Gigantour Setlist Survey Results


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Thank you to everyone who sent in a response to the setlist survey; we had a great turnout, enough that it took me a couple of hours to tally all of the votes! While I'm not going to divulge all of the results, I thought I'd share the big winners with you:

What song sealed the deal and made you a SymX fan?
- 'Evolution (The Grand Design)' was a clear leader with almost twice as many votes as the second place song, 'Of Sins and Shadows'; 'Inferno' came in a pretty close third.

What one or two songs are 'must haves' in a live show?
- 'Inferno' was the top request, far ahead of 'Of Sins and Shadows' which came in second; 'The Accolade II' was third.

Time constraints and other considerations may prevent them from using all of these, but bear in mind that they'll be touring for the new cd in the not too distant future as well, & will likely take these suggestions into consideration when planning that setlist (so if you can't see Gigantour, don't despair, you may still get to see them play your suggestions after all).

Thanks again for your participation, the band appreciates your input!
I think it would better if SX plays some less popular songs like "Secrets" or "Pharoah." It would make the concert more diverse than just playing the hit SX songs such as "Evolution" that even fans of metal who have never heard of SX like. I do hope for some diversity at least. They can still play some of the popular ones such as Evolution, but adding a few hidden wonders would be awesome!
As far as the Gigantour setlist goes, they're going to have to adapt to the both the time constraints and the environment..what they line up for their own tour once the new cd is done is another story though. :)
They've been up to Montreal more than once, AFAIK, so the odds of them going up there again would appear to be pretty good. :)
Jax said:
As far as the Gigantour setlist goes, they're going to have to adapt to the both the time constraints and the environment..what they line up for their own tour once the new cd is done is another story though. :)

whatever works, works! I'm just glad to get a chance to see SX for the first time ever in my first ever real concert!
does anybody know the schedule for it? cuz im trying to watch Megadeth, Dream Theater, Symphony X, and maybe Nevermore, but i know SX is on the second stage & MD & DT are on the first stage. im just hoping the shit-ass bands like bobaflex, dillinger escape plan and the rest of them play either first or last so i wont hafta waste losing my hearing on them. and who the fuck names their band bobaflex? sounds like a damn home gym thing. and why are they playing with good bands. same goes for dillinger, they just sound like a buncha noise. hopefully i wont hafta sit thru all that shit too see the good bands. soooo ... schedule, anyone?
I'm just speculating, but I'm pretty sure that the second Stage bands go on first and the other second stage bands set up while another is playing. I suppose they'll do the same thing with the first stage bands after all of the second stage bnds play.
Accolade II is actually a bit long so I'm betting they won't do that one this time out. And nope, not all of those were songs they'd already planned on.
I'd prefer Accolade II over the aforementioned 3 in Detroit. Both times they were supposed to play Accolade II (once with 7 Witches opening and the other time with Devin Townsend opening) in Detroit it was dropped because of a curfew!
S:X should change up the sets a little bit for those of us going to multiple gigs. I read that Nevermore is going to do three different sets on a rotating basis, which is really cool because I'm going to all three Florida shows. DT always changes their set lists from night to night. I think it would be really cool if S:X did the same and mixed it up a bit.
TheWhisper said:
S:X should change up the sets a little bit for those of us going to multiple gigs. I read that Nevermore is going to do three different sets on a rotating basis, which is really cool because I'm going to all three Florida shows. DT always changes their set lists from night to night. I think it would be really cool if S:X did the same and mixed it up a bit.

DT and Nevermore are also headliners and have a large fanbase as it is. SymX needs to make their set a constant "best of" that rips peoples heads off in order to get new fans.