
Ha ha! :D :) That post ruled Mikael! You should have a girlfriend just for that post!

But don't feel bad - that shit happens all the time to me :cry:
A few months ago this chick was totally obsessed with me, flirting all the time. I didn't like her much at first, but she grew on me. Then as soon as we started going out, she totally ignored me, didn't talk to me, hardly looked at me. We broke up after about a week, her excuse being "not enough time for a boyfriend" :lol: Ha!what a joke. Now get this- the day after we broke up she was flirting w/ me again!!!? :confused: Talk about insecure!
Originally posted by Mikael is God
i rule this has to be the longest post ever
And I thought I had all of you beat with my last on this topic. Hah! OK, you win...

Sounds like you've had a few girly friends, enough to get you started on the "bitter" track. Hey, at least you're a nice guy and eventually you'll get hooked up with a girl...when she matures enough to know that Mr. Perfect doesn't exists.

You wonder why women don't want to go out with the guys they're best friends with? Who knows...I myself would hit on the guy right off the bat if I were interested in him like that. Sure, sometimes it's different and after like 3 months you think it'd be better if you sucked face all of a sudden. I broke up with a best friend once after like a week. I didn't like that shit. Felt all weird. I just wanted his friendship, not his companionship.

Why do women always go for the assholes? There's just so many reason for each relationship there's not enough time to take into consideration all the different possibilities! One could be what was said about insecurity. Another could be because some assholes are good looking. I don't know too many hot looking guys that aren't either full of themselves or just plain mean. Sometimes a guy will just do one thing that catches a girl's eye, and that's all it takes. But, Mr. Perfect doesn't exist. I was looking for him...until I was about (Hahaha, I'm thinking about how I still sort of look, but would never pursue. I've got my nice guy.) But really somewhere in the 18-20 years of age.

This girl used to tell me like how sweet I was and nice and like "Damn Dan, why don't you have a girlfriend? You're such a sweet guy. How could they say no to you?" Well I asked her out one day and she said NO. Damn retarded bitch. It couldn't just be simple, right? Maybe she was just sympathizing with you. Ya know? Were you jonesed about a girl not going out with you? That's what friends do. Say just anything to cheer up another friend. It doesn't necessarily have to hold up in court. So, you asked her, huh? Bummer. It does seem retarded, but I'm sure there was a reason. Maybe she had the hots for another guy.

This chick was just like "I want a boyfriend." She was like all depressed. I'm sitting there like thinking in my head "Hello...I'm a guy, sitting right here." Maybe wanted some guy she couldn't have. Most girls don't tell the guys they want...that they "want a man." I'm sorry, I didn't mean to include a ton of women with me here. This is only what I!

I am women/evil. :heh:

ALL THIS IS MAKING MY HEAD HURT. i hate girls now, except for the sluts. better to never have loved at all than to have loved and lost. i agree fully with everything mikaelisgod said, but then again i understand quite a bit of what opet sas (not all, though).
it seems like all the smartest girls i ever meet are the ones on the internet. actually, all the smart girls i ever meet are the net, except for the old wrinkly and fat ones. it is my oinion that men mature "logically" far sooner than girls do. i don't know a single girl under 25 (in the real world, all due respect to opet) that i don't consider stupid, and i'm tired of trying to "date" them.
wow everyoneon this board rules! mucho thanks for like advice and such that ya gave..... i'm trying to find a fucking girl that isnt a psychopath with mental problems that actually is matured enough to realize that there is no such thing as their fucking perfect guys and that retarded shit..... hard to find like a 15 year old chick like that though...... or at least even close to my age..... oh well this chick i have my eye on now seems reasonable...... hopefully shes not a retard like all the others...... i like smart chicks... that i can talk to about stuff other then shopping at the gap and going to the tanning salon........ like talk about philosophy and shit... and GOOD music... oh well
Ok anyways Mikael is God, we got it rough being so young, trying to find someone worthy of out intelligence is rough... I know what you have gone through. Just recently I dealt iwth a chick who claimed that she liked me sooooo much for like a year and I found out when she was going out with someone else... She said that she liked me more but she had made a "commitment" to this ass hole that would put her down and shit. So eventually he ends up breaking up with her after like 2 weeks. So I think score I got her.... NOPE!!!!! She ends up going on and saying htat she is confused. 2 weeks later she asks me out, one week later she breaks up... One month after being quite rude to me, she draws an opeth picture for me HAHA, and asks me out, one week later she breaks up! Dammit how can anyone go on with her after that, well I didn't, and gave up due to frying of the brain!:loco: possess so many qualities that girls go crazy over about can talk about philosophy with a girl and you actually want talk about in-depth issues and feelings and are able to just belt out whatever is on your mind and just speak freely...... that's awesome!!! of consciousness writing is just awesome....when i read your post.... i felt like i was having a conversation with ya!! i was also able to relate with your "relationship letdowns"....i was totally head over heels for this guy and i had my heart ripped outta my chest, stabbed a few thousand times, and left on a cold, dark, and dirty concrete floor....whoa...that's graphic....dont dwell on the heartbreaks.....i wasted 3 damn months of my life just crying over this's totally not worth it.... i cant wait for the day when i see a post from you along the lines of "ive found "the one"! and she digs opeth!!!".....woohoo...and i definitely agree with xtokalon that the problem is not you at's them....if these girls generally pursue the "assholes"...they will get their hearts broken.....girls, as well as guys, can present along a certain false personality that lure people in....and then when their true self comes only adds confusion and heartbreak....the only advice i can give is be honest.....holding back on personal feelings will cause so much regret.....and i really hope that you and KIm work out.....:D
Originally posted by Hearse
Ok better hit the facts...


Hahhahahah, I can't help it, that evidence thingy is really brilliant. My kind of humour. :p There it is; now it's scientifically proven and there shouldn't be anyone who can argue with that.


Girls, you should retort now! Post something like "what men say and what they really mean". :)

Such as:
"I love you too" = "Would you stop babbling and bend over already?" :p
Originally posted by Hearse
-We need to talk = I need to complain.
-You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?
-I'm not emotional! And I'm not overreacting! = I'm on my period.
-Be romantic, turn out the lights. = I have flabby thighs.
:lol: Oh my God, these ones are SO foul! Low blows, but I'm still LMAO!! :lol:

Ooooooo, man, this thread has really begun to pick up. Dare I jot down a few personal opinions, even though I'm of the evil gender? :D

Understanding Girls

Lesson #1 We are generally mentally stronger than you, which means: you want it...? are you prepeared to be twisted around a finger or pulled along behind a cart a couple of miles for it? I hope you are... at one point or another we all learn how to manipulative bitches. :heh:

Lesson #2 Even though we seem like one huge extra terrestial entity... we're really individuals, so disregard everything you've ever learnt about girls (Lesson #1 included) and start over. :p

About girls being attracted to the "bad boys"; my ex was a total mother-in-law's dream in wolf's clothing (read: heavy metal style). Anyone I've ever been interested in, has been frightfully "nice" (with one exception, and the poor guy really had to change). Maybe I'm just intelligent that way... ;)
I'll stay WAY clear of manipulative bitches. I hope not all are such ;)

Interesting poetry on your homepage, I especially enjoyed the untitled one from this year. Good work.
Thank you too :)

I have to say that opeth is a great source for my poetic inspiration, even if it just is to put me in the mood.
Your poetry seems to be greatly inspired by mythology... what else inspires you?
Hrmm this was quite interesting...

Well this almost exact same topic with girls and the such has been popping up on the Dream Theater board if anyone caught that there. I don't know if it's just fans of prog and great music that have problems with females... ::grins::

Let me just start this off saying I'm a sixteen year old male who will be seventeen in September... moving on...

Women... to me they are one of the most amazing things in the entire world. I love them... I love them all... well most of them, not all of them. Aren't the beautiful ones just so much fun to look at? The smart ones so fun to talk to? The prescient ones.. wait I don't think I've met one of them... anyways some background on myself. I've been in three serious relationships (well as serious as a young man like myself could have) and I'm still in the third. The first girl I dated for six months and she opened me to everything, before her I wouldn't even talk to girls and that was back in the eighth grade and I'm going to be a junior this coming school year. She was great for what she did by showing me all about certain things and then me and her trying other things neither of us had done before. Before this girl I had never even kissed a girl. Yet it was a relationship that should have lasted three months as opposed to six and I ended it not very well but I did. The second girl was sweet and we had a good time for six months as well... it's just she seemed never happy and I just felt like I had grown as far as I could in that relationship... now to move on and sorry if this is boring it's just really fun to share some of this stuff.

In August of 2000 me and a very good friend of mine decided to start dating. The thing is we weren't really the same at all. The only thing we had in common really was we loved music and we took lessons from the same guitar teacher (still do and he's one of the best guitarists in the world). Well we've made it to now and I'm crazy about this girl. I've been visiting my dad for a month now in Texas and it's been hell without her. I still have about a week and a half until I can see her. This is the first time I've felt about any woman like this. She's gorgeous, she plays guitar, she doesn't complain to much when I am playing my music. Best yet she even likes my three favorite bands...

Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation and Opeth!

Though she didn't like Opeth at all at first but the acoustic parts and Pain of Salvation is her favorite. Anyway I got very very sidetracked and probably writing this hasn't benefited anyone but myself. I just want to say women are lovely. Sure many don't have a damn clue what they are doing... but then again I don't think many people in general do either.

To comment on the children having sex at a young age. Yes it baffles me to.. let me say after I had sex with the first girlfriend I hated her for it because I felt I had lost something.. though it was mine and her fault. Also I didn't enjoy it to much with the second one. Though right now I'm loving it with the current. I understand things better and we have a great time. Hah... I don't even know what I'm talking about. It's just I make no excuses for myself. If you are going to go out and fuck just to fuck that's fine with me but I won't respect you much. And there are people like that. Especially people of my generation. Ooh well.. I think that ends this post.

To Mikael is God as we are close in age I can kind of relate... all I can say is just be cool and you will find the right girl. Also make sure you pick out a good one. As there aren't many of those.

Brandon shoots himself as he ponders why he should waste space and post this...
Originally posted by Johan
Your poetry seems to be greatly inspired by mythology... what else inspires you?
Aside from my gods? Emotions inspire... spirits inspire... people inspire.

Originally posted by Autumn Falls
I don't know if it's just fans of prog and great music that have problems with females...
Fans of prog. and "great music" often have problems with females because they are completely devoted to music, music and even more music. It's hard to meet nice girls when you're locked in your room trying to play that really *awesome* solo on your favourite record. :D
Even worse... trying to find a girl who'll accept being second in line to your attention (The 22nd? Sure I know what day that is... it's when that and that band release their new CD.... oh, you meant our anniversary... aaah, I see).

Being a girl and a fan of "prog and great music" my main problem with males is... when I realise I finally know what love really is, he wants to go back to being just friends. :cry: (but hey, you love him, you have to accept that...)
That... and I'm being "courted" by way too many weirdos.

Guess what? Our anniversary is on the 22nd! Well anyways... just a few days before that I will be attending the Pain of Salvation concert at PowerMad in Baltimore! Very very excited about that and even thinking about taking my girlfriend which would be weird as I'd feel responsible for her the whole time. Heh when she talked to Daniel Gildenlow from PoS once though he liked her so maybe she can get me backstage to hang with the band.

Anyways to post about Dream Theater. They are my favorite band. They are followed so very very very very closely by Pain of Salvation and Opeth. I jokingly refer to PoS and Opeth as my favorite Swedish bands as they both are. Dream Theater is phenomenal though. Their music is the best. Awake took me quite a few listens to seriously appreciate but it's great. For me my two favorites albums by them are Images and Words which is the best progressive album ever and Metropolis pt.2 Scenes from a Memory. The only album that you might want to steer clear of if you aren't a hardcore fan is Falling Into Infinity as the record label pressured them to right commercial stuff and it didn't turn out well. They moved on though and released one of the most amazing concept albums too and now the new cd is in the works and should be out January of 2002.

To rant about Pain of Salvation for a minute. This band is so amazing words can't begin to describe them. They have three cds and they are all concept albums. I literally cried listening to and understanding the stories behind One Hour by the Concrete Lake and Perfect Element pt.1. I have an immense amount of love and respect for this band and the composer of almost all of the music Daniel Gildenlow is my favorite.

Of course we all know about Opeth so I won't need to share my love of them.

Back on the topic of girls though I made it clear when I first started dating my girlfriend that guitar came first. Heh to bad it didn't work out as well as planned. I find myself putting down my axe to run and go out with her. Ooh well.. she appreciates my music and a girl who wants to sit and listen to me noodle around and shred for an hour is a very special thing. Though she likes the acoustic pieces I write more I think. She plays guitar too! What can I say I love bragging about her and how she actually knows what she is doing on the guitar. She may not be very technical but she knows more then any of the guy guitar players in her school I'd put my money on. Hell... ask the guitar players where I go to school what a mode is and they stare at you like a dumbass. Heh.. ooh well..
