Funny misheard lyrics...

Baying of the Hounds: "Pissing on birdseed"

Bloodbath - Like Fire: "I'm on a quest to see the hermits die"

The first thing he says in Bloodbath's Like fire sounds like: " I am a turtle!" when it's supposed to be " I am eternal"...
Testament's 3 days of darkness:
Actual: ...Hey, we live in a fucked up world...
Misheard: ...Hey, we live in a bungle world...

Also, not so much misheard lyrics, but was I the only one to hear "Duhduhudhuu Uhduduh duhuhuhuhduh!" when I first started listening to Cryptopsy?

Actually, that's (still) all I hear when I listen to None so Vile :lol: good album though :kickass: I read that Lord Worm was exceptionally drunk when recording the vocals, that would explain certain things :lol:
"Draining the weakness"
Heard: "Breaking the weeners"
and I keep hearing that, it really ruins Mikael's evil scream :P
Oh yeah sorry for double post but I just though of another one, it's in a Coldplay song though. Cant remember what it's called but the chorus goes like 'oh your skin and bones' I think. But if you're danish it really sounds like he's singing "åh jeg sked en bums" which translates to "oh I pooped a (bums can mean a bum, as in guy who sleeps on the park bench, or pimple)" It's just hilarious ^^
"In his shadow i am choking yet flourishing"

sounds like

"In his shadow i am choking a virgin",aka Mike apparently does not like virgins.

Not funny but the "cry" in Why can't you see that I cry,when every tear I shed sounds like "try"
"Draining the weakness"
Heard: "Breaking the weeners"
and I keep hearing that, it really ruins Mikael's evil scream :P

I always heard "Draining no weiners" lol. And it makes me imaging frozen hot dogs thawing in a sink. Truly a more dark and evil lyric there never was.
WTF?! I always thought that is what he sings :S it says so on darklyrics too... I seldom read the lyrics from the booklet so it could be wrong for all I know though.

I dont know,it says "cry" in the booklet but then again my edition of the booklet says that Mikael is named Åkerfeldr too..
To Rid the Disease 2:32-2:37

what is he saying...?

failed... nowanderleaheeeze...?

It always bothered me.

it just sounds like some swedish conjuration of a word..




Feint, moment release..