Funny misheard lyrics...

In The Drapery Falls:"pale ghost in the corner pouring a caress on your shoulder" sounds "pale ghost in the corner, drinking the rest of your soooodaaaaa!!!"

I dont think that has been mentioned
Zivilyn said:
There's a line in In Mist She Was Standing that sounds like "clitoris race". It's in the first few lines. And it's not pronounced like "CLItoris" it's like "cliTORis". I'm not sure what the actual lyric is because I just hear CLITORIS RAAACE every time.

I just checked, it's contorted trees. But go check it out yourself. I SWEAR it sounds MORE like clitoris race than contorted trees.

GHOST OF PERDITION, STUCK IN A CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fucking listen out for it, it makes me chuckle every time
Hahah, this thread amuses me. I've heard a few of them around, and probably others too. Funny stuff.

Heres one from Beneath The Mire:

Lyric: "Willingly guided into heresy"

I hear: "Wearing pink coloured into here to see"
In The Forest of October @ 4:01

"I wish the sunrise to come. Take my soap, and this cold lotion I drink."
"I wish the sunrise to come. Take my soul (away), From this cold lonely shell I am free"
daz436 said:
first line of like fire: i am a turtle

for those who didnt know

Testament's 3 days of darkness:
Actual: ...Hey, we live in a fucked up world...
Misheard: ...Hey, we live in a bungle world...

Also, not so much misheard lyrics, but was I the only one to hear "Duhduhudhuu Uhduduh duhuhuhuhduh!" when I first started listening to Cryptopsy?
baying of the hounds: pest-ridden tacos of the earth (jackals of the earth)

ghost of perdition: keeper of oreos (keeper of holy hordes)

the moor: jesus, i want to consume all your parties (she is water drops over the pyre)

patterns in the ivy: ___ (___)