fuck writers block

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
or, more accurately, fuck having lots of ideas and knowing the beginning and the ending but having no idea how to get from one to the other in a manner that engages people.

fuck buying lots and lots of books you want to read but getting really frustrated whenever you open one up

and fuck my 'e' key which only wants to work normally 60% of the times i hit it.

I recommend thinking in terms of crucial moments. what happens in the interim that makes the ending so crucial. That's the moment you want to focus on.
holy fucking shit this is my 5,000th post!

good advice, thanks. that's what i try to do, but ... i guess i can chalk it up to my limited scope of ideas, experiences, whatever ... i'm trying, learning, though.
experience, and the ability to assimilate that into idea is very valuable, but the ability to just really push yourself into a moment and break it down is the key, so even if it's an imagined moment you can render it in just the right bits that it takes the perfect shape. I'm speaking in ideals here, the process never quite lives up to the result, at least for me. if I have two moments and i'm trying to put them together, I look at it first cinematically, like camera lenses. what angles could you look at the proceedings from. or then imagine it purely annecdotally. or imagine not being able to see it but hear it all from the next room. come up with the weirdest, unreasonable way for A to become B... and then just try to describe it.

Trust me, I've been fighting writer's block as well. So I'm full of useless ideas to push through it.
5,000? Her postcunt is far too small for Will's postcock. I think he finger fucks her instead.