GMD Book Club

The only three Shakespeare plays I've read are Romeo and Juliet (good), Macbeth (fucking awesome) and Hamlet (really fucking awesome)

Sorry man, I don't normally like to fix posts but this time it had to be done.

I have Romeo and Juiliet on my wall. The whole play printed on a poster. Yeah, it would be cooler if it was another play, but still cool.
Indeed. It was rare for my to like anything we were assigned to read in High School simply because I resented being required to read it.

Yeah, I had to read Hamlet senior year in AP English and hated it. I read it again in college for a class and thought it was better the second time around. It's a fucked up play, man.
Indeed. It was rare for my to like anything we were assigned to read in High School simply because I resented being required to read it.

No kidding, it was years after I graduated highschool before I even picked up a book again. The way highschools generally attempt to expose students to literature and music is horribly misguided and counter productive.
No kidding, it was years after I graduated highschool before I even picked up a book again. The way highschools generally attempt to expose students to literature and music is horribly misguided and counter productive.

So was it really resentment for you two? Maybe I was just high (I was), but for me I didn't resent anything. I just didn't want to do it, and often I didn't. I really wasn't thinking about it that deeply.

I probably had about a C average high school transcript, and that is not from getting all Cs, but from getting the whole range from A to F.

I am suspicious of the San Diego (California) education system, because I do not remember being required to read hardly any classic literature.
Some classic literature is garbage though and I don't blame those who already aren't fans of reading being turned off by some educational choices. Had to read the Canterbury Tales in college. Complete shit. But I have probably read a small libraries worth of books in my lifetime already so an aberration hasn't deterred me.

Stuff like Crime and Punishment is more in the classic strain.
Some classic literature is garbage though and I don't blame those who already aren't fans of reading being turned off by some educational choices. Had to read the Canterbury Tales in college. Complete shit. But I have probably read a small libraries worth of books in my lifetime already so an abberation hasn't deterred me.

Stuff like Crime and Punishment is more in the classic strain.

Another typical assinine Dakryn garbage post.
Hi sir. Would you mind explaining why this is an asinine post? Have you even read either book? Since spelling isn't your forte I would venture a "no".

Actually yes. I really don't concern myself too much with typing errors. It happens now and then.

I just think you are an asshole that likes attention. Negative or positive. You are a hypocrite.


Don't blindly criticize this dude because you see the popular kids fighting with him. I bet he is smarter and more educated than you and most of the people on here. The other people only criticize him because they disagree (which is a fail on their part).

Not 'blindly critizing" anyone. I'll disagree with you on the smarter and more educated part as well. Just because someone spews large amounts of nonsense using big words does not make them smarter or more educated. Just makes them sound like a moron.
Actually yes. I really don't concern myself too much with typing errors. It happens now and then.

I just think you are an asshole that likes attention. Negative or positive. You are a hypocrite.

Not 'blindly critizing" anyone. I'll disagree with you on the smarter and more educated part as well. Just because someone spews large amounts of nonsense using big words does not make them smarter or more educated. Just makes them sound like a moron.

Main Entry: hyp·o·crite
Pronunciation: \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
Date: 13th century
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings


Just because someone spews large amounts of nonsense using big words

Big words? Like ed-u-ca-tion-al? :Smug: