The Still Life production was adequate. Considering how many layers of guitar there are all in all, they pulled off the clarity amazingly well. There was also no drum triggering of any kind. Deliverance had a 100% sampled kick and 50% blended-sample snare. Alot of the clarity of it was due to Andy Sneap's mixing, which whilst I appreciate, doesn't exactly bring out the most lively sound. It's all very clinical and sterile - not two words I like to associate with Opeth.
I also get the feeling that during the production of Still Life, they were using (A)DAT as their medium as opposed to DAWs, since the channel cut-outs on The Moor were due to a DAT error (in Mike's words). If that's the case, I'd say what they did on that album is phenomenal.
Jens, going by Nightmares made flesh, seems to be a very good producer. The production on Nightmares Made Flesh is fucking brilliant - no two ways about it. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think the kick on that album is even triggered. Considering how many extremely fast double-bass parts are, it's amazingly he pulled a consistent low end and a bass drum sound that breaks through the mix. The guitars are amazingly well mixed, sounding very full and rounded without muddying up the mix itself.
So, I'm sort of anticipating what sort of sound they'll manage to pull for Ghost Reveries.