GMD Poll: Exodus's Discography Ranked


Active Member
Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Directions: Rank Exodus's studio albums. Order and number each album 1-10. Ties are OK. Your first place album earns 10 points, your second place album earns 9 points, etc.

  • You may rank as few as 6 albums. Lists with less than 6 albums will not be counted.
  • If you list less than 10 albums, the first placed album will still get 10 points, the last placed album will still get 1 point, and the albums in between will have points distributed proportionately. The average points earned for albums that are not listed will not be impacted positively or negatively, so if you don't rank an album, you neither help it or hurt it.
At the end, the albums will be ranked based on their average number of points per vote.

You have until Tuesday, August 28th to finalize your list, re-familiarize yourself albums you haven’t heard in awhile, familiarize yourself with albums you haven’t heard at all, lobby for any albums you think are underrated, and lobby against any albums you think are overrated.

And please, no pseudo-Machiavelli shit. Just rank them as you see them.

Bonded by Blood (1985)
Pleasures of the Flesh (1987)
Fabulous Disaster (1989)
Impact is Imminent (1990)
Force of Habit (1992)
Tempo of the Damned (2004)
Shovel Headed Kill Machine (2005)
Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A (2007)
Exhibit B: The Human Condition (2010)
Blood in Blood Out (2014)
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1. Bonded by Blood - a genre-defining masterpiece and the finest B-side in all of metal, 10/10
2. Fabulous Disaster - wide riffing palette, tons of hooks, great sound, about as good as late-80s "just thrash" gets, 9/10
3. Tempo of the Damned - a bit dumb and gets hated on for the Sneap production but too much fun to hate, not a single weak song here, even the tough guy rapping parts are awesome, 8/10
4. Pleasures of the Flesh - a couple weaker songs and limp production hurt it, but still strong overall and probably peak H-team leads-wise, 7/10
5. Impact is Imminent - the longer songs tend to be overlong and The Lunatic Parade is retarded, but Changing of the Guard is one of their very best songs and there's plenty of other great ones mixed in, 7/10
6. Blood in Blood Out - surprisingly solid comeback, not much to complain about though it's not an amazing album, 6/10
7. Force of Habit - the bad songs are awful but there's still at least 30 minutes of great music to be found in here, 5/10
8. Shovel Headed Kill Machine - I don't mind/blame Dukes himself but when he joined the fun-factor left and meathead grooves need to be fun, 4/10
9. Exhibit B: The Human Condition - only listened to this one twice at most but I seem to remember it was more forgettable than bad, 3/10
10. Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A - Children of a Worthless God is a good song, but the title track is the worst thing Holt's ever written, this is Exodus suffering from peak Steve Harris syndrome, so many 8+ minute songs and it's not justified at all, 2/10

Something close to that. Last three could change upon a relisten.
Bonded by Blood
Fabulous Disaster
Tempo of the Damned
Pleasures of the Flesh
The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
Impact is Imminent
Force of Habit
Shovel Headed Kill Machine

Force of Habit and Shovel Headed might switch places. I only heard Blood In Blood Out once so not sure how I'd rank it but I remember really liking it. I actually really liked Exhibit A when it came out but never bothered with The Human Condition on account of hearing one song and nearly fell asleep it was so boring.
1 - Bonded By Blood
2 - Pleasures of the Flesh
3 - Fabulous Disaster
4 - The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
4 - Exhibit B: The Human Condition
4 - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
7 - Blood In Blood Out
8 - Impact Is Imminent

BBB is a 3.5 album at best and the rest of their discography pretty much sucks ass.

Need to listen to Blood In Blood Out again but i remembering it being so bad last time that i couldn't make it through the whole thing
Bonded by Blood (1985)
Fabulous Disaster (1989)
Pleasures of the Flesh (1987)
Tempo of the Damned (2004)
Impact is Imminent (1990)
Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A (2007)
Force of Habit (1992)
Shovel Headed Kill Machine (2005)
Exhibit B: The Human Condition (2010)
Blood in Blood Out (2014)
Impact is Imminent will be #2 for me unless a relisten proves otherwise. I'm waiting for Exhibit A to arrive to rank and I haven't even heard Force of Habit at all

List for now:

Bonded by Blood
Fabulous Disaster
Tempo of the Damned
Pleasures of the Flesh
Impact is Imminent
Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Blood In, Blood Out

It's not a masterpiece, but I wouldn't compare it to Beneath the Remains like that.

I love BTR but I lol'd. Schizophrenia is the best Sepultura album though.
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Bonded by Blood (1985)
Pleasures of the Flesh (1987)
Shovel Headed Kill Machine (2005)
Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A (2007)
Impact is Imminent (1990)
Exhibit B: The Human Condition (2010)
Tempo of the Damned (2004)
Blood in Blood Out (2014)
Force of Habit (1992)
Fabulous Disaster (1989)
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1) Bonded by Blood
2) Tempo of the Damned
3) Pleasures of the Flesh
4) Fabulous Disaster
5) Blood In Blood Out
6) Impact is Imminent
7) Shove Headed Kill Machine
8) Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
9) Exhibit B: The Human Condition
10)Force of Habit
1. Pleasures of the Flesh
2. Impact Is Imminent
3. Bonded by Blood
4. Fabulous Disaster
5. Blood in Blood Out
6. Tempo of the Damned
7. Force of Habit
8. Exhibit B: The Human Condition
9. Shovel Headed Kill Machine
10. The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A

Impact Is Imminent is punk as fuck, pretty close to #1 for me.
1. Pleasures of the Flesh
2. Bonded by Blood
3. Tempo of the Damned
4. Fabulous Disaster
5. Impact is Imminent
6. Blood in Blood Out

Have to relisten to the rest.
1. Impact Is Imminent (1990)
2. Fabulous Disaster (1989)
3. Bonded By Blood (1985)
4. Blood In Blood Out (2014)
5. Exhibit B: The Human Condition (2010)
6. Shovel Headed Kill Machine (2005)
7. Tempo Of The Damned (2004)
8. Pleasures Of The Flesh (1987)
9. Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A (2007)
10. Force Of Habit. (1992)
1 - Bonded by Blood
2 - Pleasures of the Flesh
3 - Tempo of the Damned
4 - Blood In Blood Out
5 - Fabulous Disaster
6 - Impact is Imminent
7 - Shove Headed Kill Machine
8 - Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
9 - Exhibit B: The Human Condition
10 - Force of Habit
It's a masterpiece.

Last Act of Defiance - fast with hardcore grooves, punctuated beatdown vocals, pure aggro
Fabulous Disaster - crazy riffing that I can't even classify
Toxic Waltz - dumb chugs but a fun anthem
Low Rider - cover, you can skip it if you hate it (I love it)
Cajun Hell - also dumb chugs but more of a driving vibe and tempo, nails that "Cletus strutting through his turf lookin' fer a skull to bash" atmosphere
Like Father, Like Son - big doom-thrash song, a tad repetitive/overlong but still greeat
Corruption - proto-Pantera, lots of syncopation
Verbal Razors - loose speed-swinging/thrash-bluegrass ala Megadeth at their best
Open Season - high-precision triplet chuggery that a lot of death/thrash bands like to copy

Nearly every song has a totally different feel while retaining a balance of fun and aggression. Most thrash bands would struggle to showcase even half the riffing diversity. Horrorscope is the only album in the same ballpark that can equal it.