Game: ultimate non-metal band

37 - Dead Can Dance
27 - Radiohead (+2)
22 - Nick Cave
15 - Pink Floyd (-2)
60 - Tool
37 - Dead Can Dance
29 - Radiohead
20 - Nick Cave
15 - Pink Floyd (-2)
60 - Tool (+2)
37 - Dead Can Dance
29 - Radiohead
18 - Nick Cave
13 - Pink Floyd (-2)
64 - Tool (+2)
39 - Dead Can Dance
29 - Radiohead (+2)
18 - Nick Cave
11 - Pink Floyd (-2)
64 - Tool
39 - Dead Can Dance
29 - Radiohead
18 - Nick Cave
13 - Pink Floyd (+2)
64 - Tool

QRV said:
. And Roger Waters sucks big time. And his The Wall Live in Berlin was tremendously ridiculous.
They've sucked for the last 27 years. Still, everything they did up to The Wall was genius
I'm confused how can Waters suck big time and everything up to the Wall was genius.
Waters wrote 90% of the music up to and including the Wall. Maybe he is a sucking genius :u-huh:
As for Live in Berlin Live, he promised he would play the Wall live there when the Berlin Wall came down, *a man of his word*. he played for free and any money made off the video cd was given away to local charities
btw as for sucking for the last 27 years, Waters had nothing to do with any new music released after the Wall, it was all a Gilmour ego trip -
I was talking about his solo project. And The Wall Live in Berlin was a fucking power trip, an ego masturbation to the seventh potence, a show so dumb and oportunist it made me sick. Did you see the interviews on the LIB DVD? The guy's a pompous utter ass.

Btw, you must substract two points to any other band, those are the rules.