslim with a beard will do for 90% of Americans. Then again I saw poll figures where around 40% (if I remember correctly) thought that terrorism was over when we found Saddam. God damn people are stupid!
Erik said:
And if he's neither, what's to stop them from releasing that information anyway? :Smug:
Heh, probably because if he is still alive and free, one day he'll eventually release another new tape to Al Jazeera TV that will inherently contradict the lies about him being captured by allied forces.

Personally, I think he's alive - the only reason why he hasn't made a new tape or organized a new attack is because he's been under lock and key at CIA HQ. In fact, he was probably captured within days of the bombing campaign in Afghanistan.

And since the US government has just doubled his bounty to $50m, they'll probably make up a story about some high ranking Taliban official being persuaded enough to give out new info leading to Bin Laden's supposed capture. It's not like anyone actually gets paid these bounties anyway.

This will all happen in the Summer no doubt. :Smug:
But, to be honest, I don't think our intelligence is bad. It's just one big, terrible game that these people in high places are playing, and they get their kicks off of it. How convenient it will be if they capture Swahari (or whatever is name is) or Bin Laden right before election time.
All we need before election time is an Al Queda attack like in Spain 3 days before election time ... see how fast the votes will swing in the other direction.

Bush will not even have a chance to defend himself.

I bet right now he is telling his so called "intelligence" that if any other terrorist act happens on US soil between now and election time ... some balls will be on the line.

Everything in gov't is one big game and it is all about business. The US is just as guilty as anyone for what is happening in the world.
I feel the same way...the retaliatory foriegn policy favored by the Bush administration has been a complete failure in its goal of protecting the world against terrorist attacks, and I'm sure that Bin Laden's fate will be tied to the election in some way, hopefully the public will see that the war on terror is breeding further resentment and violence and respond with a weapon Bush fears more than any chemical attack...the vote.
Did anyone else see clips of the speech Bush made at the Press Corps roast? I know it's all supposed to be 'off the record', and why they filmed it this year I have no idea (they never have in the past), but damn...joking about not being able to find WMDs on camera? I can't imagine what the families of allied soldiers must think when they see that - of course, the British/Spanish/etc families don't understand the history of these conference roasts, so when they see it on their local news, it can only anger them.

We also always think about troops that have died since the beginning of the war, but what about the troops that have lost limbs, been blinded, confined to a wheelchair etc? They don't enter the death-count statistics, but they're still victims of war, and they're obviously very concious of Bush making fun out of this situation.
Wow, I didn't hear about that. What's his campaign slogan going to be this year then, "Oops!"? What a maroon...
Shit, he trivialized it down to 'updating the press' with his latest attempts in locating WMD's in Iraq by projecting 'funny' images of himself looking under his oval office desk, under his bed, in the white house closets, etc. I saw this and thought somebody had purposely interspersed a real press conference with some candid pictures of Bush at home for no reason other than to gain comedic value. And then it turns out to be a real speech with real images he had taken of himself pretending to look for WMD's in his house!! He also mentioned something about his credibility as National Guard in Vietnam by showing a picture of himself in army fatigues on that friggin' aircraft carrier.

Seriously, if you didn't know what you were watching, you would think this would be a David Letterman sketch or something like that. Just amazing. Apparently each president does this 'off the record' routine for the white house press, and this time round, somebody filmed it and now it's being aired on tv stations around the world.
I am shocked and appalled that this isn't shown on US media sources, and it really isn't. The only thing I can find on the major US news outlets are brief articles about the Democrats attacking what Bush did. Washtimes.com included: "Providing proof that not even self deprecating humor is above partisan bickering in Washington these days..." but no Bush quotes.

This is revolting. I never believed in the whole conspiracy theory that the US media is controlled by the Bush administration, but why all the major news networks aren't making this into a feeding frenzy, which it clearly deserves to be, is beyond me.